Wait what, garrosh just choked awith his bare hands.dragon
Trading post is super legit, resources for days! days!
I have Lumbermill 3 now (and a Trading Post)... should I remove the LM and replace it with...?It's definitely one of the best buildings. I recommend LM + TP until you get LM3 then demo the lumbermill once you've got the follower.
It's definitely one of the best buildings. I recommend LM + TP until you get LM3 then demo the lumbermill once you've got the follower.
Where do you get the follower after you get a level 3 Lumber Mill? Just got mine to level 3 but haven't seen a new follower.
Thanks, had no idea!Go chop down large timber, he should start fighting you. Gotta beat him 3 times
Hey guys, just resubbed and I was wondering what are the chances of there been a deal for WoD on black friday. I'm thinking of getting it now but I can always wait, considering I have to go through Pandaria content (I quit after Cata).
Holy shit! Congrats!lol, that BoE epic I got yesterday sold for 70k so fast in AH.
With the buggy phasing on a high pop, you are pretty much wasting your time. I had the nagrand guy spawn on top of us but we couldn't even see him due to phasing. Its the most busted use of crz ever.Anyone know if these spawn points for Poundfist are accurate?
Got into a raid group on a server that hasn't had a kill in almost 70 hours (and the server hasn't been reset). A sliver of hope!
How can I get my hands on a 630-level chest piece or some trinkets?
I've ran 20+ heroic dungeons and I just need to fill out these last 3 pieces, but I've never received a single chest or trinket drop. It's gotten to the point where I've identified instances where you get a chance for a chest on the first or second boss, kill that boss, then leave. Repeat over and over again until I run out of instance lock outs, log in the next day to try again.
Never a single chest piece, never a single trinket. A SEA of pants.
Really, really wondering why they took out justice points. It was nice to have a "you've got bad luck" back-up. Now I'm just openly wasting my time because an RNG machine refuses to give me any chest pieces or trinkets.
Go chop down large timber, he should start fighting you. Gotta beat him 3 times
Help me decide between these two pairs of gloves?
Goldsteel Gloves. Haste is ret's priority stat right now.
Really? I thought it was mastery.
25 Nov. 2014: Updated the stat priority.
19 Oct. 2014: Updated the stat priority to reflect the higher value of Mastery.
What the fuck is going on? I just did a random heroic (UBRS) and random trash gave me this:
Personal loot btw. The whole party went crazy (tried to kick me)... what the fuck
After 6.0 I remember flying around Stormwind and wondering what the hell this weird place was in the high hills overlooking the mage quarter.So I just did Everbloom heroic. Some neat bosses in there. Genesaur really wrecked our first time haha. Got my Core of Life, almost to my 680 ring!
Anyone know if these spawn points for Poundfist are accurate?
Got into a raid group on a server that hasn't had a kill in almost 70 hours (and the server hasn't been reset). A sliver of hope!
Wow, that's a bummer! I'd be so pissed. Thanks for the info though, had no idea that was going on.Yes those are all accurate. I got him at 51.6 , 43.1. But again don't commit too much time because the new phasing zones can fuck you. It's not quest phasing either if you didn't know. It's basically if your server has lots of people there will be multiple phases of the same zone, and where so many people are camping/wanting poundfist, that zone is getting hammered and is almost guaranteed to have multiple phases of the same zone.
Little story here, I came across Luk'hok in Nagrand the other day (on prime time) Drops the Mottled Meadowstomper mount. First thing I do (being the nice guy that I am) is call out his spawn in general chat. Hardly anyone believes me because they are so used to trolls but I try my best to convince them anyway, had a bunch of people spam pm me with "invite" but during the heat of the moment I was a little caught up and distracted and actually accepted an invite from someone else (didn't think it was a problem at the time) he starts inviting people right away too, anyways I wait for more and more to come but it got to the point where impatient people were nuking him down so I do my part to ensure the tag and kill. He dies fairly quickly, people in the party that didn't make it in time leave right away. I OPEN the loot on his dead body but before I could click on the item...bam, corpse fades away and I phase into another zone.... Unreal. Have screenshots of me attacking him from the combat log but I get nothing due to this new system. Put in a ticket but they gave me a canned response.
Like it's beyond stupid, you get mailed grey vendor trash barely worth 20silver that you miss in dungeons, but you can't mail me a mount that I did my part in killing out in the world? Anyways that soured me quite a bit from hunting down the rest of the mounts for the time being. I really hope they fix the new phasing in the zones somehow but I honestly can't see it happening. The simple fix on paper would be allowing a rare spawn like these to show up at the same time on ALL phases would it not? When all is said and done I know it was my fault for accepting the invite, but I feel like my case still warrants a mini rant.
Is there any must have mods for casual playing?
Only thing i really would like is dps-meter to see how i am doing compared to others. Which one is best?