Do people truly believe that elemental shaman will be completely left in the dust in raids?
So, I'm sitting/swimming on 1800 garri resources and have all my buildings maxed to lvl2, with the town hall being lvl3. No idea what I could spend them on besides missions. I'm contemplating dropping lvl2 LM for Barn since Trading Post only request reagents you have for guaranteed work orders/resources. Basically 'earning more than I could spend' dilemma. Any opinions on why I should or shouldn't?
War Mill transmog pieces say they are account bound. Does that mean I can buy a plate item with my rogue and mail it to my warrior? Been farming on my warrior, but my rogue has 50 or so scraps also so that would save me farming a piece if I can do that.
Plus my rogue has the shoulder and helm dungeon pieces my warrior hasn't found yet.
I'd like to know this too before I decide to build a war mill.
So, I'm sitting/swimming on 1800 garri resources and have all my buildings maxed to lvl2, with the town hall being lvl3. No idea what I could spend them on besides missions. I'm contemplating dropping lvl2 LM for Barn since Trading Post only request reagents you have for guaranteed work orders/resources. Basically 'earning more than I could spend' dilemma. Any opinions on why I should or shouldn't?
I'd go with the barn. I have a trading post and am running constant missions, and my resources keep gaining. I am about to cross 2,000 soon. It will take about 21 days to get the barn to level 3 I hear, but I think the savage blood production will be well worth it. Those things are 50 primal spirits each, and I fear they're going to be crazily expensive on the AH once people start pumping them out and players are looking to upgrade or craft items.
How close are you to LM lvl 3? You get a rare follower if you get it to lvl 3 and do a quest. (You can just ditch the LM after). 1800 is probably enough of a cushion to be able to upgrade your stuff to level 3 when you unlock them
no thoughts on Pali vs Priest healing?
not for serious raiding, just for dungeons and some LFR I guess. Mainly the fun factor
no thoughts on Pali vs Priest healing?
not for serious raiding, just for dungeons and some LFR I guess. Mainly the fun factor
pally healing anit fun I can tell you that. Holy is the most dynamic. Disc is meh. Really good at tank healing, and that's about it.
I need a very large amount of iron horde scraps.
For what, exactly?I need a very large amount of iron horde scraps.
I've never been kicked as a DPS and only seen people kick others twice. The dungeon journal gives boss strats for each role and you can do normal versions first. If you wipe more than twice on a boss just ask for split between DA:Inquisition's mmo-ness making me actually pumped for Warlords (finally) and the horror stories I keep hearing both here and from friends of the PUG community being worse than ever, kicks left and right from groups, especially going in not knowing these new dungeons for example, or as a healer, having to adjust for no instant heals and whatnot
dunno man :/
I've never been kicked as a DPS and only seen people kick others twice. The dungeon journal gives boss strats for each role and you can do normal versions first. If you wipe more than twice on a boss just ask for tips.
I think it's fine. People don't die very quickly anymore unless they're ignoring mechanics, for the most part. Heals don't fill up as much of the bar, though. I crit with my main heal for about 15%-20% of the average tank's health. Although I suppose it's worth factoring in my Mastery which shields for ~20% of each heal.Rhaknar said:anyway, hows the no-instant heals thing going for healers? fucked or easy to adjust? and also the lack of spirit on gear sounds worrysome, I hate running out of mana as a healer
Female Undead, male Undead, or female Belf for my priest?
Level your followers to 100 if you have all those spare resources.
Sink them into bunker/mill to create scrap for transmogs.
Cloth chestpieces aren't dropping in heroics, at least on personal loot.
I've done like 20 heroics!
Cloth chestpieces aren't dropping in heroics, at least on personal loot.
I've done like 20 heroics!
Oh so I'm not the only one. Had min 630 in every slot except chest. Said fuck it and crafted a chest.
Looks like a bunch of people are missing a cloth chest lol. So random: so I'm not the only one. Had min 630 in every slot except chest. Said fuck it and crafted a chest.
Just have someone mark one of the adds, or always leave it up to tank, cluster behind him, and attack the one in front of him. Once you're running with a group of 630+ it pretty much opens up anyways (1/2 to one rotation will kill one).
I've been leveling a new char with full BOAs using only dungeons and today I hit 69 and started doing WOTLK dungeons. It feels like my leveling speed has been cut in half.
I was getting 45k for completing dungeons in BC and now I only get 15k. I was already getting burnt out on dungeons but now I think I'll just park him until he's got a shit ton of rest xp to burn. Fuck this bullshit.
edit: I guess it's a bug with Utgarde keep. How lucky of me to get it 4 times in a row.
I've been leveling a new char with full BOAs using only dungeons and today I hit 69 and started doing WOTLK dungeons. It feels like my leveling speed has been cut in half.
I was getting 45k for completing dungeons in BC and now I only get 15k. I was already getting burnt out on dungeons but now I think I'll just park him until he's got a shit ton of rest xp to burn. Fuck this bullshit.
edit: I guess it's a bug with Utgarde keep. How lucky of me to get it 4 times in a row.
At 69, isn't Utgarde Keep the only Wotlk dungeon available? Trying to remember when Nexus goes live.
Something seems.. off.
Something seems.. off.
I know some people have had some issues, but I have to say what I've been most impressed by is the LFG community. I'm sure LFR will sour my opinion of it, but I've had decent to good experiences in LFG, and I think the difficulty has a lot to do with that.
I've been leveling a new char with full BOAs using only dungeons and today I hit 69 and started doing WOTLK dungeons. It feels like my leveling speed has been cut in half.
I was getting 45k for completing dungeons in BC and now I only get 15k. I was already getting burnt out on dungeons but now I think I'll just park him until he's got a shit ton of rest xp to burn. Fuck this bullshit.
edit: I guess it's a bug with Utgarde keep. How lucky of me to get it 4 times in a row.
I feel like leveling just slowed down a ton when I hit WOTLK in general. My wife and I were blazing all the way up to 70ish and now it feels like it takes a whole zone to level up.