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World of Warcraft |OT3|


No One Remembers
I'd like to start seeing more "Race Leakage" in Warcraft going forward. What do I mean by this?

The Consortium, for instance. I half expected to see them in Uldum, looking for new riches to trade on the dimensional market or wherever they go. Similarly, I would have expected some quests in the redone Tanaris that involved the Tol'vir. Maybe a small camp of them that have begun to explore outside their walls. But no, nothing. Uldum was right next to Tanaris, yet the two never looked at each other.

Why, when facing the Lich King, did Tirion not convince a couple of Naaru to watch over the battles and bless the troops? Imagine how could that would have been.

Why have a few brave Taunka that might be able to handle the heat not sailed back to Kalimdor from Northrend with the Horde?

Everything feels so seperate and I'd like to see less of that.

I agree. :\ Blizzard always says the "They had their time in the spotlight, time to move on". That's fine and dandy, but they don't even get mentioned after that. When was the last time you heard anything about the Draenei?!
I feel like a complete retard, but how do you start the Theramore scenerio? I walked around Theramore and it is empty. The signal to noise ratio when searching for the answer online does not help me find the answer to this basic question.


I love when Blizzard rolls you server back, losing an entire level.

I feel like a complete retard, but how do you start the Theramore scenerio? I walked around Theramore and it is empty. The signal to noise ratio when searching for the answer online does not help me find the answer to this basic question.

Looking for Group function -> Scenario tab.


Neo Member
I feel like a complete retard, but how do you start the Theramore scenerio? I walked around Theramore and it is empty. The signal to noise ratio when searching for the answer online does not help me find the answer to this basic question.

When you open dungeon finder there is a new tab called 'scenarios'. Click Theramore and queue for it as you would a normal dungeon.


I feel like a complete retard, but how do you start the Theramore scenerio? I walked around Theramore and it is empty. The signal to noise ratio when searching for the answer online does not help me find the answer to this basic question.

Hit I to open your LFG interface, it's a new option there.


did they make the scenario harder? just tried it now (2nd time) and we wiped twice... :\

I feel like a complete retard, but how do you start the Theramore scenerio? I walked around Theramore and it is empty. The signal to noise ratio when searching for the answer online does not help me find the answer to this basic question.



Unconfirmed Member
did they make the scenario harder? just tried it now (2nd time) and we wiped twice... :\
HP of all enemies was increased recently. But that's it, nothing else changed (as far as I know).

Ah, Entropia beat me to it.


Any Retribution Paladins here that can offer some advice on what stats we go for in MoP? I have always gone for Strength first of course and still do then next was hit, mastery and expertise(can't remember which was first). Now I see a "crutch" tool I use saying haste now.


MoP had rekindled my interest in WoW and I'm coming back to the game after not playing in many years. The last time I played seriously was near the release of WoTLK. I'm switching from Horde to Alliance and I'm starting a toon from scratch since so much has changed about the game since I last played. It will be like playing an almost new game for me.

My question concerns Monks vs. Paladins. I've always enjoyed healing and tanking and both of these classes give me the opportunity to do both, as well as DPS if I should desire. In the past I've played a Paladin tank and really enjoy the AOE tanking style of the class.

How does the Monk tanking style compare?

As for healing, I played a Paladin healer in Burning Crusade and I realize that Paladin healing mechanics have changed A LOT since then.

How do Monk and Paladin healing mechanics compare?

Any other suggestions or words of advice for someone returning to the game after several years?


Sorry for being a lazy bastard and not just researching this myself, but how are Hunters in recent updates or the MoP beta? When I last played (4.3.3) they were pretty nerfed in terms of dps.


Are any GAFfers on the RP realms?

I was curious about what they're like.

From reading WOWinsider, it seems like people role-play stuff like getting adopted by other players, marriage, having more kids, sex and relationships, etc.

That's... a little weird right? :|


No One Remembers
Are any GAFfers on the RP realms?

I was curious about what they're like.

From reading WOWinsider, it seems like people role-play stuff like getting adopted by other players, marriage, having more kids, sex and relationships, etc.

That's... a little weird right? :|

I don't but chat with others that do. And yeah, that stuff does down.

I was chatting with one friend (female) the other week. She was telling me how she had a Master/Student relationship with this one guy. There was a duel, she lost it and it eventually RPed into like... basically a domination/humiliation sex thing. Though that was done in tells between them and not out in the open.


I don't but chat with others that do. And yeah, that stuff does down.

I was chatting with one friend (female) the other week. She was telling me how she had a Master/Student relationship with this one guy. There was a duel, she lost it and it eventually RPed into like... basically a domination/humiliation sex thing. Though that was done in tells between them and not out in the open.

Someone somewhere in the vast deep halls of Blizzard HQ has to have been reading that...


Junior Member
MoP had rekindled my interest in WoW and I'm coming back to the game after not playing in many years. The last time I played seriously was near the release of WoTLK. I'm switching from Horde to Alliance and I'm starting a toon from scratch since so much has changed about the game since I last played. It will be like playing an almost new game for me.

My question concerns Monks vs. Paladins. I've always enjoyed healing and tanking and both of these classes give me the opportunity to do both, as well as DPS if I should desire. In the past I've played a Paladin tank and really enjoy the AOE tanking style of the class.

How does the Monk tanking style compare?

As for healing, I played a Paladin healer in Burning Crusade and I realize that Paladin healing mechanics have changed A LOT since then.

How do Monk and Paladin healing mechanics compare?

Any other suggestions or words of advice for someone returning to the game after several years?
I dunno if you want to start out as a monk. I heard they're going to be released in a very weak state.
Thanks for the answer. I knew it would be obvious. I rolled through that scenario so fast I wonder if I could solo it (Bear Druid). Even on the worst pull with adds up the ying yang, I never dropped below half health with no healer. Most of the time, my health bar never even moved.

Fun little event though!
I queued up for the Theramore scenario twice yesterday. Both times I was not paired up with a tank. Are we expected to be able to clear that scenario without a tank? No way do I plan on corpse walking my way through that event.
I queued up for the Theramore scenario twice yesterday. Both times I was not paired up with a tank. Are we expected to be able to clear that scenario without a tank? No way do I plan on corpse walking my way through that event.

Not having a healer can be an even bigger problem. I am finding there is a lot of personal responsibility when doing these scenarios. Whatever your class - make sure you are dropping aggro and popping cooldowns as much as possible. All classes have some "oh shit" buttons and a lot of classes (BM hunter, demo lock etc.) have quasi-tank specs.

You can clear it with any three people, just luck of the draw. I've been having a lot of fun doing it on my mage, though. It's almost like PvP, where control is especially important. Of course if you get grouped with a geared tank it's a cakewalk, but I like that they make you think depending on who you're grouped with.
Blizz has said Scenarios are intended basically be PvE Battlegrounds, so it sounds like they succeeded.


I queued up for the Theramore scenario twice yesterday. Both times I was not paired up with a tank. Are we expected to be able to clear that scenario without a tank? No way do I plan on corpse walking my way through that event.

You can clear it with any three people, just luck of the draw. I've been having a lot of fun doing it on my mage, though. It's almost like PvP, where control is especially important. Of course if you get grouped with a geared tank it's a cakewalk, but I like that they make you think depending on who you're grouped with.


With regards to Scenarios, remember that your abilities that don't normally work on bosses will work on the "bosses" in here. You can do more in a Scenario than you can in a dungeon.

Also, the level 90 Scenarios all have NPC healers so having a player healer is far less important. You might have a Pandaren following you around that throws kegs on the ground that leave a green circle which, when stood in, heals players to full, for example. I really don't know why the Theramore one doesn't have an NPC healer, to be honest.


I have to admit that I enjoyed just hitting Rejuv every ten seconds or so to heal my way through 1~83 on my RAF druid. Was able to churn through a lot of stuff on the side as I leveled.

All I have to do on my Disc Priest is keep SW: Shield on the tank and sometimes a melee DPS. On bosses, I keep SW: Shield up and heal player pets. Other than that I'm doing DPS rotation.


Really cool that they added WotLK to the Battle Chest.

Sorry for being a lazy bastard and not just researching this myself, but how are Hunters in recent updates or the MoP beta? When I last played (4.3.3) they were pretty nerfed in terms of dps.

Hunters are always great dps for at least 1 spec, survival was fantastic during 4.3.3. You might have to swap specs to do the most damage. I think Beast Mastery is looking best right now.

I dunno if you want to start out as a monk. I heard they're going to be released in a very weak state.

Not true, they were too good and had their stamina, base stagger and energy regen reduced a bit. They'll still be perfectly fine tanks if played right.

And the dps and healing will be fine as well. Contrary to popular belief almost all specs in this game are competitive and raid viable below the highest levels of play (where class stacking is sometimes required).


Contrary to popular belief almost all specs in this game are competitive and raid viable below the highest levels of play (where class stacking is sometimes required).

You realize that you just said that everything is viable until everything is played properly, right.

If your main point was that monks are fine to play casually, though, that's awesome to hear. I've been eyeballing one.


All I hear about WW monks these days is how bad Fists of Fury is.

Are any GAFfers on the RP realms?

I was curious about what they're like.

From reading WOWinsider, it seems like people role-play stuff like getting adopted by other players, marriage, having more kids, sex and relationships, etc.

That's... a little weird right? :|
I play on a rp-pvp server right now and I don't think I've seen a single person roleplay (maybe they keep to the fringes). Most people just stay on the server because of the world pvp, or so it goes. Lots of try hard trolls and tools.
Okay that's neat that Wrath is finally in the Battlechest. Should mean that my second account gets free Wrath (which is nice since I bought it for only $5 way back on a Black Friday deal or something). Still think I may scroll myself with that account. No real downside since the 30 day sub money will go straight back to my main account, and I'll get the mount(s) + a free 80 and Cata upgrade on the alt account, who I can have in reserve to maybe transfer sometime if I ever need to.


All I hear about WW monks these days is how bad Fists of Fury is.

I play on a rp-pvp server right now and I don't think I've seen a single person roleplay (maybe they keep to the fringes). Most people just stay on the server because of the world pvp, or so it goes. Lots of try hard trolls and tools.

Go to Goldshire and you'll surely see a naked human with a cat druid.


You realize that you just said that everything is viable until everything is played properly, right.

If your main point was that monks are fine to play casually, though, that's awesome to hear. I've been eyeballing one.

I mean to say all monk specs will be fine for raiding for the majority of the playerbase, but I can't speak for hardcore raiders.

TheYanger would be a better person to ask about how a high end guild is viewing the state of monks, how many monks and what specs they're going to have for progression.


Modesty becomes a woman
To be fair, who the hell would want to? That's like torture given the content is already piss poor easy at the required level in greens...

I wouldn't ever do the content on my maxed out Druid. It's just asking for boredom.

I've been doing Loremaster to curb boredom, it's working well.
Boy I really wish they'd move Metzen to cleaning floors or something. His storytelling and character developments are the worst part of every Blizzard game.



I mean to say all monk specs will be fine for raiding for the majority of the playerbase, but I can't speak for hardcore raiders.

TheYanger would be a better person to ask about how a high end guild is viewing the state of monks, how many monks and what specs they're going to have for progression.
unless you're going for world firsts it won't matter. its pretty rare even as top twenty us that we have to sit certain classes for any fight, in terms of patchwork dps monks are goods enough. tanks and healers area both fine.


Why do I feel so wary signing up for something on Openraid. It feels like I'm asking out a girl and affraid of rejection or something. I'm so afriad of signing up and fucking up completely that I've just been not signing up. :/

I should just bite the bullet and do it already.


All I hear about WW monks these days is how bad Fists of Fury is.

A rotational, high dps channeled melee attack. It's not as big a deal as anyone makes it out to be, even if you won't be using it regularly while leveling. Finding an opening in a boss fight where it's most viable is going to be an interesting thing to keep track of for the spec.


I know this is old news to most of you folks, but I just got the scorpion mount. Haven't been in the guild for that long. Still looks cool.



Hunters are always great dps for at least 1 spec, survival was fantastic during 4.3.3. You might have to swap specs to do the most damage. I think Beast Mastery is looking best right now.

Yep, I think BM is top spec right now closely followed by Survival.

Why do I feel so wary signing up for something on Openraid. It feels like I'm asking out a girl and affraid of rejection or something. I'm so afriad of signing up and fucking up completely that I've just been not signing up. :/

I should just bite the bullet and do it already.

With Battletags now working with it, it's really pretty awesome. I've used it to get my Ulduar-25 and ICC-25 metas done and get the mounts.

I wouldn't worry too much about messing up unless you're just horribad or sabotage a raid on purpose. Just as long as you show up and do your thing, you should be golden.

I know this is old news to most of you folks, but I just got the scorpion mount. Haven't been in the guild for that long. Still looks cool.

Grats! It's a pretty cool-looking mount, and it's kinda funny how it scuttles across the ground. That and I like the little /mountspecial it does.

All you need now is the Dark Phoenix!
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