Just lost a 96% Highmaul Garrison mission

I would not buy an expansion like that, even for $20. An expansion full of hotfixes and corrections of minor irritations? They could fuck right off charging for that. I honestly don't see them expending any sort of major time into something like that, it's been absent for so long and such a minor issue that their resources are better spent on new content most likely.
My guess is tanaan jungle is just going to be a huge timeless isle grind and houses the last raid that comes in 6.4. 6.3 will be the jungle and probably has gear equivalent to LFR BRF.
6.4 is the final raid and we get the next expansion in September of next year.
I would not buy an expansion like that, even for $20. An expansion full of hotfixes and corrections of minor irritations? They could fuck right off charging for that. I honestly don't see them expending any sort of major time into something like that, it's been absent for so long and such a minor issue that their resources are better spent on new content most likely.
Normal Imperator: >40 tries with various pugs but never down once.
Heroic Imperator: AotC within 10 tries.
Normal dungeon: wipe reform several times.
Heroic dungeon: clean fast finish.
Puglyfe in a nutshell. Basically you're in elo-hell until your item levels magically reach a point where good teams pick you up from raid finder.
Normal Imperator: >40 tries with various pugs but never down once.
Heroic Imperator: AotC within 10 tries.
Normal dungeon: wipe reform several times.
Heroic dungeon: clean fast finish.
Puglyfe in a nutshell. Basically you're in elo-hell until your item levels magically reach a point where good teams pick you up from raid finder.
One shot mythic Kar'gath and Twin Ogron (just our second kill, even though it wasn't pretty) and spent the rest of the night on Brackenspore. He feels massively RNG based on mythic. The new mechanics aren't hard, but it's the new ones mixed with the old ones (mainly Tidal Wave and Infesting Spores as the same time) that are. At least with Twin Ogron everything is on a set timer so you know what to prepare for.
How would you rate Mythic HM mechanically compared to other instances - e.g. Sunwell, Ulduar, AQ40?It's not REALLY rng though, it's just punishing. I think he's like the second or third hardest boss in the zone to learn (absolute difficulty not as high, but has a LOT of points of failure). That said, it's not random - the timings are very precise, the only rng is whether he does mushrooms or tides, but both have answers that aren't too bad no matter what happens. I PREFER mushrooms most of the time, but tides are ok too.
Harder than all of those. Every other boss fight is a guild check. If you have one bad person its so obvious. Especially when the healing is lacking. Every person basically has a responsibility that will wipe you if you can't meet it. I'm 4/7 due to bad time management, and having the healing core fall apart. Brf is gonna be great but my guild is not ready for the real progression.How would you rate Mythic HM mechanically compared to other instances - e.g. Sunwell, Ulduar, AQ40?
Quite curious since I will never get into Mythic.
How would you rate Mythic HM mechanically compared to other instances - e.g. Sunwell, Ulduar, AQ40?
Quite curious since I will never get into Mythic.
I think I got spoiled with how long SoO was out for though, in that it became so mapped out - I probably have those strategies ingrained in my brain.
It's been how long now? I'm still chasing a 2H weapon from Heroic Highmaul before Foundry opens.
All rings, neck, cloak, and trinket items that can be acquired in Nagrand (A level 98+ zone) or later should now be better suited for the character's loot specialization. This means tanks should no longer receive items with no bonus Armor and healers should no longer receive items with no Spirit from quests or Personal loot mode for those item slots.
Wait until next week, it'll be hell again.
How would you rate Mythic HM mechanically compared to other instances - e.g. Sunwell, Ulduar, AQ40?
Quite curious since I will never get into Mythic.
Guild finally killed M Tectus. FYI you can still get the kill even after messing up a pillar placement, just roll with it!
Kill video.
Anyone else getting DCed randomly in Highmaul?
Anyone else getting DCed randomly in Highmaul?
Just lost a 96% Highmaul Garrison mission
WoW Insider is shutting downWith the rumored closing of Joystiq, this was pretty much inevitable, still a bummer though.
WoW Insider is shutting downWith the rumored closing of Joystiq, this was pretty much inevitable, still a bummer though.
WoW Insider is shutting downWith the rumored closing of Joystiq, this was pretty much inevitable, still a bummer though.
9/10 alliance
0/10 horde
after horde scared us away from another event, they come a moment before we get this event done and take the win
half the group is in the middle going to warspear and the other half is outside in the que
alliance fucking sucks :|
Sad, but I hardly went there in recent years. MMO-Champ and Wowhead generally supply all the news I need.
Sad, but I hardly went there in recent years. MMO-Champ and Wowhead generally supply all the news I need.
That sinking feeling when you realise you're two abrogator's stones short in the final week we'll be focussing on Highmaul...
Hoping for a bit of luck with work orders or missions!
That sinking feeling when you realise you're two abrogator's stones short in the final week we'll be focussing on Highmaul...
Hoping for a bit of luck with work orders or missions!
Can always do a quick LFR wing for a few stones on Tuesday. Not a big deal.
A glyph?Saw a Shaman with the Nagrand Fire Elemental instead of the normal/primal version. My friend said it was a primal elementalist thing, but I'm still getting the MoP version of the primal?
A glyph?
Edit: Wait, it couldn't be Soul of the Forge, could it? Perhaps with a few pet treats?