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World of Warcraft |OT3|

Argus. I doubt it will be a Burning Legion expansion unless its the last one they have in the pipeline. Sargeras is still the big bad of the series and I have my doubts they want to do anything but have him as the Raid Boss at Level 100.

Yeah I always figured that Sargeras would be the farewell for WoW as Blizzard transitions to Titan. I'm really not sure what they'll do for the next expansion. I've had a hard time following all the lore, especially since I was gone for all of WotLK and just came back a few months ago. Essentially all major members of the Scourge are gone and the primary evil dragons are as well. There doesn't seem to be any room on the main map for new continents unless they put one where the maelstrom currently sits. I honestly think they're going to end up re-purposing old zones again similar to how they did with Cataclysm. There are already plenty of different leveling routes. They could always just take a few of those zones and make them part of a new Burning Legion invasion that would lead to an encounter with maybe an old figure that has been manipulated and/or strengthened by Sargeras. Basically make a few places like AQ, Blackrock Mountain, and other important places in late-game vanilla WoW, and turn them into strongholds for the Burning Legion. It would be one last time to defend Azeroth before the final expansion, where both Alliance and Horde team up to take down Sargeras.


Argus. I doubt it will be a Burning Legion expansion unless its the last one they have in the pipeline. Sargeras is still the big bad of the series and I have my doubts they want to do anything but have him as the Raid Boss at Level 100.

Going to spoil just in case.
Wrathion believes that our planet is in for a reckoning the likes of which we've never before seen ... and it has nothing to do with the war between Alliance and Horde. Believe he shows Azeroth getting pelted by fireballs.

The new RFC points towards Orcs dicking around with demon blood again.

It was also mentioned that Kazaak could possibly be making a return soon. I think this was during Blizzcon, so may have just been random bullshit.

And on Ghostcrawler's twitter someone asked about the Burning Legion, he said while some are focused on the war between the Alliance and Horde others look towards the future; people are assuming he's talking about Wrathion

Kil'Jaeden, Azshara, & Mal'Ganis would be the big bads. Save Sargeras for the Titan expansion, because you know there will be one! Blizzard should just hire me. Already have the pre-release event figured out, Demons invade Orgrimmar & Naga invade Stormwind. You're welcome Blizzard give me money.

Edit: Looks like Panda NPCs and Monk trainers are starting to pop up in starting zones now!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Going to spoil just in case.
Wrathion believes that our planet is in for a reckoning the likes of which we've never before seen ... and it has nothing to do with the war between Alliance and Horde. Believe he shows Azeroth getting pelted by fireballs.

The new RFC points towards Orcs dicking around with demon blood again.

It was also mentioned that Kazaak could possibly be making a return soon. I think this was during Blizzcon, so may have just been random bullshit.

And on Ghostcrawler's twitter someone asked about the Burning Legion, he said while some are focused on the war between the Alliance and Horde others look towards the future; people are assuming he's talking about Wrathion

Kil'Jaeden, Azshara, & Mal'Ganis would be the big bads. Save Sargeras for the Titan expansion, because you know there will be one! Blizzard should just hire me. Already have the pre-release event figured out, Demons invade Orgrimmar & Naga invade Stormwind. You're welcome Blizzard give me money.

Edit: Looks like Panda NPCs and Monk trainers are starting to pop up in starting zones now!
Those two things sound too similar.


Vashj'ir dude...it was amazing and beautiful and unique.

I am also a really big fan of Uldum. They were able to create another desert zone but one that felt completely different than Tanaris, Silithus, etc.

It was amazing, and beautiful, and unique. For all of 30 seconds. Then you realize the quests suck and enemies attacking you from every direction suck even more. I can't believe I had to do that place just to get the awesome transmog armor I wanted. D:
Edit: Looks like Panda NPCs and Monk trainers are starting to pop up in starting zones now!
They've been there since the release of 5.0.4. Made a Tauren Paladin on patch day and saw the monk trainer standing there. It was strange to see them there considering where we are in the storyline.


They've been there since the release of 5.0.4. Made a Tauren Paladin on patch day and saw the monk trainer standing there. It was strange to see them there considering where we are in the storyline.

Hmm, must have just added them to the zones missing the npcs. I know the orc zone didn't have any last week.


Edit: Looks like Panda NPCs and Monk trainers are starting to pop up in starting zones now!

Yeah, that came with the patch (note how the starting zones have maps now too), but the one that stands out the most is the Forsaken one. Called "Ting, Strong of Stomach", there's a funny little scene that plays out with her and a Forsaken fellow that is disappointed with the results of the drink he gives her.

"She should be a pile of bones and slime! Strong of stomach, indeed..."


I'm really liking the CRZ, purely because of the people that try to gank and fail miserably. Had some mage get me to 50% while I was alt tabbed, tabbed back in and killed him. Think I might focus more on pvp in MoP. Have never really bothered.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


Penance finally nerfed. Not too bad, just no longer hitting for >100% of mob and player HPs.

Had to happen, it was too ridiculous.

Fun while it lasted though.

On the topic of moves that seem way too powerful, Blood Boil is still insane even after the scaling nerf.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
that is fucking amazing. That guy has a ton of time on his hands, and probably should work for blizzard.

I think you meant to quote the guy that actually posted the link lol

Yeah, its pretty cool, my hope for 4.2 was basically the Firelands we got plus a smaller raid in Abyssal Maw, but then we got nothing. Remember there was a War of the Ancients raid planned that never got done either; I'm fairly certain Well of Eternity is mostly the assets they started to make up for it given that it involves some actual new skins (although the structures are of course all the same).


CRZ has made the jousting portion of the Argent Tourney dailies so much nicer. Always people there and just swap killing each others combatants.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yeah I always figured that Sargeras would be the farewell for WoW as Blizzard transitions to Titan. I'm really not sure what they'll do for the next expansion. I've had a hard time following all the lore, especially since I was gone for all of WotLK and just came back a few months ago. Essentially all major members of the Scourge are gone and the primary evil dragons are as well. There doesn't seem to be any room on the main map for new continents unless they put one where the maelstrom currently sits. I honestly think they're going to end up re-purposing old zones again similar to how they did with Cataclysm. There are already plenty of different leveling routes. They could always just take a few of those zones and make them part of a new Burning Legion invasion that would lead to an encounter with maybe an old figure that has been manipulated and/or strengthened by Sargeras. Basically make a few places like AQ, Blackrock Mountain, and other important places in late-game vanilla WoW, and turn them into strongholds for the Burning Legion. It would be one last time to defend Azeroth before the final expansion, where both Alliance and Horde team up to take down Sargeras.

I refuse to believe Titan is real.


Nah Titan is a facebook game.

Hah so question was just asked in the Q&A going on right now:

Will there be an appearance of the Burning Legion in the end of MoP?
The threat of the Burning Legion is still out there, and it's very much a threat to Azeroth. The mortal races are mostly focused on the current war, but not everyone has forgotten about what's out there and the challenges to come... Wrathion, in particular, is already trying to look ahead.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So where do you go to solo the Theramore scenario? I'm not waiting 18 mins to do something that can be done alone. I just want the tabard.


They've already said they will keep making expansions as long as people are still playing. I don't think theres any chance in hell they send WoW off with Sargeras or whatever. They will keep making up new lore and add new continents forever as long as people are paying/playing.


The Theramore ruins looks kinda cool. I thought it was going to be half assed like the scenario itself. But it does look like it got hit with a bomb, some buildings on fire, and a huge arcane crater in the middle.


The Theramore ruins looks kinda cool. I thought it was going to be half assed like the scenario itself. But it does look like it got hit with a bomb, some buildings on fire, and a huge arcane crater in the middle.

Alcaz Island has also been evacuated if you've done the event. Wonder if they have plans for it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I think when trying to figure out what the next expansion will be, it's wise to look at overall themes of the previous expansions.

Vanilla: classic fantasy
BC: demons/sci-fi
WOTLK: Nordic
CATA: apocalypse
MOP: Asian

So what remains to be created?
The actual theme of Catalcysm was nothing. It's just 5 random themepark zones.


They've already said they will keep making expansions as long as people are still playing. I don't think theres any chance in hell they send WoW off with Sargeras or whatever. They will keep making up new lore and add new continents forever as long as people are paying/playing.

The loss of subscribers was merely a setback.
What is everyone's advice to finding a good, fun guild?

I had enough of my current GM and co-GM's aggressive raiding atmosphere and air of superiority. Rather than addressing the issue(s) or mechanic(s) that went wrong, they choose to yell and shout at the person. An unfortunate side effect to this, is that the leaders think they are glory-bound without putting in the effort towards communication, strategy, and coordination. Simply put, they create an unhealthy and not very fun atmosphere. I hear them week after week yell at others and tonight marked the second time they've unfairly blamed me for something that wasn't my fault (OT wasn't blowing their CDs or speaking up about assisted CDs).


What is everyone's advice to finding a good, fun guild?

Do you have any friends to play with? I've been raiding since BWL but the most fun I had with it was in Cata when myself and friends I had made over the years formed our own guild. Constantly within the top 5 guilds on the server and we never had any lame drama or anything since everyone always got along with each other, and we all played very well together, worked out problems reasonably, etc.

I'm honestly not sure what to suggest otherwise, I am sort of in a similar boat. My crew decided to server xfer and faction change for mists and since I have no interest whatsoever in playing Horde I didn't go with them. Honestly think my plan is to just find a level 25 guild to join, hiding gchat if I can't stand people and then playing casually/doing LFR with alts and stuff. It's pretty hard to meet fun new people at this point in WoW I've found.


No really strong advice, since what everyone looks for in a guild is different. You can't force comradery, it has to grow organically. I know people that try to be social super fast and don't fit in, some that try to be social and do fit in...it's just different for each individual and each guild. :/ not super helpful I know. I do think you'll know quickly if a guild has POTENTIAL for you to fit in though, and then you give it time tos ee if you actually do fit in.
I can't believe it, blizz actually admitted they fucked up with the Theramore scenario.

The story of Tides of War is really interesting. I don't think players can get engaged if they have no idea what's happening, the bomb dropping is really anticlimactic. I felt a bit disappointed so little got included in the scenario. Was this because of lack of time, of developers or because you rather keep all that info in the novels.
I've been watching the Theramore feedback closely, and this comment seems pretty universal. We tried to keep everything all in the scenario, to make it really self-contained, but not burden it with lots of story that you have to slog through every time you played the scenario. It's pretty clear from the feedback that people wanted more story. We should've surrounded the scenarios with more quests or explanations to help round out the story for the people who wanted to know what exactly was happening. Lesson learned!

Are we going to get more story-telling in scenarios? The Theramore scenario was lackluster compared to the book, key story elements haven't even been address in-game yet.(Kirin Tor leader)
I addressed this earlier, but keep in mind that we want scenarios to be replayable. We definitely didn't want to burden them with tons of story that you have to wade through every time you play it. As I said for Theramore, people obviously wanted more context, which probably was best served by some one-time quests on either end of the scenario. That's a lesson we're pulling forward.


I think they've got the right solution if they do that. Story during the missions would tank replayability, but having story the first time is a good improvement.


They really should have had some quests leading up to it, if you don't follow the lore closely you aren't really given any context as to why any of this is happening. Plus, a lot of the quest chains that lead to instances are some of the more fun ones in the game. The ZG quest chain when it was re-added in Cata is probably my favorite set of quests in the entire expansion, it did a good job at setting up the stage and I just felt like I was doing something meaningful.

I don't even think they needed to do much, either. I could see the alliance one being just a few quests long where you are asked to head to theramore for some arbitrary reason but on the way you see the bomb go off in the distance. You get asked to investigate, and after doing the scenario, you get a follow up quest that explains what happens. They've done it plenty in the past, not sure why they avoided it here.


Penance finally nerfed. Not too bad, just no longer hitting for >100% of mob and player HPs.

I just rolled a Disc Priest today actually. I wasn't aware Penance was stronger before - while soloing and running dungeons it still seemed plenty effective to me. I ran the first dungeon as a DPS and did double the damage of anyone else, then later as a healer did 65K damage (using SW:pain, Smite and Penance), 30K healing and 25K absorbed by Shadow Word: Shield, over the course of a dungeon.

If that was a 60% nerf to Penance, then there's no way it wasn't broken before. That Priest still does equal or better DPS to my Affliction Warlock at the same level, and my Druid's damage in Restoration was pathetic by comparison.


I just rolled a Disc Priest today actually. I wasn't aware Penance was stronger before - while soloing and running dungeons it still seemed plenty effective to me. I ran the first dungeon as a DPS and did double the damage of anyone else, then later as a healer did 65K damage (using SW:pain, Smite and Penance), 30K healing and 25K absorbed by Shadow Word: Shield, over the course of a dungeon.

If that was a 60% nerf to Penance, then there's no way it wasn't broken before. That Priest still does equal or better DPS to my Affliction Warlock at the same level, and my Druid's damage in Restoration was pathetic by comparison.

They were able to just one shot anyone in pvp, EASILY. was pretty entertaining.


Its a shame that they cant find a balance between 1 shotting people and wet noodle. Same goes for all the healer offensive spells. I get that they dont want healers to be stronger than dps and be able to heal but the damage you do in all of the resto specs is worthless. On top of that the lower level dungeons are so cake that I basically had 95% overheal doing the bare minimum that I could get away with. 1 rejuv tick would basically heal everyone full from 15-80. The rest of the time I am dpsing my ass off with wrath and keeping moonfire up single target and I am aoeing packs of mobs with 50% haste after swiftmends doing 1/4 the dps of an actual dps. Not very rewarding or interesting.

However if you are up to it you can switch to balance and use that glyph that lets you cast healing spells as a moonkin. You get a pretty limited healing toolset but I was able to heal a lot of dungeons just as a boomkin and your dps is a lot better.


I'd like to start seeing more "Race Leakage" in Warcraft going forward. What do I mean by this?

The Consortium, for instance. I half expected to see them in Uldum, looking for new riches to trade on the dimensional market or wherever they go. Similarly, I would have expected some quests in the redone Tanaris that involved the Tol'vir. Maybe a small camp of them that have begun to explore outside their walls. But no, nothing. Uldum was right next to Tanaris, yet the two never looked at each other.

Why, when facing the Lich King, did Tirion not convince a couple of Naaru to watch over the battles and bless the troops? Imagine how could that would have been.

Why have a few brave Taunka that might be able to handle the heat not sailed back to Kalimdor from Northrend with the Horde?

Everything feels so seperate and I'd like to see less of that.


I have to admit that I enjoyed just hitting Rejuv every ten seconds or so to heal my way through 1~83 on my RAF druid. Was able to churn through a lot of stuff on the side as I leveled.


I just rolled a Disc Priest today actually. I wasn't aware Penance was stronger before - while soloing and running dungeons it still seemed plenty effective to me. I ran the first dungeon as a DPS and did double the damage of anyone else, then later as a healer did 65K damage (using SW:pain, Smite and Penance), 30K healing and 25K absorbed by Shadow Word: Shield, over the course of a dungeon.

If that was a 60% nerf to Penance, then there's no way it wasn't broken before. That Priest still does equal or better DPS to my Affliction Warlock at the same level, and my Druid's damage in Restoration was pathetic by comparison.

It was completely broken before. From about level 1-77, I was one-shotting mobs with Penance. In Dungeons, it would peel off 60% of an elite mobs HP while healing the tank for over twice their health. It was absolutely silly. Even with the nerf, it's better than it used to be.
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