If you trap an animal, and then kill it and skin it really quickly before it despawns together with the trap and the garrison guys that spawn, do you get both the trapped animal and the materials from skinning it?
Blizz needs to do something about Sumptuous Fur. I have one tailoring alt and I'm constantly running dry. I don't have problems sourcing anything but fur with 3 max level characters.
Last phase of Imperator fight is fucking crazy. Finally got into a group last night, several attempts, lowest we've gotten him was around 15%.
Jumping over the nova mitigates the damage? Someone was saying to jump it, barely noticed a difference.
And for the dot that spreads, at what stack is the best time to get out and not let it spread? Around 4/5?
Paragon working on Mythic Mar'gok. Supposedly 1.5% wipe
Last phase of Imperator fight is fucking crazy. Finally got into a group last night, several attempts, lowest we've gotten him was around 15%.
Jumping over the nova mitigates the damage? Someone was saying to jump it, barely noticed a difference.
And for the dot that spreads, at what stack is the best time to get out and not let it spread? Around 4/5?
I don't think jumping actually mitigates nova dmg
And yeah, I think 4-5 is when most folks try to separate it off.
Yooooooooooooooooooo wtf is Cho'gall doing there?
Mid to late 50's can also become a drag because so many dungeons in that level range have been remade into higher level dungeons. Repeating the same dungeons over and over is both boring and less efficient since you won't get any new dungeon quests to complete.
I had boots at a 91% chance last week. Lost at that, and lost at a highmaul cache. That was early last week and haven't had any missions for 645 gear or up since then. I have almost 5-6 followers at 645, I'm guessing I have bad rng or it's actually a set formula to get good missions. I wonder.I failed my follower mission for 645 shoulders.
Did y'all say you can still use lfg to get groups for cm and what not? Just use the group finder?
LFR seems like a waste of time currently
I think that's the anti-magic relic from Koragh's room near him, too.
Chogeezy scheming for days
With availability of the level 90 character boost, we feel the requirement to have a character level 55 or higher to unlock the Death Knight as a playable class is no longer relevant. The plan right now is to remove the limitation sometime next week, at which point players will be able to start a new Death Knight (which still begins at level 55) without first having to reach level 55 on another character.
Incoming wave of newbie DKs
Incoming wave of newbie DKs
I was grinding Exarch rep and eventually I got a Garrison Mission (not an invasion), that sent me all over Draenor and finished Yrel's story. I got the mission before I was exalted, so I don't know what the trigger was.
Another Garrison Mission I got gave me a permanent Mole Machine that ports to Gorgrond.
I still dont get those story garrison mission on my garrison just dungeons garrison missions
The Gorgron part as the alliance is pretty funny with useless Yrel, happy dwarf guy with his bonky car and grumpy Maraad.
These aren't missions, just to be clear, as in, follower missions. They're Garrison Campaign quests.
So those SI7 quests even lead to anything?
I noticed allows u to get a extra 800 apex a day, which is nice
Oh my god double trapping will save me so much time.
If you time it right you can trap a beast twice, giving you two cages for the price of one. Huge time save for the elites. (Barn)
-Is there any active Gaf guilds on an East Coast server? Last time I played was with coworkers and friends on Kargath but they all stopped working so there's not much reasons for me to stay there.
Also, just thinking about going back in the game is really daunting and scary lol. Even if I played multiple thousands of hours of that game (I was playing full time for over a year around Vanilla and BC), the idea of re-learning all the new skills and mechanics that changed since last time I played, redo my ui, settings and addons, start fresh a new servers without any of my real life friends to play with... I'm terrified lol.
Man, had a really good and well respectable raid group today. None of them left (Only one left due to urgent problems) because of wipes, none of them screamed and shit if something went wrong while downing a boss. Hell, the group's leader was nice and cared more about whether I and the group were having fun (We actually did have fun while making progress). We joked around while raiding as well.
Matter of fact, the group do raid runs every Friday (I managed to make the raid leader my b.net friend), so I should be join with them whenever I'm available.
This is one of those few times in WoW where I felt I was raiding with a friendly group.
Quoting myself for the new page.
Edit: Removed the boost question, found the FAQ.
Apparently this is doing the rounds.
What's the timeframe?
Apparently this is doing the rounds.