Well, I have a Highmaul Raid follower mission. Shame I don't have enough level 645 followers to get 100% success rate on it.
Roll that dice! 64% chance of success! BELIEVE!
Well, I have a Highmaul Raid follower mission. Shame I don't have enough level 645 followers to get 100% success rate on it.
what triggers the 'raiding' follower missions? Getting followers to high item levels?
I'm still waiting on some more armor sets/weapon sets, but I have tons of item enhancements.
LFR is so so so easy.
I just finished my LFR. Thanks for the info earlier, all. Went well but I'm not sure how it couldn't with how easy everything is. No loot thoughSo here is my other question, how often can you run it and get loot? I see where it says I've already looted the three, is it daily? Weekly? Thanks again.
I see people making groups for invasions. Is that the weekly daily where you go and invade those lvl 100 areas? Or is that the garrison invasion where you get invaded?
Is there a good addon for seeing timers for DOTs on the action bars instead of under the target portrait? I guess I could move portraits around or find some way to have enemy debuffs display somewhere else, but on the actual spell that causes the debuff feels like a pretty consise way of doing it.
Well, I have a Highmaul Raid follower mission. Shame I don't have enough level 645 followers to get 100% success rate on it.
class timer
LFR is shockingly easy. If I go back tomorrow, can I use one of these stones and increase my chance for loot? Is that how it works? I got some decent shoulders from Kargath.
Cata Raid:
Stay Chill - http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=5304 (might be able to figure a way to get this on my own)
You can, but just from the extra roll, not the boss though.
The chance is extremely low, I think I tried getting the staff from Imersus in SoO like several times and all I got was gold. Hopefully you are lucky, but I would save the rerolls for normal Highmaul.
Gear is 640 and even 630 follower missions can net you better gear(645). I say wait it out and slowly get heroic gear and get to 630 where I see lots of groups are using that ilvl to accept people into their raid.
Unbelievable that the hearthstone-to-Garrison-stuck-on-loading-and-can't-relog-for-20-minutes-glitch is still in the game.
What an incompetent piece of shit company Blizzard truly has become. From classics to turds, in the span of 10 years. It's disgusting.
You can. Once you know what to do, it's pretty easy to solo.
Can you use bonus rolls on ML?
Easiest raid loot of my life.
Deck defender can be soloed as range. Gotta be quick with the drakes.
master loot?
Bonus rolls affect only you and has nothing to do with the raids loot.
Wasn't LFR decent in Mop?
Wasn't LFR decent in Mop?
Yeah, Stay Chill is pretty easy to do alone, especially if you have a lot of on demand self healing. Deck Defender is pretty easy to solo as well, but, maybe that is because I have a spammable sprint on my rogue, but, I got it on my second try no problem.
Deck defender can be soloed as range. Gotta be quick with the drakes.
Nice ww ring!
Wasn't LFR decent in Mop?
A lot of fights weren't designed well for LFR. MSV was ok but Garalon destroyed groups both before and after they added Determination. In WoD it seems like they're dedicated to removing some core mechanics from each boss for LFR that are in every other version.
Amazing Blizzard references. How do they come up with this stuff?So I got a follower that cannot be a coincidence.
Mina Kunis
A lot of fights weren't designed well for LFR. MSV was ok but Garalon destroyed groups both before and after they added Determination. In WoD it seems like they're dedicated to removing some core mechanics from each boss for LFR that are in every other version.
Garalon and Durumu are still a couple of my favorite fights by mechanics in MoP yet they were the raid killers. Animus also caused wipes frequently enough, even down the road, because people always had their preferred method and there would rarely be a consensus before someone pulled.
I can't recall if the fight that turned people into Amber Monstrosities was an issue in LFR or it was just my guild that died a lot there and I'm remembering that.
That was the 5th boss in Heart of Fear. I remember having the least trouble with him in LFR. People either didn't know how or always broke CC on the 4th boss (first in that wing) and the last boss hit really hard and killed undergeared tanks.
Well I feel protected.