I agree with that, and actually found normal raiding more fun than LFR in MoP, but I still think it's a risky move from Blizz. Will all those people in LFR be willing to migrate to new difficulties? Or will they simply stop raiding / drop the game entirely?
I'm kinda confused as to why people are upset over this kind of stuff.
I despise LFR, it's boring when it goes smoothly and frustrating when it doesn't, it never feels like actual raiding to me, more like a theme park ride or something. On the off chance an encounter actually is difficult, it's like pulling teeth and feels like you just have to wait for determination to stack up in order to down the hard bosses.
So to me, if your a person with no other way to raid, you're probably doing LFR just to see content. And that's what you'll get. The gear is enough to get you through the content and no more.
I dunno, maybe I'm elitist or something, but as a heroic (now Mythic) raider, I put in a fuckload more effort than people coasting through LFR. LFR to me is so mindless and unfun that it barely feels like raiding to me. There's no problem solving, no sense of progression, no sense of building a team. These are the things that make raiding good and LFR throws all of it out the window for the sake of accessibility.
I'm fine with it being there as an option, but it should absolutely be marginalized in terms of rewards. Again, call me elitist or egotistic, but if someone in LFR can look the same as me, have access to the same mounts as me, the same set bonuses and weapons, with the only thing separating their character from mine being an iLvL then why the hell would I be doing what I'm doing?
I do it because I like the challenge and the camaraderie, and the competitiveness. But I also think I should be set apart from others who haven't put in the effort I have. So I'm glad that Blizz is doing what they're doing.
Not to mention the fact that despite these feelings, I still had to suffer through LFR at the beginning of tiers in order to patch up weakspots in my gear for progression. That sucks. Imagine if your someone who plays the hardest difficulty in every game cause you like the challenge, but you have to coast through Easy multiple times first. That's what it felt like and it was horrible.
I'm sure I seem egotistical to the people who feel they have no other option and still want the mounts and the cool looking sets, ect. Ultimately I feel I should be set apart for my effort and that's what Blizzard seems to want, too.