the only boss in tot lfr where you somewhat have to know the mechanics is Durumu. Just wait for the maze fun times, and watch your raid bars go nuts. I had 4 stacks of determination the one week. It was painful to watch. just a few short weeks, Blizzard will be at the biggest games convention in the world – gamescom in Cologne, Germany. The show runs from August 21-25, and we’ll be welcoming players with all kinds of stage activities, contests and giveaways – and of course people are there to play games, too!
This year our booth is bigger than ever, which means we can accommodate more gamers than ever. Attendees will be able to play:
Check back for more updates in the days and weeks leading up to gamescom for
- Diablo III (PC and PlayStation 3): Brave the Burning Hells and whack some demons – playable on console for the first time in Europe!
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (PC): Playable in public for the first time in Europe!
- World of Warcraft (PC): Check out what patch 5.4 has to offer!
details of what’s in store for you at the Blizzard booth. We’ll have quizzes, leveling contest, show matches, the World of Warcraft dance contest and much more – and don’t forget you can still sign up for the Blizzard costume contest. Blizzard Second Quarter Calendar 2013 Results Conference Call
Aug 01, 2013 at 1:30 PM PT
I'm going to laugh when they put like Illidan, Sargeras, Kel'thuzad and Mal'ganis on the same Virtual Realm.
Are Flexible Raids going to be Real ID enabled from the start? If so, I think GAF raids are a reasonable possibility, right?
Whats the deal with those realms? I'm from Ragnaros and rarely see one of them in LFR.
Did Heroic dungeons gave me bonus for being a tank?
Whats the deal with those realms? I'm from Ragnaros and rarely see one of them in LFR.
Since I see no one grabbed this yet...
I liked it but it felt more like one of the side stories you'd read on their site versus what you normally get out of the novels lately. It's like they took feedback from too much being explained in the book (and not enough in game) from Tides of War and went in the opposite direction. The result was, to me, was not enough of a balance for rewarding the player for reading the book and not punishing the player who doesn't.
I dunno. It's cool if you like Vol'jin but nothing that demands you should read it.
Is there a database or something that shows population per server and maybe faction percents?
Is there a database or something that shows population per server and maybe faction percents?
Good lord their service prices are so outrageous. I started leveling brand new characters on another server a couple of weeks ago, and by the end of the day I should have my 2nd 90 on here. I started fresh since there was no way I was going to pay for all my characters (or at least my level 70+ characters) to change server and faction.
So I reconsidered it, and figured I'd transfer my two 90s from the old server to the new. I'd spoil myself. Then I realized it would cost $110. Fuck that. I would assume Blizzard would make a lot more money by offering a deal where all your characters from a server can move and change factions for ~$50. I know I'd pay for that. Hell, I might pay for it a few times if I wanted to move again later.
No real point to this post other than to vent.
Agreed. Faction + server transfer together at $55 is just reprehensibly awful pricing. There need to be an all-in recustomization/transfer price under $30, and a mass recustomization/transfer for multiple characters at a fairer price. sort of does. These aren't super accurate. But a lot can be said to the correlation between server population and progression.
lol are some of those server pops for real? Sub-1000?
Is that at peak time or actual overall population of characters? Or does it count all characters on a server for one account as (1)?
Super populated pvp realms, illidan and mal'ganis are almost 100% horde and kt and sargeras are full alliance
Geezus..pvp is fuckin terrible right now. I'm admittedly in shit gear but I hit people for like 3-5k.. and pvp power is apparently not the answer.
PVP power is certainly not the answer. Just gem your pvp hit caps normally and then go for whatever you would normally go for with PVP, the baseline resilience changes favor standard gemming now.
Damn, I wish I was on Tichondrius. Pacific timezone and relatively balanced factions.I use
Sorta accurate, but you can read how they gather the info.
Granted, I don't think you'll find anything completely accurate.
I don't do hardly any pvp but does that mean pvp power is worthless to the point that if I'm wearing 519 ilvl pve gear I'm better off using that then spending honor to gear up with 476 pvp pieces? I actually do alright in pvp and some people just melt against me while others I find I can't do much (healers almost always heal more than I can damage and it's a useless fight). I've been slowly accruing a pvp set using honor because I need a place to spend honor and JP but I've been reluctant to actually equip a full set because that drop in ilvl makes me question how viable it is. I figured the boost in pvp power would balance it out in my favor, though.
Just a bit curious since I figure I'll jump more seriously into pvp stuff one of these days.
Haha, yeah I see a lot of world PvP these days with cross realm zones. I like it. Not quite what it was back in vanilla, but still makes things a lot more interesting out in the world.I'm leveling a hunter alt at the moment, and earlier I was mid-20s in Ashenvale doing some quests. There were a few horde in the area, and decided to partake in some PvP. Nobody really put up a fight, but I must've pissed one of them off something fierce. As I was leaving the quest givers I had a 90 fly in, one shot me, /spit on me, and then fly off. I can only assume it was the main of one of the characters I killed. I've never made someone so angry in same-level PvP that they felt the need to use a 90 for vengeance. I kind of liked it.
Well the first wing of LFR is pretty strat-less, as long as one or two people at least occasionally go in the spirit world. Beyond that, it's each person minding their own business.
lol are some of those server pops for real? Sub-1000?
Is that at peak time or actual overall population of characters? Or does it count all characters on a server for one account as (1)?
That being said, there are some very low population servers.
they need to just merge servers and decrease the # so people will be forced to play together
Well, they are merging servers but you can't force people to play together. They'll just quit like they did in Cata.
My gametime is over. Finally.
Will resist this time.
Flex and merges might bring back WotLK era pugging
I hope. I loved being able to hop on an alt and find a raid.
The best PUG experience I've ever had was during Wrath of the Lich King and patch 3.3.2. We got to Sindragosa and wiped probably more than ten times. But there was no bitching, no moaning and no swearing. Everyone was very friendly to one another and the whole run was a complete joy. One of my best memories from the game.Same, that reason is why I think Wrath was the best server. You could raid pretty much at anytime because of all the pugs that were happening. It wasn't forced content like dailies :<
Source: health and damage should scale completely dynamically as people come and go, as well as mechanics interactions such as the number of puddles into which Immerseus splits. The number by your minimap should be an accurate indication of your current instance group size.
For testing purposes (mostly internal convenience on our end), you can currently queue with a fairly small group, but nothing will actually scale below a 10-player size. When we release 5.4, we're intending to require a minimum of 8 players to queue. The thought there is that you might want to begin clearing the instance or at least zone in and get ready while waiting on a latecomer 9th/10th, and if we set the queue limit strictly to 10, that wouldn't be possible.
Blizzard has solved this now, right? I saw characters from other servers all the time while playing the trial 1-20 (on an underpopulated realm).Super populated pvp realms, illidan and mal'ganis are almost 100% horde and kt and sargeras are full alliance
Blizzard has solved this now, right? I saw characters from other servers all the time while playing the trial 1-20 (on an underpopulated realm).
You can go cross realm with friends I believe. Virtual realm will basically act like server merges without actually merging servers.
Well the first wing of LFR is pretty strat-less, as long as one or two people at least occasionally go in the spirit world. Beyond that, it's each person minding their own business.
He's saying we basically have that now. All zones levels 1-85 have people from all different servers in them.