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World of Warcraft |OT3|


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
... got gold from Sha,... used my gold coin, got a a PVP neck.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The PVP neck was actually an upgrade :lol

edit: Also got the umbrella item from archeology! Such an awesome off-hand; also an upgrade~


ugh Blizzard sucks sometimes. Guy is running around literally multiboxing 40 level 86 characters camping the quest hub in Valley of the Four Winds and Blizzard of course says nothings wrong with it


He pays for 40 accounts for that pleasure.... Kinda sad huh?

and its bullshit too because blizzard says its ok if the player is in control of all characters being multiboxed. There is no way besides automation to have 40 toons controlled by a single human being.

Hes just setup shop at Pangs stead so moment anyone comes in they die instantly to 40 toons auto attacking with spells etc.

Mentioned before about the OP monk heal in low-level battlegrounds, but I want to go over some other issues I have with that class after playing a couple more (which I forgot to mention before.)

So the heal is OP, we know that. However the kicker, especially before mounts, is that the have both Roll - the best movement speed increase in the bracket, as well as whatever that beer keg shit is which puts a 50% slow on, and is apparently infinitely spammable. So they can kite you forever with no competition. Makes playing vs. them trying to catch a flag carrier, or move people around AB impossible without your own monks. I don't think even druids or shaman get dash/ghost wolf that early.

It's so fucking broken. And I know it's not meant to be balanced at low levels, but there has always been a semblance of balance. This shit is off the charts whacked.

... got gold from Sha,... used my gold coin, got a a PVP neck.

Fuck. I need to do him in the next day or two. The Warband one as well. I never seem to be alerted to when they're up.


Junior Member
And for people having issues with JC - the ore price is severely inflated and the cut gem price severely deflated right now. Things will start to balance out in a few weeks. What's happening is everyone needs to cut gems to skill up, so you have an overabundance of those, with hardly anyone buying them since there's not much gear out with gem slots at the heroic and below level, and there still aren't many 90s who would even have that gear to take advantage of it anyway. Not to mention people needing ore to prospect and get the gems to cut.

Once everyone's done leveling to 90, and there aren't quite as many people out mining - even casually while leveling - prices will stabilize. Another part of the problem may be that cut gems are worth significantly less now than they were in Cataclysm and Wrath, simply because they're not gated by 3 days worth of dailies each. You don't get to pick exactly what you want, but you get recipes 3x as fast.

Thanks! Between this and my AH "research", I'm getting a handle on it. BTW, the mobile AH app is awesome for times like these when you don't need historical data, only instantaneous data.

I'm seeing the exact thing that you mention now. People want uncut gems to skill up / research. Uncut rares seem to be going at a minimum of 200g each on Zul'jin, with ore stacks about the same. I prospected the remainder of my ore, and based on those numbers and the amount of rare gyms I got roughly doubled the value. Of course, I'm a JC myself so done of them I'll hand onto for my own research.

I have to say, being aggressive about leveling and professions in this first week has paid off for me. I only had roughly 5K going in, and am sitting around 25K now after buying my level 90 flying skill. I don't tend to spend a lot of gold, so if I can keep this up for another week I should be good for the duration of Mists.


Junior Member
Different topic, hit 90 and ran heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent. Wow, what a difference from Cata.

Somehow two of the dps and the healer managed to get themselves killed at 50% on the last boss, me (blood DK) and an elemental shaman took it from there. I had to blow every cooldown I had, but still... and my iLevel is exactly 240.


Different topic, hit 90 and ran heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent. Wow, what a difference from Cata.

Somehow two of the dps and the healer managed to get themselves killed at 50% on the last boss, me (blood DK) and an elemental shaman took it from there. I had to blow every cooldown I had, but still... and my iLevel is exactly 240.

sure you mean 440?


Different topic, hit 90 and ran heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent. Wow, what a difference from Cata.

Somehow two of the dps and the healer managed to get themselves killed at 50% on the last boss, me (blood DK) and an elemental shaman took it from there. I had to blow every cooldown I had, but still... and my iLevel is exactly 240.

Healer got locked out on first boss... no one died. Good times!


Different topic, hit 90 and ran heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent. Wow, what a difference from Cata.

Somehow two of the dps and the healer managed to get themselves killed at 50% on the last boss, me (blood DK) and an elemental shaman took it from there. I had to blow every cooldown I had, but still... and my iLevel is exactly 240.

You do know Death Knights have a combat res, right?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
It's actually disgusting how much stuff this game has. And it's also disgusting how much I'm playing it... I need to go to bed.
It's actually disgusting how much stuff this game has. And it's also disgusting how much I'm playing it... I need to go to bed.

You know, they kind of went out with a mission to make dailies be a huge thing, and they are, but honestly, I think there's too many of them. And we haven't even unlocked Shado-Pan and August Celestials at this point!

Between all the dailies, heroics, running the odd scenario, working your farm, camping the rare spawn stuff, etc. There's a lot to do right now, and raiding isn't even out yet! Not to mention all the things you could also be doing from past expansions if you hadn't done them yet - old achievements, reps, etc.


You know, they kind of went out with a mission to make dailies be a huge thing, and they are, but honestly, I think there's too many of them. And we haven't even unlocked Shado-Pan and August Celestials at this point!
Oooh, I like hearing this. I have a twisted relationship with dailies in that I actually sort of like doing them every day :lol


... got gold from Sha,... used my gold coin, got a a PVP neck.
how exactly do these things work?
do you pop them before the fight, during, after? what if the boss doesn't die?

edit: never mind, found it apparently some window pops up after you kill a boss


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
daily reseeeeeeet!



Upgraded my damn farm, now I can plant more things. All witchberries and jade squashes at the moment, Way of the Brew seems like a stubborn mule.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
But it's late morning there. Did you not sleep through the night at all? I shouldn't be talking though, as it's 4:00 AM here and I'm still up. That midnight launch + play really messed with my schedule.
I don't sleep until 10-11am everyday ,_,


Extreme faceroll

First 2 weeks of cata were a bliss because you actually wiped.

Lies. First 2 weeks of Cata were a joke, then it got hard as other people hit max level, then it got nerfed.

Either way, they have stated many times heroics are just not meant to be hard - being queueable random content they HAVE to make it pretty easy, same for LFR, but it's also their justification for making challenge challenging (and it is effing hard) and making normal mode raids a bit harder this coming tier.




What a relief, haha. Man, the last two levels were awful, and long (relatively speaking; about 5-6 hours each) and in two really boring fucking zones. Townlong and Dread Wastes are just plain dismal. The worst 'high-level' zones in WoW ever, as far as I'm concerned. The Plaguelands, Shadowmoon Valley, Netherstorm, Icecrown, Storm Peaks, Uldum, all better. More variety, more interest, better 'stories', etc, again, relatively speaking. I didn't do Twilight Highlands but I hear it was decent.

I actually quite dug 80-85 in Cataclysm. The sense that the world was falling apart was palpable and tight. Here, I also dug the exploration, the wide open nature of Pandaria, the burgeoning story in the Jade Forest and Valley, but then it all just fell apart and went to shit from Kunlai onwards. Endless fetch quests for factions you've never heard of and don't give a shit about. Nothing unifies it all. The Klaaxi/Mantid bullshit is the worst. One or two neat ideas (Paragons and their story with the Empress) but damn. What a lame leveling experience as far as the quests go.

lol....also, I know, this isn't a game you come to for story, obviously. All I'm saying is, they did it better as far as I'm concerned with Wrath and Cataclysm's quest storylines. Way too much nobodies asking you to do too much of the same thing here. The various questlines needed to build to better mini-climaxes than they did. I was always surprised when a hub ended with little fanfare or consequence.


Damn. 90. So much to see and do. I'm tempted to just wander around and learn it all as I go, but I think it'd be wiser to read up; I don't want to fall behind and lose out on crucial ops in the first week (for gear, items, raid prep, the chance to make some cash that'll last the expansion, etc.)

My first day off in 4 weeks comes tomorrow; couldn't be better timed! #PUMPED

and damn, the MUSIC in this game. Stunning. Shrine of the Two Moons is just plain beautiful. I'm so glad it has great music and ambience, just like Shatt and Dalaran. (I think Dal will always be my favorite though; such a great concept, and art, and execution)


I don't see why people want simple heroics to be so hard, maybe when playing with friends or guildies it's amazing but for the rest of the WoW population having to deal with PuGs, having to deal with 2+ hours of wiping to MAYBE get an item and a bit of points just isn't worth it. There's plenty of other stuff to do that could be considered hard.


anyone around who can send me a scroll of resurrection (eu - if it matters)?
server doesnt matter since i want to create a new character and boost it to 80.


Did they get rid of detailed loot information? I remember turning it off for LFR, but now I can't find the option to turn it back on.




What a relief, haha. Man, the last two levels were awful, and long (relatively speaking; about 5-6 hours each) and in two really boring fucking zones. Townlong and Dread Wastes are just plain dismal. The worst 'high-level' zones in WoW ever, as far as I'm concerned. The Plaguelands, Shadowmoon Valley, Netherstorm, Icecrown, Storm Peaks, Uldum, all better. More variety, more interest, better 'stories', etc, again, relatively speaking. I didn't do Twilight Highlands but I hear it was decent.

I actually quite dug 80-85 in Cataclysm. The sense that the world was falling apart was palpable and tight. Here, I also dug the exploration, the wide open nature of Pandaria, the burgeoning story in the Jade Forest and Valley, but then it all just fell apart and went to shit from Kunlai onwards. Endless fetch quests for factions you've never heard of and don't give a shit about. Nothing unifies it all. The Klaaxi/Mantid bullshit is the worst. One or two neat ideas (Paragons and their story with the Empress) but damn. What a lame leveling experience as far as the quests go.
I agree Dread Wastes has been kind of tedious. I've only done the Klaxxi stuff so far, but it is a little annoying. All those "Swarmhorn" packs are a pain in the ass. The story with the paragons asleep in the amber was neat though. I also have yet to see the rest of the zone.

Townlong was great though. It had possibly the best quest chain in the entire xpac, the Sha of Fear quest chain. I thought it was so cool how you recruited your team throughout the zone and then made the big attack against his captains before you kill him. Very cool.

Just a bit overpriced :p

Yeah, it's nice that you get a collection, but that's still way more than they're worth. Yeah, the Vanilla CE is worth $1000-$2000 sealed, and the BC and Wrath ones would be worth maybe a couple hundred now, but the Cataclysm one shouldn't be going for much more than retail - there were a ton in various places months after release. And of course, the Mists CE is only worth retail at the moment, since it still should be available if you do a little digging, not to mention its devalued somewhat due to the digital deluxe version.

Fake Edit: Upon checking, Amazon has both the Mists and Cata CE new for $5 off. Hah!

Started working on leveling my Warrior now in my off time. Even though I want/need gear from heroics, I can't stand running more than a half dozen a day at most, especially since there's all the dailies to do as well.

Haven't done Krasarang Wilds at all, so I don't know how that zone plays out - it is beautiful though. However I do agree that Dread Wastes was kind of dull quest-wise. The Empress storyline getting the paragons is pretty good storywise, but everything else there is pretty boring, and the quests are tedious, even if the story is interesting. Townlong I can't remember really right now - did most of that late at night kinda zoned out. Kun-Lai is pretty dull, though it has the best mountains in the game, even after some very nice ones in Northrend. I love Valley since it reminds me a lot of Nagrand with the gently sloping hills. Jade Forest is a pretty great introduction, and Vale is beautiful, even if there's not much there in terms of quests. It's like what Crystalsong Forest should have been. What a useless POS zone in Wrath.


It's actually disgusting how much stuff this game has. And it's also disgusting how much I'm playing it... I need to go to bed.

That's why I'm focusing on JUST QUESTING and EXPLORING for now. Don't wanna be bogged down already by side stuff.

Also, I'm halfway through 87! Yay!


Just a bit overpriced :p

Yeah, it's nice that you get a collection, but that's still way more than they're worth. Yeah, the Vanilla CE is worth $1000-$2000 sealed, and the BC and Wrath ones would be worth maybe a couple hundred now, but the Cataclysm one shouldn't be going for much more than retail - there were a ton in various places months after release. And of course, the Mists CE is only worth retail at the moment, since it still should be available if you do a little digging, not to mention its devalued somewhat due to the digital deluxe version.

Fake Edit: Upon checking, Amazon has both the Mists and Cata CE new for $5 off. Hah!

Started working on leveling my Warrior now in my off time. Even though I want/need gear from heroics, I can't stand running more than a half dozen a day at most, especially since there's all the dailies to do as well.

Yep, the only one of those I'd consider "ULTRA RARE" is the vanilla CE. I bought one at release, never realizing how valuable they'd end up being, and used it. Ah well...


2 more days.... I'm so getting Amazon Prime now, this is ridiculous. My pet team is now level 22. I like to PVP sometimes, but since the expansion release, it takes 25 minutes or more to get in a game.


Made it to 90 yesterday. I enjoyed the ride more than Cataclysm. I didn't power through it since I took advantage of all the inflated AH prices and farmed lots of herbs/ore in the process.

One thing I am not liking is the removal of championing to get rep. Having to do dailies for all factions kind of sucks, but I guess Blizzard probably did it to extend the amount of time a player has to do things before the next content patch.


So, technical Q...

Is anyone's rig heating up unusually after Mists?

I overclock my 540M on my laptop, haven't had any trouble for almost 10 months. Now, after about 45 mins of game time, the GPU temp shoots up to 90 C, which causes major fps drops every 30seconds or so. Its really annoying.

Any suggestions?

I haven't tried any other games yet, since this problem has started happening.


So, technical Q...

Is anyone's rig heating up unusually after Mists?

I overclock my 540M on my laptop, haven't had any trouble for almost 10 months. Now, after about 45 mins of game time, the GPU temp shoots up to 90 C, which causes major fps drops every 30seconds or so. Its really annoying.

Any suggestions?

I haven't tried any other games yet, since this problem has started happening.

Wanted to add... if I DON'T overclock at all, I end up getting bad fps at High settings :(
Off topic but you guys really need to see the last posts in the two stickied threads in OT.

I've been mostly glued inside my little WoW bubble for the past week, hardly making rounds for information/news not related to the game. Would've missed those if I hadn't taken a break!


some heroic dungeon observations:
-getting a lot of SM runs
-the scholomance room that used to be with normal mobs only (the bored students) is hilarious, people run in, pull everything thinking it's same as before ^^
-the spinning guy in SM is probably the hardest boss atm out of all the heroics, he has a really unforgiving mechanic, compared to other bosses where you can fuck up and stand in shit and still be o.k.

overall about as hard as HoT dungeons, just the trash has a lot more hp (or seems that way due to gear levels), dot classes rejoice I guess


So this play with anybody thing hows it work?

I am on one server with some friends and have a couple on different ones can we all play together?
some heroic dungeon observations:
-getting a lot of SM runs
-the scholomance room that used to be with normal mobs only (the bored students) is hilarious, people run in, pull everything thinking it's same as before ^^
-the spinning guy in SM is probably the hardest boss atm out of all the heroics, he has a really unforgiving mechanic, compared to other bosses where you can fuck up and stand in shit and still be o.k.

overall about as hard as HoT dungeons, just the trash has a lot more hp (or seems that way due to gear levels), dot classes rejoice I guess

Yeah, I died to that boss when I ran it (one of the few I've died to) not knowing/understanding the mechanic. I'm still not sure I get it since it's kind of odd, but I'll figure it out. The other I remember was that one with the shield you have to throw the bombs on as a bunch of adds spawn. Group wiped twice on that. I didn't even notice the bombs on the ground at first.

And even with not that good gear (only a cloak from heroics, though I do have the Alchemist Stone trinket and I bought the Engineering BoE one, which everyone should do), I'm mostly topping charts as a Frost DK. Disease DoTs + AoE. It could be that the people I'm paired with just aren't that good though...

I need to do some runs with guild people to see what kind of DPS players I know are good get, but there's a lot of plate-wearers and I'd either rather not compete/interfere, or I don't feel like doing runs when there are open spots.
So, technical Q...

Is anyone's rig heating up unusually after Mists?

I overclock my 540M on my laptop, haven't had any trouble for almost 10 months. Now, after about 45 mins of game time, the GPU temp shoots up to 90 C, which causes major fps drops every 30seconds or so. Its really annoying.

Any suggestions?

I haven't tried any other games yet, since this problem has started happening.

I play on a desktop but I've noticed an FPS drop. No idea what other crazy ass effects they've thrown into the game.

ANyway, I have a RAF account with a friend and he's basically going to quit. I'm tempted to drag his character around with my character to get the triple xp. Anybody have any suggestions on how to accomplish that?

Also, the numbers in this game have gotten ridiculous. I don't even look at health bars any more because the numbers make my eyes go cross eyed. Are they ever going to re-adjust this?
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