I think I'm going to start the legendary cloak questline (have the first one in my questlog for a few weeks now). Probably won't end up finishing it, but we'll see how far I get.
Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah.What its like waiting for Galleon to spawn on Stormrage.
Lol, goddamn man. 3 raids, and people keep track of the spawn time estimates. So theres just a fucking pow wow (or in this case, a random unprovoked Mammoth train) at every spawn.
Shit is jokes. I love this server.
What its like waiting for Galleon to spawn on Stormrage.
Lol, goddamn man. 3 raids, and people keep track of the spawn time estimates. So theres just a fucking pow wow (or in this case, a random unprovoked Mammoth train) at every spawn.
Shit is jokes. I love this server.
Going to be realm changing my hunter main. The name was taken so I started going through my old favorites. Just for fun I decided to start thinking of the dumbest hunter names possible.
I am both impressed and extremely disappointed in myself...
I was reading the blue posts on MMO Champion about lore, and all it did was make me think more about what I'd really love to see.
I know it'd be as much work as making a brand new game, but what I wouldn't give for a huge lore update to WoW. Change the ENTIRE world to match the current lore. No more "time travel" while leveling would be especially nice.
So, on the latest PTR push, a bunch of 'community members' got items named after them.
That was somewhat the point of Cata. How about no. It's a nice idea, but it's not one worth losing endgame over.
mmo-champ forums
That's hilarious. On my server (Perenolde-US) Galleon can stand around unmolested for hours at a time...
Honestly the worst forum in the world. But I post from time to time.
But the hate is worse than on GAF. <.<
Won't post the image directly as I can imagine this could be classed as a spoiler for those who care about that type of thing but... what? Apparently this is from Siege of Orgrimmar.
So you can only get Black Prince rep by killing mobs? Interesting. Time to get my old school farm on.
There are some further changes to the RPPM system in development that we'd like to share with you. As you know, RPPM is something we've been doing a lot of iteration on, and we have another iteration that should be hitting the PTR soon:
As you may know, RPPM proc rates typically scale with haste. This was done because historically, attacking faster meant you had more chances to proc something, so got more procs, and we wanted to preserve that effect. However, most procs before RPPM were such that either their effect didn't also scale with haste, or their proc rate was predominantly limited by an ICD. Many of our RPPM effects thus far have had neither of these limitations, such that they effectively 'double-dipped' on haste, benefiting twice from it. In some extreme cases, the proc was designed such that they actually triple-dipped.
As RPPM effects have become more wide-spread and more impactful, this has caused a variety of problems. Primarily, it has skewed stat balances toward haste rather significantly. It's also a compounding problem where many of these procs stack multiplicatively with each other, causing insane burst when all of these procs go off together. That can be fun, but also raises the skill cap on your performance, and makes gearing choices more restricted to ones which stack together optimally.
For 5.4 we're going to change both new and existing RPPM procs to not double-dip on haste. Benefiting once from haste is fine and expected, but not twice. For example, suppose you have two hypothetical procs, Flamekissed and Villainy:
Flamekissed's proc rate scales with haste, and its effect says "Chance on hit: Deal 500 additional fire damage". This is fine, because only the proc rate scales with haste; the effect doesn't.
Villainy's proc rate also scales with haste, and its effect says "Chance on hit: +5000 Agility for 20sec." This is not fine, because both the proc rate and the proc effect scale with haste. The more haste you have, the more attacks you do in that 20sec period which benefit from the increased Agility.
If both the rate and effect of a proc scale with haste, we're going to remove the haste scaling from its proc rate. In these cases, we'll compensate for an expected amount of haste by increasing the base proc rate. For any procs whose effect does not scale with haste, their proc rate will continue to scale with haste as before. However, we're also revisiting the proc rate tuning on all existing procs that were made overbudget due to the addition of Unlucky Streak Prevention (which ends up increasing effective proc rate by 9%). These changes should bring RPPM procs back to being on-budget and tied with traditional ICD procs in value.
This will obviously have a noticeable effect on most players performance; don't panic. We're going to be adjusting damage/healing/tanking performance with these changes in mind.
These RPPM changes should make it to PTR soon, and you'll be able to find the exact changes to each such effect there. We now show RPPM proc rates in the tooltip of the effect, which should make it easy to find.
What's the picture? Blocked at work.
Won't post the image directly as I can imagine this could be classed as a spoiler for those who care about that type of thing but... what? Apparently this is from Siege of Orgrimmar.
Poor SW, they haven't even repaired the park from Cata and now the whole docks are going to be cratered and on fire, sheesh.
Won't post the image directly as I can imagine this could be classed as a spoiler for those who care about that type of thing but... what? Apparently this is from Siege of Orgrimmar.
Won't post the image directly as I can imagine this could be classed as a spoiler for those who care about that type of thing but... what? Apparently this is from Siege of Orgrimmar.
So I started a Paladin alt to level as protection. Got to the dungeons and wtf has happened to leveling dungeon groups?
The party members insist on chain pulling multiple pulls together like they were in raid gear doing heroics still. In Shadowfang Keep I had to stop and yell at them that I do not have any of my AOE tanking abilities yet so if you keep doing that shit I am not taunting off you.
Zero real challenge here anymore. I remember when Deadmines was an hour long thing that could very easily wipe you when you pulled one to many mobs, and that was the beginner dungeon.
I guess I see why the LFR stuff at 90 is the way it is if this is how players have been trained to group up.
....and here comes the alliance bitching. They still won't let up about southshore. lol
Zero real challenge here anymore. I remember when Deadmines was an hour long thing that could very easily wipe you when you pulled one to many mobs, and that was the beginner dungeon.
This is common place with expansions that are near the end. Most players are geared so that dungeon chain pulls are remotely challenging and fast. Remember in the beginning it was about CC and paying attention, not so much now. LFG just adds to it, gear wise. Also don't forget, most players want to chain pull to get out of there faster so they can get their valor. Some, me included, cap valor in a day.
These are leveling dungeons though, not heroics.
In theory, the Mastery/Stam stacking build is the best one for survivability. In the real world, a geared Druid or Monk will be able to over-aggro you even without Vengeance. At the minimum you should go to Hit cap and 7.5% Expertise just so you can hold threat.
These are leveling dungeons though, not heroics.
So I started a Paladin alt to level as protection. Got to the dungeons and wtf has happened to leveling dungeon groups?
The party members insist on chain pulling multiple pulls together like they were in raid gear doing heroics still. In Shadowfang Keep I had to stop and yell at them that I do not have any of my AOE tanking abilities yet so if you keep doing that shit I am not taunting off you.
Zero real challenge here anymore. I remember when Deadmines was an hour long thing that could very easily wipe you when you pulled one to many mobs, and that was the beginner dungeon.
I guess I see why the LFR stuff at 90 is the way it is if this is how players have been trained to group up.
Won't post the image directly as I can imagine this could be classed as a spoiler for those who care about that type of thing but... what? Apparently this is from Siege of Orgrimmar.
The thing is, though...
Even if you don't have your AoE tanking abilities, it seriously doesn't matter. The leveling dungeons are so stupidly easy and tuned to be ridiculously non-threatening that you don't even need tanks in them (yet tanks do the most DPS in them by FAR). Hell I'm leveling a resto shaman and I'm dpsing for most of the encounters and throw out a heal once in a while and we're never in danger of anything. I've hit level 41 yesterday and it's still this way.
Wait till the healers got theirs zonal heals, most of the DPS goes suicidal and start pulling, slow tanking is gone just go running and start pulling like crazy.
Did the BC dungeons get nerfed too? Please say no so I can laugh at all the dead DPS when I get to those.
Did the BC dungeons get nerfed too? Please say no so I can laugh at all the dead DPS when I get to those.
Did the BC dungeons get nerfed too? Please say no so I can laugh at all the dead DPS when I get to those.