Managed to get into an instance. Holy FUCK stormrage is getting ravaged. Worldserver down all over the place.
What the hell, why has that /c interact crap come back? Are people stoopid?
I doubt it, all the tanks have similar tool kits. The better you are at playing the class the less damage you'll wind up taking. I went through the last boss in End Time on my warrior and I hardly needed any heals.
So the very first quest is broken? Fantastic.
I've done the same on my bear. It's probably more a function of outgearing the content at the end of the expansion. You can't outgear challenge modes (since your gear gets scaled down), so it's going to be all about knowing exactly when to cover your ass and with what.
Didn't kripp say instance to 86?
Damn, mounted clowns are covering the guy who gives the pandaria quest :lol not too surprising.
This was the Pandaren starting zone on Stormrage before I logged off, doesn't look too crazy...
But that doesn't include the 100+ players you can't see outside this little building. Looks like I managed to beat the server-crashing mobs.
So I just saw a level 80 Panda Monk running around stormwind. How the hell did that happen?
RAF granting levels.
I thought they said they weren't going to allow that? I guess they changed their mind?
Wouldn't mind getting a hold of one of those TBH.