I'm an expert
Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Meant for pve. Even arcane is better now. For pvp I'm still liking arcane as well just because I'm sick of frost lol.
Meant for pve. Even arcane is better now. For pvp I'm still liking arcane as well just because I'm sick of frost lol.
I felt so gimped using arcane through Cata and MoP, but I'm liking it now. Frost still feels a little busy to me, but, like I said, I'm sure it's just a rotation issue.
Did you take frost bomb? If so, I highly recommend refreshing your memory with how to use it/keep up fingers/use your pet. Check out a guide or forum post. Also, are you dropping ring of frost preemptively before spawn?.
I'm honestly surprised how many people play mage here. After vanilla it really took a nosedive in popularity I felt.
Did you take frost bomb? If so, I highly recommend refreshing your memory with how to use it/keep up fingers/use your pet. Check out a guide or forum post. Also, are you dropping ring of frost preemptively before spawn?
I'm honestly surprised how many people play mage here. After vanilla it really took a nosedive in popularity I felt.
I normally go for the spell casting classes first in RPG games. I picked mage specifically because Yahtzee made it sound like a good soloing class under the "magic user" umbrella.
Well, firstly, I need to practice and learn how to do those things, as I have only a fleeting idea that came from a couple educated guesses, but I took frost orb on the recommendation of a video I looked up. Lots of stuff to read up on.
I normally go for the spell casting classes first in RPG games. I picked mage specifically because Yahtzee made it sound like a good soloing class under the "magic user" umbrella.
I came back after skipping most of MoP and leveling my mage from 85-90 was the single most painful experience I have ever had.I was ultra squishy and felt like I was doing hardly any damage at all (I tried all three specs) I was dreading it when I started getting her going in WoD but surprisingly it's been no issue (Leveling anyway) The stat squish seems to have had a very positive effect there. Then getting enhanced water ele as my level 94 perk upped it even more. I know it's meaningless but during normal dungeon runs I'm always at least second on the dps tables if not first so I'm pretty happy there.
What I'm not so pleased about is how often a mage has to sit down and eat during leveling. It's like some throwback to olden days. Just feels weird and no other class I play even carries food around with them apart from my DK who is also my cook so has a reason to![]()
Frost orb is a skill every frost mage has. We're talking about your tier 75 talent and whether you took bomb or nova. Yeah, in general just read up, watch some videos, learn the spec. It's the hardest to play of the three, no question.
This is all totally fixed. Mage is an utter monster doing 90-100. How he's gonna be in high end pve/pvp we'll see, but the leveling experience was a joy and his dps in dungeons is respectable.
Oh GAF, help me, WoD is calling me back to WoW. Must.... Resist....
(Wow History: Played from Vanilla to Late TBC, missed WOTLK, Came Back for Cata, Left again about 2.5 years ago)
Got the 10 day trial running to either satiate my urge, or see it drag me back in.
Lots of new content to experience, having missed an expansion again
Old server is a ghostland, so I'd need to consider restarting from scratch on a new realm (no alts, gold etc.)
Ah. Don't remember what I took and the game is down. I'll get back to you on that one later.
Well, relative to it's old population it's not good according to some old guildmates that are still there even after a merge, I was kind of tipped off when on the realm selection the realm appears as "New Players" and they say the raid scene on the server has effectively cratered.
Leaving gold/alts there will be so bad, might have to stump up for a transfer just to transfer my old wealth haha![]()
If you have more than 10k gold I'd say yeah, might as well just pay to ship one character off. Anything under 10k.. I dunno.. the cash value of gold/the actual transfer doesn't really even out and with your 90 boost you save so much time on just a fresh new char. If the char you want to play is 85 it's very fast to do 85-90 and then you can immediately boost a new alt to 90 on the new server.
Well, firstly, I need to practice and learn how to do those things, as I have only a fleeting idea that came from a couple educated guesses, but I took frost orb on the recommendation of a video I looked up. Lots of stuff to read up on.
One of the addons I use for my garrison missions has a countdown until the mission goes away from the list. It's one of the addons that was on mmo-champions frontpage 3-4 days ago.
I highly recommend using those addons they listed because they really help you out.
Shows success chance on main page.
Shows cooldown on followers, when will they become available.
Speeds up the review of finished missions.
Shows how many followers you have that can counter different stuff.
Can automatically assign a group for missions with more than one follower. Gives 3 options with a given success rate for each composition.
Any Warriors in here? I saved my boost because i wanted to get my Feral Druid 100 since i have been playing a Druid since the game launched and the DPS i was doing was so pathetic i ended up using the boost on the Warrior to Tank (when our main tank isn't on) and DPS when he is. Leveling as a Prot Warrior which i absolutely love but my question is, is DPS'ing as a Prot Warrior even viable? Should i swap to Fury or Arms?
Nova is THE leveling talent, no doubt, same with supernova. They're incredible burst. In heroics (and I'm assuming raids) I think frost bomb starts to outshine it though, assuming you have the skill to manage it.
My Warrior is 97 and i am leveling him to 100 as Prot because i find the survivability and play style just more fun. I want Prot as my main since our other Tank is being shipped out this month but for heroics and stuff i will be playing the DPS role since my buddy is our main tank and is probably 1000x better then i ever will be at playing a tank.Main war tank here. Do you mean for leveling or for end game? End game glad stance is insane, great dps. Prot war dps in general is also really good but they just nerfed us a bit last week. For leveling (I do have heroic heirloom and upgraded quest gear) I basically 2-3 shot mobs as prot. If you just mean being a dedicated dps, there's no reason not to just go fury.. but it's a playstyle thing at this point. If you want sword and board dps, you can do it now.
The inn quests to get an item really need to be for completing that dungeon. It's not fun queuing for 45 minutes as DPS to get into a dungeon and see the tank and healer loot an item and leave.
So 15 mins before the servers are going down I get a highmaul follower mission. Unfortunately my good followers won't be available by then. The mission wont go away after the reset right?
Just go glad stance. Or set your loot drops to whatever spec you want.
Anyone actually got anything other then the Focus Augment Rune from the Call to Arms satchel?
Anyone actually got anything other then the Focus Augment Rune from the Call to Arms satchel?
I have every graphics setting as high as it can go and I'm using CMAA. Pretty sure I have screenshot quality at its highest setting in the WTF (I think?) file as well.
If anyone knows more tricks to make it look even better I'm all ears
The great thing about Gladiator Stance is that you can use the exact same gear as for tank spec and do good DPS, and vice versa. If you're 100% min-maxing you'll probably want to weigh certain stats more heavily than others, but even in glad stance bonus armor is something you want.
The not-so-great thing about Glad stance is that it isn't its own spec, so you have to retalent/reglyph often, depending on whether you're tanking or not, as you'll almost certainly want some talents in Glad stance and other talents for tanking. I leveled mostly as Fury though, but with the damage tanks do, can't go wrong as Prot either way, unless you prefer another spec.
Wanting to boost my new alt, is it worth leveling them to 60 before so they can get 600 professions, or do the changes mean this isn't much of a big deal any more?
Wanting to boost my new alt, is it worth leveling them to 60 before so they can get 600 professions, or do the changes mean this isn't much of a big deal any more?
How's hunter go as far as soloing content? Are they still up there? Obviously not as good as DK
Yeah, wth is up with that? We're 2-3 weeks into the expansion and queues for a heroic are like 37-45 minutes?? That's on random ffs. Every time I see that damn average time keep creeping up and up I see Mr. Burns with his fingertips in a pyramid maniacally laughing, while yelling "you JUST bought a 2 month pre-paid card and activated it! MUAH HA HA HA!"
Engineering is really easy to level to 600 though. You just need a lot of blackrock ore and you can get straight there making mecha blast rockets. Not all the professions have an equivalent craftable item I don't think.
Getting Engineering to 600 yields...what exactly?Engineering is really easy to level to 600 though. You just need a lot of blackrock ore and you can get straight there making mecha blast rockets. Not all the professions have an equivalent craftable item I don't think.