I'm surprised Blizzard hasn't said anything about barrage. I'm just really picky about when I use it outside of boss fights because I'd rather have the lesser dps than pull everything. The real problem is when I switch stuff it's like. Ok I need to switch lone wolf to exotic, pull out the pet, switch barrage to glaive, switch the focus macro that i use for it and switch the tellmewhen prompts. Kind of a pain in the ass.
Yeah, I really don't like using Barrage.
It's awesome for mass AoEing everything, but it's effective range is a giant cone in front of your character and will pretty much hit ANYTHING in that range that can be attacked.
If you know when to use it, it's awesome.
If you don't, everybody's gonna have a bad day.
Oh hey, my second Garrison Campaign quest is open today.
It's a shame the last one was just a carbon copy of one of those level 100 dailies and I expect this one will be the same.
I got Darktide Roost this week, so I got to play around with Rexxar!
But yeah, it's effectively like doing one of the dailies with some quests in there.
Heh, I finally got the hearthstone tournament mission.![]()
I got that pretty early on, so it was pretty funny.
(Be careful with the book...it doesn't let you pick what it can overwrite.)