Angry Grimace said:
The reason they aren't bringing that back is because if they do that, a lot of people would decide that it's pointless to even try to raid because you need a guild of 25 people that are on a relatively even item level that you are. If you join Expansion X right in the middle, the only way to raid is to find another entry level guild (which probably isn't very good). TBC was only marginally better than vanilla in this regard in that the only real ticket in town is raiding right from the get go and never quitting.
Common sense kind of dictates that its incompatible with keeping high subscription numbers over the life of an expansion.
Except that that is BLATANTLY false, it's a strawman argument that people who are too lazy/bad/whatever to progress themselves trot out when it's brought up. I reiterate: Juggernaut REROLLED during sunwell, on the 5th boss of the zone, fresh characters, and was able to STILL get a top 50 US kill on the end boss of the zone. Skill and desire are the ONLY factors that determine whether you can 'catch up' when you're 'behind' on content. When you look at the current model, do you think all those people who were behind are now suddenly going to beat Rag because they no longer need to progress through T11? Fuck no. They won't kill it because they're not dedicated enough, good enough, insert anything else here enough. The notion that "I need to see the content" is a fucking joke. Those people who don't consume all of the content while it is current in the present scheme will never consume it, because it loses a purpose. You can claim it's still useful all you want, but it isn't.
If you go back and look at Wrath you can even ask yourself, how many people who joined the expansion midway, while ICC was out, went back and really got to do Ulduar? Maybe they went on some achievement run when it was totally trivial at the end. How is it any better that people who join midway during the expansion completely bypass naxx, Sarth, Malygos, Ulduar, ToC possibly (but probably not in wrath's case), but hot damn they got to do ICC, they didn't miss that content! They skipped EVERY OTHER fucking zone because there was no point in doing them, but they got to do ICC! how is THAT any better than joining midway through BC, and having the option to start at the bottom and work your way up at whatever pace you can dictate for yourself? Eventually, under the BC model, everyone who puts in the effort will consume all content. The release of the next expansion was the only thing precluding that. (And that's another can of worms, in EverQuest you would have still been working through BC shit during wrath if you hadn't finished BC. I would argue that's even better). The content was naturally nerfed over time through gear, badge gear filled in slots and upped your groups average ilevel without completely invalidating current gear (as the present system tends to do).
As an example, I played a rogue back then. If I joined wow while Sunwell was out, I could have gotten from badges:
ilevel 110 items (Slightly below Karazhan Quality):
ilevel 128 items (SSC/TK quality, non Vashj/KT):
ilevel 136 items:
Cloak (Has pvp stats)
ilevel 141 items (Black Temple Quality, non Illidan):
ilevel 146 items (Between BT and Sunwell):
Weapons (Fists or daggers)
That would have left me 1 ring to get, 1 trinket, likely from Magister's Terrace, and some shoulders. The difference between that and now, is that all of these badge items are STOPGAP items, they are great for gearing up a new character, they are great if you don't have an item in that slot, but they are not the same or better than the items from that same tier, for the most part (some were good, of course). IE: If you had the 141 stuff, MOST of it was not as good as what you'd get in BT, but it was good enough. It didn't invalidate running BT. None of it was tier, so you wanted your set bonuses, for instance, if possible. It was all itemized slightly worse than usual, funny stats, no sockets, things of that nature. The ones that had sockets tended to be the ones that you would actually use regardless. Most importantly of all, the most efficient way to actually earn badges? Was to run the damn raids. So basically, what I'm saying, is if you farmed badges and got this set of gear, you would STILL have upgrades to get in EVERY SINGLE raid zone of the expansion. None of them would be a waste of time. Karazhan would simultaneously represent your single easiest and most efficient badge farm and would STILL have upgrades for you. Same for SSC/TK, same for BT/MH. If you had this entire set of gear, you would be completely playable at a T6/Sunwell level, should you have the skill and motivation to do so.
So don't give me shit that "OH IN BC I JOINED A YEAR IN AND COULDN'T EVER PASS KARAZHAN" bullshit. People cried about it a lot, but the simple fact is if they didn't progress it was because they didn't fucking try.
Now what do we have? those same people STILL don't progress, despite raids being easier than they have EVER been. All this says, is that no matter how easy you make shit some people won't have it in them to put forth a modicum of effort. The game being nerfed and bent over backwards to cater to people like this is a joke. You're an idiot if you can't see why this costs subs, sure only x% of people saw kil'jaeden, but how many people were actively working through T4-5-6 at the time? a whole shitload more. Everyone in the middle is now a casualty of the wrath style/cata style raiding system. There's no point to putting forth effort or skill to be a mid-tier guild anymore. You either finish it all, or you're JUST as rewarded for being completely casual. Why put in 75% of the effort just to get partway there and have it swept out from under you EVERY time a new tier comes out? I would love to hear that answer.