I can't believe how horendous the boar run cycle is though. Of all the mounts they showed, I was the most excited about a boar mount. Even over the Gronnlings and Clefthoofs, but the running animation is so choppy and shitty that it immediately killed my desire to ever use one.
You make me want to be done with work RIGHT NOW.665 BOE drop while questing in Nagrand
still working my way through Spires of Arrak, 99 and half, pretty sure ill hit 100 before reaching nagrand. oh well, ill still do it, Nagrand was my favorite zone in BC so
Also did Skyreach and I like dit, kinda small tho
You forgot about Oondasta. The gold standard for how a world boss should be done lol. Shit was crazy before they nerfed him.I'm actually more interested in how world bosses will work this expansion.
Sha of Anger was okay but his mechanics were kind of mindless.
Galleon was an improvement but they really screwed up the spawn timer and the camping was out of control.
Nalak was fine. Wish he was somewhere else since it was too easy to grief people at the ToT zoneline.
I liked Ordos. I'm torn on how much fun it was to have unflagged or same-faction jerkwads train cows onto the fight. It felt like a nice variation to deal with deadly 'adds' once the fight was trivialized but after a while it felt like a huge waste of time when the pvp heroes ruined an otherwise fine attempt.
Given the Poundfist situation my faith that they'll have decent spawn timers on world bosses isn't high. They both look to have Galleon mechanics between the adds and the huge cleave in front of them.
so apparently someone figured out how to post pictures in chat
I want to punch that person -.-
Mine's not! My old core of raid buddies hooked up with some other dudes my brother was raiding Siege with, and we are looking to be in a pretty good spot to dive into Highmaul.
thank god I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and not feel the raid pressure/hype
god bless wod
thank god I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and not feel the raid pressure/hype
god bless wod
Two world bosses + raid. Hype overload incoming.
Which of the 3 world bosses are going to be up?
This is the script (this particular should give a link to a Legendary Leeroy Jenkins via a Blizz icon):so apparently someone figured out how to post pictures in chat
I want to punch that person -.-
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0000ff\124Hgarrfollower:178:5:100:690:130:131:127:0:78:186:201:79\124h[\124TInterface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatIcon-Blizz:256:256:0:0:32:16:4:28:0:16\124t]\124h\124r");
finished Spires of Arrak, did everything in the zone. Was about ready to give up on there being a Arrakoa follower until the very last quest lol. also, finally a dungeon quest (for skyreach, and the legendary quest is for skyreach aswell so cool). It was by far my favorite zone so far, helps that im a big Arrakoa fanboy.
parked at my garrison with all follower mission deployed (im off to work soon), im sitting at 1.7k resources so im sure ill geet my 2k tomorow, even doing follower quests. I guess killing all those rares gave me a lot of resources, I didnt have to "save" or not do missions at all while lvling. also helps that im doing every quest, and some quests like the wanted ones give resources.
Nagrand tomorow because like I said I want to play the zone and I want the higher gear since its all gated by ilvl now anyway. I should hold off on doing proving grounds I assume until I have a bit higher gear, I havent even done the 100 dungeons on normal so im in no hurry to jump on heroics
on the talent front, turns out the talent to make mind blast instant and shave 3 secs off the cooldown is way too good not to take. it helps that the dot ended up beign shit (and its not instant wtf) and the shadow clones giving orbs instead of doing dmg, tbh I rarely see those clones pop out, and compared to instant 5 sec cd mind blast...yeah.
still havent tried holy which was the initial plan lol
I thought the level 3 Mine had guards to prevent this sort of thing >:|
Unless you're telling me they got killed by some level 90 Gorens, in which case I need to find new guards.
But those things are awesome because they have almost a full stack of ore on them (well almost 20, BACK IN MY DAY stacks were 20 and we liked it)
I can't believe how shitty Shamans are. This is way worse than early vanilla alliance lock. I seriously regret rolling one. Should have gone with anything else.
Sell low level mats.
Although with the Draenor profession changes this is less viable than ever.
Yeah definetly Auch CM it's pretty easy, 3rd boss was the only one that gave us problems but mainly because people weren't doing the mechanics fast enough, Teron'gor almost killed us while he was doing his final animation lol, but first try.
any particular spec? I miss my shammy![]()
wait what's the draenor profession change?
and what kind of low level mats?
Pug or guild?
Everything. Cloth, ore, herbs, dust. Particularly ore and herbs.wait what's the draenor profession change?
and what kind of low level mats?
For Affliction Locks, what are you doing for AoE? I feel so useless when we're clearing trash. =/ Seed of Corruption is too slow to boom, Cataclysm is only every minute, Abyssal summon is every 10m. Am I missing something basic?
does the seed not pop from damage anymore? I remember just spamming seed back in the day and it popping all over the place from other people's damage
It does, but often the critters are already dead or nearly dead. It's all back-end. I don't have Mannoroth's Fury, suppose that'd help (1m cool down).
Edit: I should qualify, it only pops due to the caster's damage -- I think that is a change from earlier.
Everything. Cloth, ore, herbs, dust. Particularly ore and herbs.
The Draenor profession change makes having a high level profession not very useful at all, since you can make Draenor level stuff from 1-700. The skill only really affects certain profession equips, and how much stuff you get out of your daily transmute.
I just checked prices though, and it looks like low level mats are as profitable as always so there you go.
Going through some basic pre-raiding prep for tomorrow night... Agi pots are gonna be a real pain... Might end up farming them instead of buying 'em, shits expensive. Flasks are ok though
guys, how do you get the gronn mount? that is all I care about. It cant be raiding because ive seen one, please tell me its not that hard. Its my one goal in this expansion >_>
guys, how do you get the gronn mount? that is all I care about. It cant be raiding because ive seen one, please tell me its not that hard. Its my one goal in this expansion >_>