Could anyone help? The reconfiguration phase of the MOP installer has finished but I have to download a 7.49gb patch anyone else have this problem?
That's intended.
One more to go. I have a couple 85s on other servers. I could transfer/faction change an 85 warlock over but I don't mind leveling another one. Going to level a monk for my last open slot when mop comes out.
One more to go. I have a couple 85s on other servers. I could transfer/faction change an 85 warlock over but I don't mind leveling another one. Going to level a monk for my last open slot when mop comes out.
Elemental shaman impressions a friend just sent me:
I'm terrified to come back home and try it now :-(
Why are people hating on this patch over on the forum?
I thought everyone liked it?
The only part I don't like is the new spellbook, and you only have to dig through it once...
Either blizz nerfed DS. Or dps overall got insanely buffed because we blew thru DS in record time on every boss. Even on Ultrax we had 3 people die to fading light because they didnt update thier dbm and we still downed it. ( not talking about lfr )
He's saying they suck? :<
Damn, who's your main?
Dammit, i quit for over 6months now, and this is making me wanna try it out again.
I have 3 Geared toons.
and a geared lvl 80 Druid.
I dunno what to do.
He's saying it's broken and sucks. Not broken in a pre-expansion patch way, broken in a "they don't know what the fuck they're doing with it" way.
I'll make my own opinion in a few hours when I get home.
So what do we need to do in order to get the account wide achievements/mounts etc... just login to every character?
So what do we need to do in order to get the account wide achievements/mounts etc... just login to every character?
Oh, so DS can be done cross-realm now.....
It's always been cross realm.
So after trying out the new talents/glyphs/etc, what is everyone planning on doing for the remainder of the time up to the expansion launch?
Figuring out how to use Power Auras.
Figuring out how to use Power Auras.
So after trying out the new talents/glyphs/etc, what is everyone planning on doing for the remainder of the time up to the expansion launch?
What is that?
PowerAuras is busted. Use Weak Auras.
My Bear had a giant Dodge nerf in the form of 17%! It made Heroic Yor'Sahj a nightmare to do last night. Yor'Sahj was made even more difficult, on account of Frenzied Regeneration being glyphed and, therefore, requiring the aid of healz (which was not possible, due to the purple ooze).Loving my Druid Bear. Hits like a truck and now I seem to have more interrupts than I can keep track of. All of my minor glyphs are a lot of fun.
Try turning down your shadows a notch or two. This normally the biggest killer to FPS.Still crazy lag in battlesWhat sucks is the game is perfectly fine as long as I'm not in combat.
I think it's supposed to work, he just changed the whole UI and where all the options are. I think he also renamed a bunch of stuff.
Spent the last 40 minutes trying to get something show up and I've no idea what I'm doing wrong.