guys, I want to get back next week, is there anyting I NEED to do or that is recommended to do before the release or should I just jump in? I heard there are some quests leading up to the story of warlords of draenor?
Haha, that's amazing. Grats man!Bitching on GAF confirmed as working.
Hard to believe it but I have some free time next week and am thinking about jumping back in. I haven't played since WotLK.
If I buy WoD do I also get the MoP expansion content as well or do I have to buy that separately?
I think it looks quite nice, but it needs a bit more to successfully penetrate that genre. A map editor is crucial. Ways to create custom items would likely be wise to add too.What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
The abilities look incredibly unbalanced. For example Mercy looked completely useless compared to Reaper or even the other 2 support characters.What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
MoP is now baseline. If you have a WoW account, you own it. Only expansion you need to buy separately is WoD.
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
Heh. Finally sold my Blackened Defias Boots flip for ~17k. Was getting some low ball offers in my mail/whispers, but someone finally stepped up and dropped the gold on them. Can't remember how much I snagged em for since my TSM data got wiped, but it was pretty low - couldn't have been more than 3k.
Between that, a couple carries, and other stuff I think I made over 50k this past week (so far). Not too shabby.
My guildmates who did a bunch of carrying in the week I was moving still made loads more though((
Hopefully I can get a lot from the early WoD gold rush, and selling WoD CM carries. Want to hit at least gold cap if not go further. I know a couple people in my guild are several times gold capped.
which difficulty do you need it onAnyone in here on US alliance willing to sell a GAF brother a Garrosh carry? Looking to snag one last heirloom before WoD.
Edit: what am I saying. Can't trade cross realm. Nevermind =[
I'm trying to grab one last one on heroic. Talked to someone from the guild I bought from before on my server, but he said he wasn't certain they were doing any more before WoD.which difficulty do you need it on
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
Yeah, hopefully the F2P model is okay. Did they hint at anything during the panel? Still at work so I only caught bits and pieces of it.
Oh okay, interesting.They didn't say anything about it being free to play, and they didn't show any sort of skins or customization.
They didn't say anything about it being free to play, and they didn't show any sort of skins or customization.
Grab one of the three transmog shields I want - the bulwark, the royal crest of lordaeron in culling, and the fridge door v2 off KT in naxx.
Level up fishing.
Cap honor.
That's about it.
All of it looks really neat. And I liked what I heard during the panel.For those who didn't see it, the Warcraft movie panel showed off what Orgrim Doomhammer (voiced and mo-capped by Rob Kazinsky) and King Llane Wrynn (played by Dominic Cooper) look like in the film:
I think they look great - well, Llane looks a bit like Jason Sudeikis in a beard but I'm pretty sure it's just the lighting.
Here's Llane's sword as well as the Doomhammer:
What do my Warcraft peeps think of Overwatch? Seems pretty neat. Love the visuals (especially dem environments).
Unless they dramatically changed Fishing in the last 5 months you crazy.
I guess I'm going to hop back in for the expansion. This is going to be interesting because I know almost nothing about it so its all going to be a surprise.
For those who didn't see it, the Warcraft movie panel showed off what Orgrim Doomhammer (voiced and mo-capped by Rob Kazinsky) and King Llane Wrynn (played by Dominic Cooper) look like in the film:
I think they look great - well, Llane looks a bit like Jason Sudeikis in a beard but I'm pretty sure it's just the lighting.
Here's the Doomhammer as well as Llane's sword:
Returning players had more and more trouble figuring out how their class worked as more abilities were added. You shouldn't have to go to another website just to figure out how to play your character.
Heard of people doing it that low, but I feel like that would be pretty difficult. It took me hours to get it down at like 526 ilvl.Just hit 90 on the lock. Went to farm the tome for green fire and it dropped. I wasn't planning on gearing this toon at all. Anyone know if the quest is doable for a crappy 500 lock?
Just hit 90 on the lock. Went to farm the tome for green fire and it dropped. I wasn't planning on gearing this toon at all. Anyone know if the quest is doable for a crappy 500 lock?
Been done with 372, apparently, so you should be able to pull it off.
The ability pruning stuff has been remarkably inconsistent across the board, but that goes for many things regarding class design this xpac, I suppose. They're clearly pressed for time and a bunch of stuff just isn't going to get fixed until the next big content patch.
So RIP arms warriors, whirlwind in peace.
There's some classes that id prefer to not have shit pruned. WW monks is one of them. They are fine as they are.
Some classes had some stuff taken away, and nothing to compensate what so ever.
If the spec has no decision making whatsoever then the spec is boring, and the lack of variety will drive people away.
From the WoW panel about the ability pruning:
I completely agree, but it's also your goddam fault.
-Abilities are just randomly there in the skillbook instead of having a clear way to distinguish the core abilities from the other ones
-Tooltips are rarely clear enough (lol Symbiosis)
-they change abilities all the goddamn time so it's hard to keep track of the fluctuating damage/effect of some of your abilities. Sometimes you come back after a while, your ability is still there with the same icon and all, but it doesn't do the same shit and you have no idea it changed until you read the tooltip.
Basically, the "what's new" thingy in WoD should have been there years ago and should show the changes for your class.
Also skillbook revamp please because it is so old and ineffective.