Oh, i'll just tank, and have randoms. If someone else here wants to go its no big deal.
That doesn't work.
Damn homie, grats! That fucking bug mount took me weeks to get. Not constant play for weeks, but many nights playing was just dedicated to archaeology for that thing. Horrible grind, but worth it.Sweet! I had a last minute realization that I didn't have a unique ground mount for WoD, so I made an impulsive go for the AQ mount from Archeology. Bought up all the Tol'vir keystones I could find, but I went through them so fast and without them the grind is ridiculous. Luckily when I ran out of keystones I still had enough fragments to be midway through a solve. That gave me the motivation to finish the last solve and end at zero fragments before giving up. And RNG being RNG that was the one I needed.
I'm thinking about using my character boost cross faction to remake my old Draenei Shaman from TBC, but it's hard to justify beyond nostalgia. I stopped playing in TBC, and when I came back to play off and on near the start of Cata my friends had gone to Horde so that was that for Alliance. I liked the lore/roleplay of being a Draenei Shaman in Outland and wouldn't mind a return to that, but it's not like I would play a cross faction alt that much anyway, and I have a horde shaman alt near max I could use anyway.
On the other-hand, I don't really need/want the extra professions and I have alts of nearly all the classes already (albeit not max level) if I want to play around with something new for a bit. Unless I think I'm going to really love Mage or Hunter or Monk, maybe it's not so bad to double up on a class I know I enjoy.
Grats!Yes. Yes. YES.
I haven't watched it yet. Not sure I will be able to handle the nostalgia feels.What did you guys think of the LFG documentary?
What interface addons do you guys use? I enjoy ElvUI but I don't believe it's updated yet for WoD and I actually don't care much for its sister TukUI![]()
What did you guys think of the LFG documentary?
There are a few places poppin up where level 1s get 100% of the xp from like, level 80-90 stuff.
I got summoned to Molten Front offensive and got 2 level 70s in about an hour.
Honestly, it's a circle jerk piece of advertising lol. Like, as someone who's been there since before bnet existed, there's definitely a sense of appreciation and nostalgia for guys like Metzen and Didier. And them talking through stuff like launch and aq gates etc is cool, but honestly we've heard them talk about all that in the past, in much greater detail. It was a fun trip down memory lane, bout all.
ElvUI has been updated dozens of times since 6.0 went live
I still can't use the "exact search" button on the AH thoughHave to turn ElvUI off for that.
Anyone have any thoughts on choosing between boosting a shaman or paladin? Looking to finally use my boost. I prefer healing, so I guess it is a choice between resto/holy.
What is the op healer in pvp going to be?
I did a dry run of my dailies turn in route for Warlords launch and all of the Golden Lotus dailies I had in my quest log from yesterday vanished. What the hell...
I thought about filling up my quest log but I'm not sure the annoying aspect of it is worth the extra xp.
Sorry about the double post but...
I have no words;
Bought the expansion. Downloaded the new patch.
When I got on I switched my balance spec to feral and it doesnt have flight form. Is this something new? My resto spec still has flight form. The druid trainer isnt showing me any spells to train.
Looked online and couldnt find any answers.
Bought the expansion. Downloaded the new patch.
When I got on I switched my balance spec to feral and it doesnt have flight form. Is this something new? My resto spec still has flight form. The druid trainer isnt showing me any spells to train.
Looked online and couldnt find any answers.
Travel Form is all-encompassing now. If you can fly, it'll put you in Flight Form. If not, then Cheetah. If underwater, then Orca.
Travel forms were consolidated into a single button. Trainers no longer teach skills either, you automatically get them in your skill book when you reach the appropriate level.
Look for "Travel Form" with the hoof icon.
Why does the Garrosh heirloom dagger look nowhere near as cool as its tooltip?
Don't they rollback the levels once they've hotfixed those spots?
What spec would be easiest for an undergeared warlock to do the green fire quest in? I've been leveling as destro, and was a bit worried with all of the people whining about the nerf, but I haven't really noticed much difference. I've still got good enough burst damage to kill most mobs, I'm just wondering if the other specs are fairing better now.
What spec would be easiest for an undergeared warlock to do the green fire quest in? I've been leveling as destro, and was a bit worried with all of the people whining about the nerf, but I haven't really noticed much difference. I've still got good enough burst damage to kill most mobs, I'm just wondering if the other specs are fairing better now.
Maybe this has been changed a long time ago but I remember melee abilites had % attached to it..
Like...Crusader strike hits for 125 % of weapon damage etc
now it's just x and x physical..
Maybe this has been changed a long time ago but I remember melee abilites had % attached to it..
Like...Crusader strike hits for 125 % of weapon damage etc
now it's just x and x physical..
What did you guys think of the LFG documentary?
Only 4 days more guys! one last screenshot before going to draenor.
Bye Pandaria, only played these 2 last months but it has been fun.
Anyone use Elvui? I haven't used a skin manager in years but I like the clean look of this one. I'm rocking a basic Bartendar 4 which is easy and clean enough for me.