Does anyone know what specs are important for WoW? I have a pc with a a i5 2500k cpu, 970 gtx, 16 gb ram and an ssd. And I get roughly 40-70 fps on everything maxed except 2 things on high. The weird thing is this framerate doesn't really change more than maybe 10 frames if I run standard 1080p resolution, or 3620x2036 resolution.
Another thing the kinda perplexes me about my framerate is that I have 2 friends, both have a better cpu, and one have a slighty worse gpu. They both get a solid 100+ fps with their settings which is 1080p resolution and high/ultra options. But if I try to replicate their settings, my framerate still doesn't really change from the 40-70 fps I mentioned above.
So yeah, anyone know what could be causing these kind of results? Really the main thing that is weird to me is how I can have a gigantic reoslution difference and still have pretty much the same performance, I've never seen that happen in another game like this.
Edit - Regarding challenge mode dungeons, is grim rail just a very easy challenge mode dungeon compared to the other challenge dungeons? Seemed way easier than the few others I have tried so far
Does anyone know what specs are important for WoW? I have a pc with a a i5 2500k cpu, 970 gtx, 16 gb ram and an ssd. And I get roughly 40-70 fps on everything maxed except 2 things on high. The weird thing is this framerate doesn't really change more than maybe 10 frames if I run standard 1080p resolution, or 3620x2036 resolution.
Another thing the kinda perplexes me about my framerate is that I have 2 friends, both have a better cpu, and one have a slighty worse gpu. They both get a solid 100+ fps with their settings which is 1080p resolution and high/ultra options. But if I try to replicate their settings, my framerate still doesn't really change from the 40-70 fps I mentioned above.
So yeah, anyone know what could be causing these kind of results? Really the main thing that is weird to me is how I can have a gigantic reoslution difference and still have pretty much the same performance, I've never seen that happen in another game like this.
Edit - Regarding challenge mode dungeons, is grim rail just a very easy challenge mode dungeon compared to the other challenge dungeons? Seemed way easier than the few others I have tried so far
That boss sucked sooo much with the caster mobility nerfs.
Yeah I'm looking for an invitation to that today.
Are normal raids pugable? I might start doing them now that there is a group finder. Seems like it would be easy to find a group using that. I used to like (lol) doing LFR, but it looks like they removed a lot from that.
Kind of sad raids are opening soon. I don't do them due to not being able to schedule myself for a game at night. Right now I am ilvl 635. Kind of nice being super decked out for a change
Are normal raids pugable? I might start doing them now that there is a group finder. Seems like it would be easy to find a group using that. I used to like (lol) doing LFR, but it looks like they removed a lot from that.
For what it's worth he has a ridiculously small hitbox as well so he can be annoying as melee. I'm just glad he was early on this time around because it made him a lot easier to deal with since the gear requirements weren't as high.
Did they make them harder to get or something? Super easy to grab one in MoP so when I got mine the other day for hitting rank 4 I sort of didn't care and just left it in my mail box. Maybe i should try to AH it.
Assuming normal is tuned like flex SoO was (which I don't see why it wouldn't be) it is meant to be puggable. Basically fights have all the same mechanics they have on normal (or what is heroic now) but the numbers are scaled to be more forgiving.
I've been doing pretty regular rare mob Pandaria runs for Brawler's Guild invites and I keep coming up empty. The worst part is that I have a quest for killing one of the BG bosses just taunting me.
Wait, we have to get the brawler's guild invite again?
Wait, we have to get the brawler's guild invite again?
Hey all, I've done a good deal of looking around and I can't figure out what this mod is, see below:
Changes holy power or other alt powers to a series of bars instead of icons in Pitbull. Any clue what it is? I've tried this: but I can't figure out how to get dividers in, if it's even possible.
Oh, thanks, that was actually really fast. Killed a few until the rare Eviscerator guy popped up and he dropped it right away.Kill the ogres in the Ring of Blood. They drop invites, and also primals and apexis. Inside, not the outcasts outside of it.
Oh, thanks, that was actually really fast. Killed a few until the rare Eviscerator guy popped up and he dropped it right away.
Also, this item seems super broken right now. I guess you can abuse it in battlegrounds and stuff too.
Started playing wow for the first time after that $5 sale, and it seems pretty dope so far. My biggest beef is with these first few dungeons. Tanked five of them so far, but I had literally no idea what any of the mechanics were for any of the bosses because they were getting vaporized within seconds. Is this consistent until level cap?
I feel like I'm being set up for failure later because I can't get a good grasp of how to tank effectively simply because the encounters don't last long enough.
Damn the stables level 3 is 1200 resources.. are all the large building that expensive? Didn't seem like it at first glance. I'm at the point where I can upgrade but im having second thoughts considering I was planning on replacing it after I got the 2 bonus mounts anyway.
Damn the stables level 3 is 1200 resources.. are all the large building that expensive? Didn't seem like it at first glance. I'm at the point where I can upgrade but im having second thoughts considering I was planning on replacing it after I got the 2 bonus mounts anyway.
Did the whole rare mount vendor showing up randomly if you have level 3 stables get scrapped? Need to determine whether or not to replace stables once I finish the achievement.
In everything I've seen about the Stables that's not something I've seen any mention of.Did the whole rare mount vendor showing up randomly if you have level 3 stables get scrapped? Need to determine whether or not to replace stables once I finish the achievement.
I just bought WoD after being out of WoW for ~3 years. I logged into my Shaman and saw I was Enhancement. What is the way to go now? Also, I completely forgot how to play.![]()
Shamwows are pretty gimped right now along with a few other classes. If you dont want to heal, your better off staying as is. Ele is god awful.
Any recommendations for a Enh build? I forgot which site had the builds. heh
Any recommendations for a Enh build? I forgot which site had the builds. heh
Im not the best person to ask, dont play my Shammy all that much. Im wallowing in the sheer crapiness of my poor warlock atm. Im sure someone on here will give you a heads up. have no idea which talents and glyphs I should choose. Any ENH shamans around?
Trying to figure out what talents and glyphs I should use. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Can't get a group good enough to complete UBRS CM. Many wipes. Going to heroic after feels like child's play.
What's the 2nd hardest CM?
Oh snap, finally got an invasion quest! Only got bronze though.
Still not sure exactly how they work or what I did to trigger it.
Someone hook me up with some updated brewmaster weakauras. Most of the ones on the internet are broken for wod.
What are the WoW zones that you like?Im still waiting for this amazing lvling experience people said WoD had, Shadowmoon was ok, it wasnt bad but it was far from amazing, and Gorgrond was just awful.
Some of them are okay. I'm not digging that one for stagger though.
These were working when I loaded them. They also seem to be updated from time to time.
I didnt like Gorgrond AT ALL. I ddint do half the map (I assume because of the outpost choice) and the last scenario just came out of nowhere and just send me all the way to the north, didnt even uncover the map/zone there, and now its sending me back to the garrison
I dont know if im supposed to explore the map to find more quest hubs, wow usually just sends you to them, nor do I really care tbh, im 95 and Talador says its 95-96 so im just going to move on.
Im still waiting for this amazing lvling experience people said WoD had, Shadowmoon was ok, it wasnt bad but it was far from amazing, and Gorgrond was just awful.
On a plus side, I did Iron Docks and the mines dungeons and those were fun, even tho in iron docks the tank just kept pulling a million mobs and dying >_>