I just can't find a weapon to save my life. I'm not even picky for what spec, I run auchindoun and iron depot and switch my loot thing between balance/guardian based on which boss drops weapons. At least I finally replaced my last 615 pieces last night right before I went to bed, but I'm still missing a lot of gear for my dps specs. Not much luck with warforged stuff either. Hoping I get lucky from the world boss and garrison invasion tonight, assuming the server's up. No idea what to expect from the first week of LFR either.
My guild has been farming heroic trash in highmaul for BOEs, I didn't win anything but we found like 8 cloaks/belts in 4 runs. I was in there as a tank when they decided to try Butcher, but they had me go cat. I was totally not prepared either mentally or gearwise, I've always played tanks in raids so I felt like I was flailing. We were wiping to tank deaths anyways but we had nowhere near enough dps, I figured I was a big part of the problem. I had no recount though and people stayed mysteriously quiet whenever I asked how I was doing.
I still feel like I should have been doing way more, and on a fight where I wasn't just standing there the whole time I'd probably fuck up due to tunnel vision. I just don't feel comfortable playing cat in raids. I wonder if I'd do better as balance, my guild REALLY needs caster dps right now.
My guild has been farming heroic trash in highmaul for BOEs, I didn't win anything but we found like 8 cloaks/belts in 4 runs. I was in there as a tank when they decided to try Butcher, but they had me go cat. I was totally not prepared either mentally or gearwise, I've always played tanks in raids so I felt like I was flailing. We were wiping to tank deaths anyways but we had nowhere near enough dps, I figured I was a big part of the problem. I had no recount though and people stayed mysteriously quiet whenever I asked how I was doing.
Turns out that's because I was beating them
I still feel like I should have been doing way more, and on a fight where I wasn't just standing there the whole time I'd probably fuck up due to tunnel vision. I just don't feel comfortable playing cat in raids. I wonder if I'd do better as balance, my guild REALLY needs caster dps right now.