As long as Naga Females get extra glove and bracer slots...and two extra off hands...
Just a joke.This sounds neat. Is this just speculation or a "leak" or what?
So I was going to faction change my Draenei shaman over to Goblin soonish but I was curious...what happens to my Tabard of the Hand? Does it just go away?
Rushing TotC out and cutting off Ulduar is still the worst scheduling decision Blizzard has ever made, IMO.
Rushing TotC out and cutting off Ulduar is still the worst scheduling decision Blizzard has ever made, IMO.
How exactly does the WoD level 90 boost work?
Can I hold onto it as long as I want?
Can I hold onto it as long as I want?
That feel when the Pandaren warrior starting set is better looking than most tiers.
It boosts you to 90 and gives you a bunch of greens to quest in. If you're over 60 when you boost, your professions get maxed out. It'll drop you in Timeless Isle, but I imagine with WoD it'll now drop you in Tanaan Jungle.
I can't see why not.
That feel when the Pandaren warrior starting set is better looking than most tiers.
It boosts you to 90 and gives you a bunch of greens to quest in. If you're over 60 when you boost, your professions get maxed out. It'll drop you in Timeless Isle, but I imagine with WoD it'll now drop you in Tanaan Jungle.
I can't see why not.
If you mouse over the item, it says that if you faction change it will turn into a guild tabard, which you should be able to restore through the tabard vendor in Dalaran.
I wonder if boosts will start getting you to 100? I can see it happening eventually.
I wonder if boosts will start getting you to 100? I can see it happening eventually.
I wonder if boosts will start getting you to 100? I can see it happening eventually.
Heres a nice collection of most of the gear sets in WoD
Big fan of almost all of the plate sets. Warrior has some sexy gear for PvE and PvP.
Aoe is fine for glad. They lose out on ravager but still have bladestorm and all the other shit.Edit: After reading a bit, it sounds like Glad is kinda lacking in AoE/cleave scenarios, which there apparently are a good amount of. I would assume the Warrior DPS specs will all eventually end up close to each other once we're able to start raiding, so I guess I'm essentially just choosing between Warrior and DK now.
Why are the siege raids with Horde cities? That's two now isn't it?
Also got the 1h sword heirloom from Garrosh last night so that's pretty sweet
Why are the siege raids with Horde cities? That's two now isn't it?
Also got the 1h sword heirloom from Garrosh last night so that's pretty sweet
saw this on MMOChampion
*checks character profiles on*
So how about those new facial expressions?
Can you find Archaeology toys on multiple characters? Since toys are now account-wide, I'm hoping they're removed from the pool of potential projects for other characters.
Eh, splitting BT and ZA and ICC and Ruby Sanctum seems unfair, especially the latter, Icecrown was the relevant content for over a year too.
Can you find Archaeology toys on multiple characters? Since toys are now account-wide, I'm hoping they're removed from the pool of potential projects for other characters.
Eh, splitting BT and ZA and ICC and Ruby Sanctum seems unfair, especially the latter, Icecrown was the relevant content for over a year too.
as someone with currently no interest in Warlords, I would probably pop a tiny boner if playable Naga were announced in a new expansion. I do love me my freak races (yes, I only play worgen and draenei, and 1 panda)
Aw man. I wish I found out about that before our last mythic run. I'm gonna try it out on garrosh in a flex to freak some people out.That new Haunting Memento works on pretty much everything. Even raid bosses. I found out by mistake by using it while having one of the Celestial bosses targeted on Timeless Isle. Gonna have to try it on some giant bosses like Ragnaros. It's pretty much the new Gnomish Shrink Ray.
Blizzard "no fun allowed" nerf ETA in 10, 9...
Yeah I saw that and laughed, not really an accurate representation of how things were for raiding. My guild didn't even do ZA in TBC lol, there was a subset of people that put a group together each week but it wasn't mandatory or anything. Even though Sunwell eventually came the wait on it was just as bad as ICC/DS/SoO, a lotttttt of my hardcore raiding vanilla friends quit playing because they were incredibly bored of BT.
Does anyone play on Uther (Horde)? Just reactivated my account and haven't played since before Pandaria came out and could use a guild to join.
I think ZA was more important for guilds like mine who'd joined late as we needed the gear from it to continue in BT.
I never understood the want or appeal to having playable naga or orgres. Naga wouldn't fit running around, orgres would be okay, But would look pretty goofy in full gear with a helm on.