Didn't they change is so unsubbed accounts will allow log in of under level 20 characters?
Logged in again and it worked. I'm playing my lvl 100 characters.
Didn't they change is so unsubbed accounts will allow log in of under level 20 characters?
I have never been so bored of Wow and I played since release. Hope they fix this game because I miss it as a time waster.
Is this sword available to players? I think it looks pretty cool.
Yes, Trial of the Crusader raid. Forgot which boaa and difficulty. Its Horde only.
Yes, Trial of the Crusader raid. Forgot which boaa and difficulty. Its Horde only.
'Burning Crusade - All the quest items have long cooldowns... For some reason.'
And a lot of respawn rates suck
It was fun back then, aged poorly now
For me, the idea of having to download a new version of them all over again to be compatible with 6.1 for example is fucking tedious.
Curse client, don't care. Basically.
I don't trust curse since they've had spyware/virus issues in the past.
The only thing I got from pugs this night was repair costs
is openraid available to european servers as well?
yep. I think it's openraid.eu
It just me or do all interrupts cancel the caster's own casts now? Like as if it were macro'd.
Random question-- is anything else having a lot of trouble downloading the new prepatch?
I've fixed my game twice now, and it keeps downloading half way then erroring out.
So far the other option I've read is to reinstall the game fresh-- I'm really hoping to avoid that, since I think installing the new game will take 8 or 9 hours on my shitty connection.
Random question-- is anything else having a lot of trouble downloading the new prepatch?
I've fixed my game twice now, and it keeps downloading half way then erroring out.
So far the other option I've read is to reinstall the game fresh-- I'm really hoping to avoid that, since I think installing the new game will take 8 or 9 hours on my shitty connection.
Prepatching doesn't work for me half the time and I just have to let the thing download fresh on patch day. It's not a huge patch, so it's probably not going to be that big of an issue this time.
Horde only? Dammit
I've got this problem, I can download about 10% before it conks out and I need to restart it. Luckily it saves what was already downloaded and I'm at 65%
Help me out gaf shall i boost my druid to level 90 or a hunter. Still thinking about it and can't make a choice yet.
Do you:
-Like being a Bear, Cat, Tree, or Laser Turkey? Do you like being able to shapeshift and take on pretty much any role?
-Do you like being able to move effortlessly while going PEW PEW PEW while your pet goes and gnaws on the enemy's face? Like Traps? (But seriously, Hunters are pretty awesome mobile DPS.)
I mean, there's more to those classes than what I listed for sure, but both classes are pretty good.
Method put out their Blast Furnace vid
Fight doesn't even look that interesting, just a fuckton of shit on the floor and a swarm of adds to corral. :X
I have a level 74 druid right now it is fun but never played a hunter.
I have a level 74 druid right now it is fun but never played a hunter.
16 levels isn't really worth $60.
Is anyone here playing horde on a European PvE server with mid-high population and is a guild leader or part of a well established guild that isn't likely to disband and has some solid progress in BRF?
I'm playing Alliance on The Maelstrom, if I could get in some guild with another gaffer(s) I will likely make the switch
Why boost a level from 74 to 90? It's not even a boost to 100 so its pretty pointless
Watch some videos and read about the other classes and see what thinks fits you the most
If you enjoy playing druid, just keep playing druid
What do you plan on doing after you get to 100? if it's raiding, balance/feral/resto are all viable
Balance and Feral are not the best at anything, but they both fill a pretty good roll at strong AOE and strong single target damage respectively
I don't know about healing but I think resto is really strong (could be wrong tho), and guardians I barely see anymore
Hunters are only dps but they are a very fun class and unique class to play, if you like being mobile and not having to stand in place to dish out your damage you should try out a hunter
They are often tasked with handling raid mechanics as well because they are so mobile, so that's another small and neat thing about them
Is anyone here playing horde on a European PvE server with mid-high population and is a guild leader or part of a well established guild that isn't likely to disband and has some solid progress in BRF?
I'm playing Alliance on The Maelstrom, if I could get in some guild with another gaffer(s) I will likely make the switch
It's insane that this great sale price for the WoD CE actually works out to $100 CDN anyway after tax, shiprates to Canada and then actual conversion into CDN. I'm better of just buying it here for $89 the next time I see it at that price.
CEs for Catclysm and Pandaria are still around new on Amazon for about $100. Wrath of the Lich King and BC are both $350+. Crazy.
Any Windwalker Monks here?
I was told in one of my many premade groups by another monk that having double Frostwolf on both weapons wasn't a good idea, since it can't proc on both at the same time. I told him that the point was to keep it at maximum uptime, which he agreed with, but he said it was a DPS loss as compared to having Shattered Hand or something else on one, I don't remember.
I don't see any information on the interwebs related to this. Is there any truth to it, or was it just someone being a stupid?
WoD weapon enchants can double proc. Whoever you were talking to doesn't know what they are talking about.Any Windwalker Monks here?
I was told in one of my many premade groups by another monk that having double Frostwolf on both weapons wasn't a good idea, since it can't proc on both at the same time. I told him that the point was to keep it at maximum uptime, which he agreed with, but he said it was a DPS loss as compared to having Shattered Hand or something else on one, I don't remember.
I don't see any information on the interwebs related to this. Is there any truth to it, or was it just someone being a stupid?
Though we raid in finnish only. Foreign reinforcements aren't unheard of, but right now our roster is looking pretty good.
Sim results here:
You can use simcraft to see if changing an enchant benefits you
WoD weapon enchants can double proc. Whoever you were talking to doesn't know what they are talking about.
That's racist! ;p
I don't speak finnish, so I imagine raiding with you guys would be kind of hard, but not impossible
I'm gonna focus on leveling my hunter to 100 and gearing him up for this week since I want to main him anyway
Would be kind of sad leaving all my other characters behind if I do find a guild and switch over![]()
Should be pretty easy to gear your hunter up to near 650+ with 5 LFR instances, double apexis and plentiful savage blood in 6.1. Also Highmaul (N) pugs seem to have lower ilvl requirements these days.I'm gonna focus on leveling my hunter to 100 and gearing him up for this week since I want to main him anyway
The rarer the C.E is the more money it will cost and most of them are still sealed and unused. Getting the original vanilla WoW C.E is very very rare and the price is insane.