Fun 5-man last night. 40 minutes to reset, got in to start tanking a Shadowmoon Burial Grounds. I'm good, I can be quick, it depends on my group. Which is okay, but I'm a little nervous about the healing and DPS output, but fortunately there's one pretty good DPSer here.
We get to the void crystal, said DPSer snags it and leaves group.
Well, not long to wait for a replacement - who immediately says it's their first time in a heroic. Scary. But he'd done it normal, and I appreciated having the warning, so we *should* be okay...
...and we were. Cleared through past Bonemaw (although they were a little prone to popping the graves on the second boss) with a good fifteen minutes to spare. I charge up the stairs to the double-voidys before Ner'zhul... then realise that no-one's with me. I abort the pull, look back downstairs... druid standing still. I ask why... nothing comes out. Uhoh. Instance chat dead.
I notice that I can still talk in /say, so that enables me to understand that the druid DCed. Druid reappears, we get a flood of messages from everything we were trying to say in instance chat, and we clear the voidys. Ten minutes to go, just Ner'zhul, this is quite doable, just need to suggest a strategy for targeting skeletons...
And once again, the words don't come out. Nor do they come out in /say. Nine minutes to go.
Do we wait, do we pull and hope to pull through despite no communication? How can they even be ready for my pull? Eight minutes.
Wait. Emotes are showing up.
Emotes are showing up.
There's gotta be a way to use this. Just going to have to wing it on the skeletons - can't place targets - but at least I can *try* to give them some warning that I'm about to pull.
Hopefully that conveys what I'm trying to say.
I get a shrug in return. Hmmm.
Six minutes to go, we pull. It's scrappy, it's terrifying, there's a lot of low-health folks, skeletons don't die until the absolute last minute - but they do die. We get the kill. Three minutes to reset.
I'm just sorry I never got a proper opportunity to say goodbye to that group. They weren't the best, but they stuck with it and had faith in a tricky circumstance. Even if it was inelegant, they were fighters, and that's the sort of player I enjoy.