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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth

They should add an automated normal raid finder for people who have killed bosses on normal.

Getting declined countless k'oragh invites when I have 2 kills, do magic dps too, and just want to use my bonus roll is shit. When I do find a group, I hear them focusing too much on ilvl, casters, and not paying attention on if they know the mechanics from experience or not.

I am in a guild, but I don't want to wait 4 days for the next raid.

Is alliance pugging less toxic?

It's a pain in the ass, I missed my guild's brackenspore kill this week and wanted to try and find a group for it for a chance at the bow that drops, but the groups I got would wipe once and then spend the next 15-20 minutes discussing kicking low dps, blaming other people and afk'ing.


It's a pain in the ass, I missed my guild's brackenspore kill this week and wanted to try and find a group for it for a chance at the bow that drops, but the groups I got would wipe once and then spend the next 15-20 minutes discussing kicking low dps, blaming other people and afk'ing.
I was kicked from one group because I was afk one of the ten+ minutes they were doing whatever. Or maybe it was because I'm a DK. I stayed in vent and heard them say, "What did we do? The shield isn't going down. How did we lose so much magic damage?" lol.


Levelling wise now I think the worst part of the game is Wrath. The areas are huge and the dungeons are incredibly boring compared to all those before it.


From seemingly nowhere Pillars of Fate presents itself as the new worst Apexis daily.

Pillars of Fate is okay if Ashran isn't the other daily. With Ashran as the other, you'll get everyone who doesn't care for PvP on PoF, and it just doesn't have the density of targets to justify that. I went there once while Ashran was up and it was painful. I went again last night when it was The Pit instead as an alternative, and it was much more pleasant.

Mind you, that Void Horror needs something to make it a better prospect; it's the biggest %age gain target, but it's really awkward to tap. Might work being world tap.


I really enjoyed Northrend while leveling recently.

Honestly, I still like all the various expansion segments save for maybe BC. And even that wasn't horrible.
Definitely think that's true.

I'm already completely over Garrisons I think. I know I'm in the minority, but I don't enjoy keeping up with them at all. Followers, work orders, upgrading buildings. Could do without all of it.

Sort of done a complete 180 on WoD in general. Already really bored, at least right now. I finally got into Highmaul which I'll admit was fun, but eh. Group broke up after two bosses. The community is truly awful right now if you're someone without a solid guild or a bunch of friends to play with. Real bummer.

Garrisons are shite. As a casual scrub these days my followers are going on more spectacular missions than I am.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
There's a special place in hell for people who put up several hundred crafting mats in stacks of 1.

They sell very quickly like that for people who just need a few for their daily craft. Throw up 20 fur individually and watch them fly.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Levelling wise now I think the worst part of the game is Wrath. The areas are huge and the dungeons are incredibly boring compared to all those before it.
I would strongly disagree. Wrath still has great environment work. There are multiple viable leveling paths with forks all over the place, and progression is fairly straightforward in a way that doesn't have an excessive amount of awkward time sinks.

Relatively speaking, Wrath zones are actually pretty small compared to some of WoW's largest zones. I would imagine Cataclysm's zones dwarf everything else by a pretty decent margin. There are an incredible number of lows across Cataclysm with its reworked content, and the high end stuff doesn't hold up very well either. Zones like Teldrassil turned out terribly, with the quests struggling to fit and fill the landscape, and nobody actually wants to go back through Deepholm. Ugh. Some of the reworked zones are phenomenal though so maybe it's sort of an even trade.

Burning Crusade and Pandaria are both hyper linear by comparison, and honestly both have their fair share of quests that feel like they gum up progression with waiting games. I dunno, it's weird to me that people would dread Wrath specifically.
Okay, no. It's not even as bad as some of the other Wrath dungeons. Violet Hold exists. And The Oculus, my god.

The Oculus was so bad that Blizzard had to add a mount as a possible reward for completing it as incentive to keep people from leaving as soon as the load screen ended.


I would strongly disagree. Wrath still has great environment work. There are multiple viable leveling paths with forks all over the place, and progression is fairly straightforward in a way that doesn't have an excessive amount of awkward time sinks.

The reason people see it as a slog is pretty easy, most people just do dungeons to level their alts and dungeon xp kinda sucks in wrath so you want to go quest but the questing is slow because it was made in an era where you would go to a hub and get some quests, do those quests and then turn them in, and then get more quests that took you back to the same exact spot you were just at. This was solved in Cata and beyond by being able to turn in the quest and get the next one without leaving the area. Wrath though you are pretty constantly running back and forth between either hubs or quest areas and hubs which is time consuming. Not to mention most people spend 12 levels in wrath content which is longer than anything post-60.


I wish we could turn off DK's eye glow. It downgrades human's new face model since you can't see the iris movement. There's also a bug where the glow goes away until you relog and they just look dead/white. I saw a forum post where there's going to be a glow upgrade or something tho. It just sucks because I was trying to escape my blood elf main's old model, but it's not hitting the mark completely with this class. I'm jelly of every other human I see.


I used to love WoW endgame. After getting to max level during this expansion, and raiding a little, i think there are much better MMOs nowadays, with a lot more things to do.

The garrison part of the game was exciting at first, but it became a chore so quickly after hitting the cap. Ashran is terrible.

There really isnt much to do at level 100, once you get everything you need from heroics. I may try ESO again when the Justice system gets patched in.


There's a special place in hell for people who put up several hundred crafting mats in stacks of 1.

Use auctionator. Will make buying mats in stacks of 1 very easy, just spam the "buy" button :p

Edit - BIZZNO on my server (Ravencrest-EU) just killed butcher on mythic. Making them the second best alliance guild currently worldwide. Feels nice to have a top guild on the server I'm playing on again, was kinda dull when in MoP the highest guild was like rank 30 ww.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
It's interesting to see in general how EU still takes raiding so seriously.
I used to love WoW endgame. After getting to max level during this expansion, and raiding a little, i think there are much better MMOs nowadays, with a lot more things to do.

The garrison part of the game was exciting at first, but it became a chore so quickly after hitting the cap. Ashran is terrible.

There really isnt much to do at level 100, once you get everything you need from heroics. I may try ESO again when the Justice system gets patched in.

Well yeah, right now if you're not into raiding, there currently aren't daily hubs or anything. Brawler's Guild is recycled, garrison missions aren't really "content" as such, reputation is well - huge grinds - without much in the way of rewards, and 5-mans once you're geared out of them don't serve much of a purpose.

Not to mention the wonky professions/economy game we currently have, and archaeology being rather neglected (with the hope that it dies slowly), among a couple other things I'm forgetting at the moment.

But that's a huge IF - Raiding is and always has been the bread and butter of endgame in WoW.


In other news, I have essentially made the CLCRet of Weak Auras for Frost Mage. Still working on some things (so I'm not ready to share) since I'm not level 100 and am missing some critical abilities, but yeah it's pretty good. Only thing it doesn't tell you is when to use CDs --- it shows when they're up, but assumes you're smart enough to know if you need to stockpile them for a burn phase or something. Otherwise they would be shown to be spent immediately which is not always ideal (unless I had an absolutely absurd list of extra conditionals to cover every situation - nearly impossible).

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I think they need some really big questline or group content to reignite the end game fire a bit. When we were gathering resources for AQ, even though it was dumb daily/grind shit, it had this pretty awesome feel of working with your realm. They don't need an everyone stand in the same zone kind of event, but something like when the cities were attacked.. something..


Well yeah, right now if you're not into raiding, there currently aren't daily hubs or anything. Brawler's Guild is recycled, garrison missions aren't really "content" as such, reputation is well - huge grinds - without much in the way of rewards, and 5-mans once you're geared out of them don't serve much of a purpose.

Not to mention the wonky professions/economy game we currently have, and archaeology being rather neglected (with the hope that it dies slowly), among a couple other things I'm forgetting at the moment.

But that's a huge IF - Raiding is and always has been the bread and butter of endgame in WoW.

Yea i understand, but a small istance with 7 bosses isnt really my idea of epic raiding :\

To me, it looks like the shadow of what WoW endgame raiding used to be.
Yea i understand, but a small istance with 7 bosses isnt really my idea of epic raiding :\

To me, it looks like the shadow of what WoW endgame raiding used to be.

Well it's not even the real tier yet. Highmaul is like the Obsidian Sanctum/EoE/VoA to Naxxramas (there might be better BC comparisons), even though it has more than one boss. It doesn't drop set loot and nearly everything is poorly itemized. Blackrock Foundry is the meat of the tier (10 bosses) and if they released it too soon it would be overwhelming, ala the 5.0 MoP raids.


Started playing again yesterday, only made to 91+ so far

I really like this expansion so far! the quest leading out of the jungle was awesome and I'm enjoying my time in Shadowmoon and this new town everyone has gone to seems nice

Still not 100% clear on how the Garrison functions but it seems like it could be neat addition that keeps things interesting...
I got Onaala as an epic follower from a quest, looking this up seems like I got lucky?

Visiting Timeless Isle was a shock lol... completely empty apart from a few level 100 guys and I'm pretty sure I saw someone soloing Huolon!


WotLK is probably my favorite expansion, but I dread it the most when leveling alts. Vanilla early BC go by in a flash, but right around 62 things slow down. By the end of WotLK I am actually looking forward to Cata. Then MoP does one useful thing by being so quick to level through.

There's actually something wrong with whoever designed Occulus. 3D navigation + unintuitive dragon fighting + 2 bosses that have to be "unlocked" in weird ways = disaster. It's probably the worst instance left in WoW right now (after BRD and company got neutered)



Not from 0, but got there in a little less than a year with a Swift Spectral Tiger purchase along the way. Been a huge goal of mine for awhile now. Not sure what I'll do next in regards to it, besides make another cool million. Maybe drop 500k on Invincible or something.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Am I wrong in thinking that Trading Post is better than Lumber Mill for Garrison Resources? I'm not going out there everyday gathering lumbers on my 2 lvl 100s, while i'm drowning in mats.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Am I wrong in thinking that Trading Post is better than Lumber Mill for Garrison Resources? I'm not going out there everyday gathering lumbers on my 2 lvl 100s, while i'm drowning in mats.

It is except for days the mat is something you actually use. Otherwise, very easy to dump herbs/ore you dont use in there and have a follower working.


Am I wrong in thinking that Trading Post is better than Lumber Mill for Garrison Resources? I'm not going out there everyday gathering lumbers on my 2 lvl 100s, while i'm drowning in mats.
Nope, fuck the LM.

It is except for days the mat is something you actually use. Otherwise, very easy to dump herbs/ore you dont use in there and have a follower working.

Even on those days, it's probably 50g worth of stuff from the AH.


Well it's not even the real tier yet. Highmaul is like the Obsidian Sanctum/EoE/VoA to Naxxramas (there might be better BC comparisons), even though it has more than one boss. It doesn't drop set loot and nearly everything is poorly itemized. Blackrock Foundry is the meat of the tier (10 bosses) and if they released it too soon it would be overwhelming, ala the 5.0 MoP raids.

TBC comparison actually does fit a bit better because it launched with both T4 and T5. WoD and the MoP launch model is similar in concept because we get what feels like 2 tiers, just without the ilvl jump of 2 tiers. They messed up the release timing in MoP but I still liked the concept, glad to see it probably be fully realized in WoD.

But yeah, this tier is actually pretty big in the grand scheme of things. Boss wise it's arguably the second biggest tier behind T3 depending on if you want to count naxx again for T7 (which seems like cheating since it was copy paste for the most part) and depending on what you feel counts as a boss in Kara haha.


Just missed poundfist by litterally 10 seconds or less...

Whoever thought multiple spawn locations and a several day long respawn timer was a good idea need to get fucking fired, seriously.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Just missed poundfist by litterally 10 seconds or less...

Whoever thought multiple spawn locations and a several day long respawn timer was a good idea need to get fucking fired, seriously.

Vanity mount that's meant to be scarce. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Yea I just switched over to Trading Post myself. If I could carry more than 250 lumber it would be different though.

As someone that is drowning in excess resources, doesn't want to farm fur, and doesn't have a skinner for hides, the Trading Post is absolutely invaluable. I feel as more people complete their garrisons and get more powerful followers, the trading post will be seen more as the incredible source of reagents that it is, rather than just another source of GR work orders.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
As someone that is drowning in excess resources, doesn't want to farm fur, and doesn't have a skinner for hides, the Trading Post is absolutely invaluable. I feel as more people complete their garrisons and get more powerful followers, the trading post will be seen more as the incredible source of reagents that it is, rather than just another source of GR work orders.

Pro tip for anyone who needs fur, even tailors. Get a barn. Absolutely amazing and makes crazy money from bloods too.
Pro tip for anyone who needs fur, even tailors. Get a barn. Absolutely amazing and makes crazy money from bloods too.

I've mostly done Riverbeasts for Feasts since I need to supply some each week for raids though I might switch to getting fur or leather.

Bloods have dropped significantly in price though since they buffed the drop-rate from the barn. You get maybe 3-4 a day on average instead of 1-2. Blood now goes for around 2200g/ea compared to the 4k just a week or so ago. If I had a 3rd 100 at this point I'd definitely get a barn though vs. the inn I got on my hunter. Inn is still good and has all the toys, but once you're outfitted with all those, you don't really need the recruited followers past a month or two to fill in gaps. Unless you want an uber team that all has epic mounts or something.
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