Fuck yeah, time to do the new instances that just got unlockedLOOOOOVING IT
PM me yours and I'll add youOmg what's your battletag~~
87 ♥What level are you Yoshi?
edit: I was very tired when I started playing, but now I feel like I can go on for 50-60 hours. I think I'll do that, in fact.
edit: I was very tired when I started playing, but now I feel like I can go on for 50-60 hours. I think I'll do that, in fact.
That's exactly how I'm sitting right now :lol wtfGod damn man
Worst quest ever was the Shattrath tour.
Probably a scroll of Resurrection?Is there any offer I can take advantage to reactivate an account for free time? Last time I played was last April.
Okay so Mogu'Shan looks good and the loot is excellent... but the exp is HORRIBLE, wtf ,_,
I thought that was Temple of the Jade Serpent?Didn't someone mention they were watching the EU servers then nerfed the experience by 20% in there?
The soundtrack is fucking gorgeous.
Is MoP going to be the last expansion?
Is MoP going to be the last expansion?
Not by a long shot. Blizzard has said that they've got the next three+ expansions planned out.
I've never played WoW, but do you guys think your current good gears will get nerfed when the expansion comes out? Due to better roles on an item?
Westlo - Having better luck with those settings adjustments?
Anyone tried pet battles? Theyre actually pretty fun.
dave is ok, what have I ever done to you... I don't deserve this.
I am currently playing D3 but the truth is that I am not really enjoying it, I would quit without a heartbeat if I know friends that plays WOW, but sadly they all play D3.
Note: I work full time so only have 2-3 hrs of play time per weeknight and I can play all day on Sat/Sun.
I understand that I would need to join group raids in order to get the best legendary gears. Can you guys let me know roughly how long does it take to get a good legendary item with good roles? In D3 I get about 1 legendary every 2 to 3 nights but the roles sucks because too much luck is involved. How about in WOW? does luck take a big part?
The stages of a new Blizzard release for Yoshichan:
1. The Marathon Stage
Yoshichan plays the game for twelve to twenty-four hours straight.
2. The Love In
Yoshichan comments on how good the game is and praises the individual aspects of it
3. Anger and Bargaining
Yoshichan reaches max level, runs out of content and begins criticizing the game. He may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for finite amount of content on the developers. He may say things like "I will never buy another Blizzard game again if they don't fix this"
4. Acceptance and Hope
A patch will fix it.
I am currently playing D3 but the truth is that I am not really enjoying it, I would quit without a heartbeat if I know friends that plays WOW, but sadly they all play D3.
Note: I work full time so only have 2-3 hrs of play time per weeknight and I can play all day on Sat/Sun.
I understand that I would need to join group raids in order to get the best legendary gears. Can you guys let me know roughly how long does it take to get a good legendary item with good roles? In D3 I get about 1 legendary every 2 to 3 nights but the roles sucks because too much luck is involved. How about in WOW? does luck take a big part?