Nonsense. Just because "I top the meters" is how you like to play, don't discount ACTUAL MATH for everyone else. Nobody else here is in your group or has any frame of reference for how good you actually are with anecdote. Simcraft modules are only as good as the people that write them, but most of them are quite solid. They support fight lengths, long periods of time off target, helter skelter movement, etc. These aren't just patchwork babby's first simulation tools.
Anyone that is good wtihout knowing what they're doing? Great! good for you. Guarantee you'd be better if you gave a shit though. I don't really care what people do themselves, but it's super annoying to see it as a "I'm better than you because I play without mods, or sims, or logs" type stuff, that happens on every forum, especially to people who are either discussing numbers or asking for advice it's just steering them in the wrong direction entirely.
There is a LOT to be said for understanding why things work out the way they do and how to temper numbers with reality - it happens all the time, and all of the best players in the world do that. But that's very different from flat out discounting the basic knowledge in the first place.
/rant off.