So now I have a geared Guardian Druid at 85 and a Protection Paladin that just hit 85 today. Pondering what to do with the Paladin. I loved Prot when leveling up, but since 5.0.4, the Druid is just so much more fun to play. It just feels like I'm fumbling with buttons all the time on my Paladin now that the cooldowns are so long, and positioning is, as always, a giant pain. (I accept that threat is a problem since I'm ungeared and playing with epic geared 85's.)
Since I am enjoying the bear much more than the Paladin when tanking, and I hate the way Retribution plays, I feel kind of stuck. It's kind of compounded by the fact that my partner doesn't seem to know what to do in MoP.. he has a Druid, a Priest, a Paladin, and a Mage all at 85, and a Rogue, Hunter, Warrior, Shaman, and Warlock between 80 and 84. He has massive experience and could do anything, but doesn't seem to be committing. Most of the time he's on his Shaman or Priest healing me through dungeons, since we get instant queue pops 24 hours a day, but I have no idea if that's what he intends to keep doing when MoP lands. Neither of us are going to go crazy looking for realm first achievements or anything.. just looking to have the best experience with the new expansion.