LMAO. It is a fucking nightmare. Camping a rare spawn that is on a supposed 96-hour timer.
I wasted my entire Satueday before giving up at 4am.
noooooooooooooooooooooooo, why
LMAO. It is a fucking nightmare. Camping a rare spawn that is on a supposed 96-hour timer.
I wasted my entire Satueday before giving up at 4am.
noooooooooooooooooooooooo, why![]()
On the bright side everyone that taps him gets the mount. So it goes from impossible to simply how bad you want it and how much time you have to burn in the process.
Everything.wait what? so I don't even need to level my enchanting and jewelry anymore?
which low level mats are we talking about here?
This guide covers all of the Warlords of Draenor Enchanting additions and changes, as well as Enchanting at the Garrison. Profession perks are removed but there are new weapon, neck, ring, and cloak enchants. You can also change the appearance of your weapon enchant with Illusions, so we've provided screenshots of all the colors!
You can level from 1-700 exclusively with Draenor recipes and mats too!
where is he if I decide to eventually try it?
Chat is fixed an whole lotta people seem to be gone, GG Blizz for fixing things.
On my server the prices look like this:
Fel Iron Ore - 3g
Adamantium Ore - 3g 90s
Cobalt Ore - 6g 90s
Saronite Ore - 3g 50s
Obsidium Ore - 3g
Felweed - 3g
Terocone - 4g
Tiger Lily - 9g
Cinderbloom - 4g
Azshara's Veil - 9g
Netherweave Cloth - 50s
Frostweave Cloth - 27s
Embersilk Cloth - 1g 70s
Windwool Cloth - 1g 38s
Etc, you get the idea. My point is this market exists because people with lots of money want to power level their professions for whatever reason. In the past, when profession leveles mattered a lot, low level (by which I mean non-cap) were worth more. Now, with the Draenor changes and vastly decreased utility in having high profession levels, these prices have gone down but are still a good source of income for people leveling alts on new servers.
As for the profession changes:
Trade Chat is suddenly a graveyard from all the suspensions.
I can't stop laughing.
is that price per item or per stack? can't check right now on my server cuz i'm at work
I was part of the great Poundfist Thanksgiving Camp of 2014. 24+ hours total between Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. What happens after I say fuck it and go to get a sandwich on Saturday afternoon? He spawns. Okay, I knew that was the risk. My fault. I could at least be excited for my fellow server buddies camping?guys, how do you get the gronn mount? that is all I care about. It cant be raiding because ive seen one, please tell me its not that hard. Its my one goal in this expansion >_>
Lmfao! I'm dying.
Just search Poundfist on Wowhead. He's the rare mob that drops the mount. He can spawn in one of five places in Gorgrond and Wowhead has a map that shows them.where is he if I decide to eventually try it?
In a way... not really. He's only a 95 elite. SO VERY easily a couple of people could kill him and not say anything and people are left camping in the other areas know NOTHING if no one was there to say a word. The five spots are fairly enough spread out that he could be downed before you even run from another one.But as has been mentioned, every single person who taps him gets the mount. So it'll become easier with time as more people get it.
Trade Chat is suddenly a graveyard from all the suspensions.
I can't stop laughing.
Trade Chat is suddenly a graveyard from all the suspensions.
I can't stop laughing.
Queue up for a heroic, get into Bloodmaul Slagmines.
About 2 minutes in "lets do Croman!!11"
Tank says he hasn't got the time for it. I don't particularly want to either. The fucking bellends end up making the tank leave after the first boss.
Lmfao! I'm dying.
Just search Poundfist on Wowhead. He's the rare mob that drops the mount. He can spawn in one of five places in Gorgrond and Wowhead has a map that shows them.
It's a real crapshoot at the moment. His spawn time is 48 to up to 90+ hours. Oh and any sort of server reset restarts his timer. So if there is maintenance this week or restarts then servers who haven't gotten him for the second time this week won't see him until late Thursday or even later.
But as has been mentioned, every single person who taps him gets the mount. So it'll become easier with time as more people get it.
Queue up for a heroic, get into Bloodmaul Slagmines.
About 2 minutes in "lets do Croman!!11"
Tank says he hasn't got the time for it. I don't particularly want to either. The fucking bellends end up making the tank leave after the first boss.
whats Croman? is that a CM thing?
There's no difference in doing croman other than the order of the first two bosses and not dying.
It's not like leeroy where you have to do extra trash, it's literally just dont die.
There's no difference in doing croman other than the order of the first two bosses and not dying.
It's not like leeroy where you have to do extra trash, it's literally just dont die.
Queue up for a heroic, get into Bloodmaul Slagmines.
About 2 minutes in "lets do Croman!!11"
Tank says he hasn't got the time for it. I don't particularly want to either. The fucking bellends end up making the tank leave after the first boss.
But he didn't want to do it. Which is fine. He should not have been hounded out of the group because two people (they were both dps and I doing as much damage as them combined, so it was pretty slow going, which annoyed me even more) wanted to get some poxy follower.
So we sat for 5 minutes waiting before I remembered the queue is pretty short this time of the morning and left myself.
Per item. Wouldn't be worth the time if it was per stack.
But he didn't want to do it. Which is fine. He should not have been hounded out of the group because two people (they were both dps and I doing as much damage as them combined, so it was pretty slow going, which annoyed me even more) wanted to get some poxy follower.
So we sat for 5 minutes waiting before I remembered the queue is pretty short this time of the morning and left myself.
I play in Windowed Full Screen mode and after alt-tabbing my game always gets choppy. Frame rate and ping are perfect but the game just stutters while i move every few steps and I keep /reload.
Anyone ever experienced this?
Yeah, I'm a "douche" for not wanting to have to wait in another queue for another tank at 4am.
Dropping one member is still going to leave you at the front of the queue. It's not hard to replace someone. Croman isn't any real extra work and even though I have him I'll take him along for kicks. I mean he's basically just free extra damage.Yeah, I'm a "douche" for not wanting to have to wait in another queue for another tank at 4am.
Maybe a workaround would be going into system>advanced and turning the max background fps up?
It sounds like the game still think its 'minimized' or whatever, which is the larger issue.
If you're going to kill all the bosses anyway, doing so in a way that actively stops other people from getting something is fucking douchey. That tank was a douche and an idiot for thinking it takes any extra time to get Croman.
It's not something extra thoughNot really. If I asked someone if they wanted to do something extra, they said no, I'd just say "fair fucks" and get on with it. There could be a myriad of reasons for him not have been wanting to do it, he didn't deserve the treatment he got.
But, from seeing how you want to label him a douche and an idiot, I can see we don't agree at all.
It's not something extra though
Not really. If I asked someone if they wanted to do something extra, they said no, I'd just say "fair fucks" and get on with it. There could be a myriad of reasons for him not have been wanting to do it, he didn't deserve the treatment he got.
But, from seeing how you want to label him a douche and an idiot, I can see we don't agree at all.
Maybe a workaround would be going into system>advanced and turning the max background fps up?
It sounds like the game still think its 'minimized' or whatever, which is the larger issue.
If you're going to kill all the bosses anyway, doing so in a way that actively stops other people from getting something is fucking douchey. That tank was a douche and an idiot for thinking it takes any extra time to get Croman.
Thanks for the response. Looks like for some reason my SLI was disabled. Perhaps an update reset it. Seems to be OK after re-enabling.
new drivers always disable SLI