And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wait, are you?!You ain't even coming to BlizzCon!![]()
Wait, are you?!You ain't even coming to BlizzCon!![]()
So should I stop making Living Steel on my alchemist and just hoard the Trillium bars I transmute?
Wait, are you?!
I am making the Blizzcon thread :3.I always go to BlizzCon!
I am not making a BlizzCon thread.![]()
So should I stop making Living Steel on my alchemist and just hoard the Trillium bars I transmute?
I still debating if i should use 1750 valor points for a 522 belt when i have a 502 one currently. That seems like a lot of valor points for 20 more item level. Especially when 5.4 isn't so far away.
Living Steel is going to be more profitable.
Is the new lightning steel ingot.
I still debating if i should use 1750 valor points for a 522 belt when i have a 502 one currently. That seems like a lot of valor points for 20 more item level. Especially when 5.4 isn't so far away.
Maybe i should try to slowly get to the 4k Valor cap in the following weeks instead... might be hard to resist though.
I always go to BlizzCon!
I am not making a BlizzCon thread.![]()
There is no new valor gear in 5.4. All you would be able to do is buy the 522 pieces (at a reduced price) and upgrade the new stuff you get, provided they don't remove the vendors again. Also, it seems likely they will convert it to JP as this is usually what they do in this stage of the expansion when the old VP gear is buyable with JP.
Must resist urge...
Must not give in...
Man, I'm really tempted to resub just to lay waste to that bastard Garrosh!
Is he last major boss before the next expansion? Is he like Deathwing was to Cataclysm or Lich King was to Wrath?
So I'm looking for a nice Shaman-esqe shield to transmog? Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks. Will look into that.
And of course when I do Molten Core no Tier set I need drops.
So I'm looking for a nice Shaman-esqe shield to transmog? Anyone got any ideas?
So I'm looking for a nice Shaman-esqe shield to transmog? Anyone got any ideas?
I'll be there. We should say hi if we're gonna only be one of maybe ten GAFfers there. *chuckles*
There is no new valor gear in 5.4. All you would be able to do is buy the 522 pieces (at a reduced price) and upgrade the new stuff you get, provided they don't remove the vendors again. Also, it seems likely they will convert it to JP as this is usually what they do in this stage of the expansion when the old VP gear is buyable with JP.
They just haven't put any items in yet
I run around with the Bulwark of Azzinoth. Mainly because it is the size of my lady panda and adds to the hilarity.
Ghostcrawler said (and a few blues echoed) that they weren't doing VP gear this patch and that timeless isle was an experiment on alternate progression.
This should not really affect the Living Steel price at all. You'll need the the exact same amout of Ghost Iron Bars (10) as you need now for Lightning Steel Ingots. Only difference is you'll also have the option to smelt your Trillium Ores or to get multiple Bars from transmuting the Ghost Iron.
You'll see.
Ugh, just hit 86 on my warrior alt. I freaking hate slow boring MOP zone leveling.
Ugh, just hit 86 on my warrior alt. I freaking hate slow boring MOP zone leveling.
Ugh, just hit 86 on my warrior alt. I freaking hate slow boring MOP zone leveling.
I'm really enjoying my Brewmaster now after playing my bear since MoP launch.
I'm sure that, like always, they'll realize that all these random systems changes are actually a terrible idea for a playerbase that's annoyed at the constant redesigning on live content, but I don't think we'll actually see it for 5.4.
So I stopped playing WoW at the end of Cataclysm. I had raided hardcore since BC on the EU-Silvermoon server in some top end guilds. I played as a DK, and took great pride in being able to play my class properly. Especially when there was a lot of stigma about the DK in general. I also loved playing as a disc priest, the idea of preventing damage from happening before it actually happened was amazing.
The reasons I stopped playing were :
1- Time investment. I was used to having the best of gear and playing to a high level, farming like hell to make sure the guild had everything we needed to raid at our maximum. The thought of playing casually but not being at the cutting edge of raiding somewhat ruined it for me.
2- 25 man raiding started to die out. 10 man raiding just doesn't cut it for me. The problem then being that finding the "right calibre" of players for 25 man raiding was difficult and thus the performance dropped overall.
How is the game now from a PvE point of view? Has 25 man raiding recovered? How is MoP? Is it worthwhile getting my feet wet again?
Gnngh, so close. We're reaching P3 on Lei Shen with everyone alive, now. I think now it's just a case of being able to get a foothold on the final section; once we can reach a moment on that section with everyone on good health and not wildly scattered, we'll be able to convert it into a kill.