It didn't last. The kill had Blood Death Knight, Rogue, Ret Pally as top DPS.
dat tank DK dps
It didn't last. The kill had Blood Death Knight, Rogue, Ret Pally as top DPS.
RSK debuff down from 15% to 10%
I'm okay with that.
Well, not really okay, but it could have been worse.
Kick everyone in the raid.
Frost Mage buff makes me laugh because it points out how boring our rotation is.
at least you have procs, try playing an arms warrior
Bored with my rogue. Considering leveling a Monk for some tank/healer action.
Also funny to see a number of comments straying away from raiding guilds. I quit the guild I've been with since BC and transferred to Emerald Dream. Oh how I missed world PvP.
What's the easiest leveling spec for hunters? just hit lvl 10 and need to pick a spec
What's the easiest leveling spec for hunters? just hit lvl 10 and need to pick a spec
I assume BM because your pet is tanking for you.
What ranged class has the toolkit to be effective on the widest range of fight types? I.E., they don't plummet down the meters if they have to move every once in a while.
Hunter is the only answer.
It didn't take long for Mages to get buffed out of the wazoo again, I don't want to believe that Blizzard is biased when it comes to class balance but seriously? Meanwhile Rogues get nothing at all, I'm tired of playing this neglected class.
I've only gotten up to Butcher, how much movement and stuff is there in the rest of Highmaul? And BRF for that matter, if you know.
Honestly they are really good on kargath because starfall hits everything.
Also, if anyone is running a horde pug for normal or heroic highmaul get me in on that. My ww needs gear. 6/7h on my shaman.
Nah, I meant balance as in 'look at all those fucking windwalkers' not the actual druid spec
Oh boy. The first 2 bosses in Highmaul are the ones where you can turret. The rest? It only gets worst as you get deeper.
Tectus has a LOT of running from the dust, especially during motes. Bracken has a fair amount of maneuvering according to the mushrooms. Twin Ogrin has those fucking fire waves, plus you need to avoid charges and whatnot. Ko'ragh actually isn't too bad. Mar'gok needs you to be ready to move at almost any given point,
What is the lock speck right now, anyhow?
I think Affliction is parsing the highest.
I'm not sure who actually plays Demo in raids.
no ret nerfs
we fuckin lost boys
Mages were pretty bad. I was getting killed by Hunters in dps with worse gear than me.
I was in a heroic Slag Mines at the weekend with a ret pally ding 3.5k
One problematic side effect of the profession changes I noticed today. My feral druid is 96. After I finish my DK I'm going to be leveling her next but I want to switch to Balance. This isn't a huge problem. My armour switches to int/stam and my trinkets will get replaced in time (For leveling who cares) but I needed to find a caster weapon. I can't craft one, I'm not willing to pay for a 630 crafted one when I'm not sure I'll be sticking with the spec and crafters don't have any leveling greens they can craft anymore. I checked the AH and there was a single caster staff below 2k. A level 94 green so I had to grab that.Bit of a pain. I'm saving up my war paints for my mage and warlock and can't really spare any for my poor druid.
You get a weapon for completing Proving Grounds. Unless you're looking for one to level up with? In that case just do quests, you'll come across one eventually.
Bunch of people do. It's the only lock spec i can tolerate for more than an hour.
Never liked the style of demo since MoP rebuild, and the 100% crit trinket made me hate it. It always feels rather awkward to me.I stand corrected. I find the rotation to be...odd.
Think I got 30 wipes this week on Koragh. I just can't down this boss, he is so frustrating. Hopefully I can get a good group that can down the first 4 bosses easily.
Personal loot has failed me hard pugging. Not a single drop from Highmaul.
Hell, there were two men still kicking while rest of pug wiped (including me) while nearing the kill.
We got lucky in killing him. I almost thought we weren't gonna make it.
I'm not sure on this, but from what I hear, Imperator Mar'gok isn't much of a frustrating as much as you need to handle the mechanics smoothly to defeat him.
Though his 4 phases makes it a bit intimidating for me.
Just... no. Sometimes the way they balance this game pisses me off beyond belief.