Trading post is random resource.
Lumber Mill you actually have to go out in the world to get timber. I'm scraping the LM once I get it the title, and then I'll build it later. I want the inn.
They both generate the same amount of resources assuming you keep their orders ticking. The only difference is what you put in to the orders.
Keep in mind the trading post will not always need true iron - the tradegood it requires changes day to day. Sometimes fur, ect.
The lumber mill nets you two followers aswell. The trade post eventually gets you an AH although the mats for that thing seem to be a huge pain to get such that I decided not to bother. I don't mind hearthing to ashran to use the AH.
Overall I went Lumber Mill because I wanted the followers and gathering lumber really takes no time, especially since I go to Nagrand for the barn orders anwyay.
Why not both?
Get the Trading Post first.
At level 3 they are basically the same. LM with a follower produces same resources as TP. I went for LM (at least for now) so I could get the follower it gives at level 3. So I'd say if you're starved for resources before a level 3 LM get the TP. If not, get the LM so you get a rare follower.
Keep in mind that the trading post could have very expensive days if it's say, Frostweed, or something like that.
Lumber Mill is steady, but you have farm the timber for it.
So it's a either a time or a gold sink (elastic cost) to convert resources.
Stop disgruntled banned Chinese gold farmers from DDoSing Battle.netWell got the $4.99 deal yesterday and he has been two days full of disconnecting from the server, any fix to this?
Stop disgruntled banned Chinese gold farmers from DDoSing
Is this what's happening?
I'm not seeing a lot of movement on my guild for raiding next week, I mean, it's pretty dead for anything right now. A friend invited me here but I'm seriously considering just trying to form a core with old friends and bailing out. The problem is I know we will end pugging for lack of people.
I'm not seeing a lot of movement on my guild for raiding next week, I mean, it's pretty dead for anything right now. A friend invited me here but I'm seriously considering just trying to form a core with old friends and bailing out. The problem is I know we will end pugging for lack of people.
anit nothing wrong with pugging. Just gotta find people who will show up each week so you can progress.
on a scale of 1-10, what do you guys think of this expansion?
What side are you? If you're Horde I'll Cross realm ya.
anit nothing wrong with pugging. Just gotta find people who will show up each week so you can progress.
I don't know what number I'd give WoD, but it's the most fun I've had with WoW in a while.
We're still in the honeymoon phase though, so will have to wait and see if it's better than MoP as a whole. Starting off stronger though, I'd say.
Also, just did Grimrail Depot for the first time. Maybe my favourite dungeon so far!
So, how come a trinket like Coagulated Genesaur Blood is shown both on wowhead and the dungeon journal as having a mere 88 int on the heroic version.
But then a person like Kuznam from method has that heroic trinket, only it has a whooping 159 int instead?
Grommash didn't appear at all despite us being told he's going to be the main bad guy. No clue how that's going down.
Because WoWhead changes their tooltips faster than Blizzard toes in response to hotfixes. All the trinkets got nerfed quite hard in the last hotfix round.
So basically Kuznams armory page is simply not properly updated?
I need 31 more salvage crates to unlock the level 3 salvage yard.
This is taking forever.
What side are you? If you're Horde I'll Cross realm ya.
What's some of the easiest 100 followers you can get? Time to ditch the level 94 ones
Are cross realm guilds a thing now? My guild is dead and my friend wants to invite me into his kewl PvE guild, but his server isn't as active and I don't want to transfer :/
Still haven't gotten a single invasion quest =[12 points away from a gold invasion. Dang. Still got a decent amount of apexis and resources from the bronze and silver bags though.
Still haven't gotten a single invasion quest =[
Socrates Rise, or whatever it's called, in Shadowmoon. There are Shadowclan there, they drop apexis, primal spirit, and grant reputation towards the Exarchs. Kill several hundred and the clan should come. I'd suggest a full group - I brought two people, and just missed gold. With five spread out, converging on large mobs as they arrive and on buildings under attack, it seems like this invasion may be the easiest.
Is it really wrong to have both Lumber Mill and Trading Post?
Not really. Though once you've upgraded to lvl 3 on most buildings and are starting to stock up on GR, you should switch at least one of them out for a more useful medium building.
Which one, would you say, is the 'better' medium building once maxed out?
Frostweed is killing me. 3 level 3 herb gardens and I still can't keep up alchemy work orders.
what're all the achievements that're linked to the 10th Anniversary?
Corgi for logging onto WoW, Core Hound mount for defeating Ragnaros, and a Title for winning the Tarren Mill vs Southshore BG.
Which one, would you say, is the 'better' medium building once maxed out?
any suggestion to what to build on the garrison? Im building a tailoring building since im a tailor/enchanter, and heard you need the proper buildings for higher level stuff (so I guess ill build a enchanting one on the other small plot
my garrison is lvl 2 now and I have no idea what to put on the medium plot, so again, suggestions?![]()