WoD is the most alt friendly expansion because there ain't shit to do outside of raiding on my main.
It was just hard for another reason, a reason I would argue barely involved actual skill on the fights themselves. Most people have well forgotten at this point (like trying to link that world first kill list above me to prove the point) but launch TBC raids were a mess. You had shit like Nightbane where you literally couldn't bring melee characters and the fact that for hybrids green gear was often better than epics. Like seriously, feral gear had every stat and +healing on it. No one was using that garbage.
It was just hard for another reason, a reason I would argue barely involved actual skill on the fights themselves. Most people have well forgotten at this point (like trying to link that world first kill list above me to prove the point) but launch TBC raids were a mess. You had shit like Nightbane where you literally couldn't bring melee characters and the fact that for hybrids green gear was often better than epics. Like seriously, feral gear had every stat and +healing on it. No one was using that garbage.
BRF is hard because of execution, not because blizzard made a poorly balanced and broken game.
I think Fury is more versatile as a general spec. Arms can be extremely useful to have for certain fights though, so it's kind of a situation where you want to swap between the two if you can. Gladiator is already in the garbage can.What are most dps warriors playing now?
Oh yeah TBC's insane itemization problems contributed big time to the grief felt by the pve community at the time. It's telling that the upgrade path for tanks at launch was Thunderfury > Mallet of the Tides.
Wow at Blizzcon in November, that means, again we will be waiting like a year or more for the next expansion. Could have sworn they said they weren't going to do these long waits anymore inbetween expansions.
But we're still seeing 2-4 resets between each TK boss. Also, "broken as fuck" means showstopper technical bugs or just too difficult?The SSC bosses were, as noted above, broken as fuck at launch. You can see how everything but the final boss was killed on the same week, most likely after they fixed them.
It's a pretty subjective observation ("oh Leotheras was piss easy I personally had no problems with the fight"). If we math up the actual clear rate / time of progression guilds on SSC/TK versus Mythic BRF, it might paint a different picture.Once they actually balanced everything after the first couple of months none of the TBC raids were crushingly difficult until Kael/Vash'j.
But we're still seeing 2-4 resets between each TK boss. Also, "broken as fuck" means showstopper technical bugs or just too difficult?
TBC bosses were broken as fuck and even after the clusterfuck of T5 bosses they still weren't done with the buggy shit in Hyjal/BT.
I got a duplicate Experiment 12-B.
Okay I understand. Still, those are the final bosses. He was saying the SSC/TK bosses before that were piss easy. Trash can't be the sole reason for weeks of lag?Vashj used to mind control tanks and was considered unkillable. The 'world first' involved a bug where wiping during her invulnerable phase left her vulnerable at 1hp for a few seconds, so a shadow priest used a soulstone to SWher and boom, world first. Except the boss respawned right on top of the corpse.
Kael famously would fly out of the room during the final phase transition, never to return.
WoD is the most alt friendly expansion because there ain't shit to do outside of raiding on my main.
Okay I understand. Still, those are the final bosses. He was saying the SSC/TK bosses before that were piss easy. Trash can't be the sole reason for weeks of lag?
Don't mind me but did I miss a post...? From the above reply, the broken state was attributed to final bosses bugs Vashj and Kael, which does not explain the earlier bosses.Actually if you bother to read what was actually written I said that SSC/TK was incredibly easy after they fixed them from the broken state they launched in.
Your question was already answered, "weeks of lag" comes from the fact that TBC raiding launched with 2 tiers that were basically unfinished.
Don't mind me but did I miss a post...? From the above reply, the broken state was attributed to final bosses bugs Vashj and Kael, which does not explain the earlier bosses.
A few dozen Enormous Sea Scorpions away from Draenor Angler. Thank goodness for cognac to keep me company.
Oh yeah TBC's insane itemization problems contributed big time to the grief felt by the pve community at the time. It's telling that the upgrade path for tanks at launch was Thunderfury > Mallet of the Tides.
we try and tank them near the boss but people are generally doing so much damage to them some people tend to get agro on themAnyone in a guild that have killed Mythic Beastlord Darmac?
I'm just wondering whether people are tanking the beastpack adds seperately from, or at Darmac in the last phase.
My guild is tanking them seperately which I don't see the point of. Wondering if I'm wrong or they are
I'm going to try to get tickets for my brother and myself this year. Time to end the 7-year BlizzCon drought.
Don't mind me but did I miss a post...? From the above reply, the broken state was attributed to final bosses bugs Vashj and Kael, which does not explain the earlier bosses.
Even then, the difficulty is probably better gauged by average progression guild clear rate on SSC/TK rather than "(I felt) they were incredibly easy after patch"? I'm not sure.
Anyone in a guild that have killed Mythic Beastlord Darmac?
I'm just wondering whether people are tanking the beastpack adds seperately from, or at Darmac in the last phase.
My guild is tanking them seperately which I don't see the point of. Wondering if I'm wrong or they are
Is the Super Simian Sphere still a neat rare item or do most people have it now? I think I got it while clearing ICC this week. I was going through selling everything and sold it but my brain caught it about three clicks later when I realized it didn't seem like text from a piece of gear and bought it back.
It was a nice surprise I guess. Would have preferred a mount to drop.
Internet cafe in Australia already has the next expansion.
People making signs should really try not pick a random fan-made logo from Google Images
Anyone in a guild that have killed Mythic Beastlord Darmac?
I'm just wondering whether people are tanking the beastpack adds seperately from, or at Darmac in the last phase.
My guild is tanking them seperately which I don't see the point of. Wondering if I'm wrong or they are
I've been thinking what alt to level up now that I switched over to a hunter as my main and will no longer raid with my druid
I have a Blood DK at 71 and 23 Warlock, both which I really enjoy playing
Tanking is been something I've been wanting to try out for a while now, even if its just pugging an alt, but I don't know if I have what it takes to be a good tank
Also, playing hunter made me realize just how much I like being mobile with my character
I wonder if playing a monk would be a good choice
How are they doing at tanking and dps?
When exactly does the Invincible music that you get from the Lich King for Garrison music roll plays? I don't remember ever hearing it anywhere else in the game. Such a cool music.
When exactly does the Invincible music that you get from the Lich King for Garrison music roll plays? I don't remember ever hearing it anywhere else in the game. Such a cool music.
Nah and that's the point, those were just 2 examples he picked. Almost all the bosses at TBC launch were messed up in one way or another and saw pretty dramatic changes in one way or another in the first couple of months. He didn't list all of the dumb stuff and changes because it would have been paragraphs of text for no real purpose, he was essentially just giving you a base idea of how dumb it was.
Yeah my brother wants to get a room but we don't live that far from the convention center. I'm not even sure how bad parking was in the recent years.Booked a room at the Hilton. Now to get tickets. Eventbrite was ... interesting last year. Friend and I were both frantically refreshing, and finally 2 tickets popped up. Interested to see who will play the closing ceremony as it will be pretty tough to top Metallica.
Yeah my brother wants to get a room but we don't live that far from the convention center. I'm not even sure how bad parking was in the recent years.
Also in case the closing entertainment turns out to be a dud, do they still have the PCs turned on or do they shut them down? I can't remember if they still had them on back at BlizzCon 2005 and 2007. I might just watch some StarCraft if they won't let me into the stations.
It's very rare and BoP so you could not have sold it. I've seen 2 drop over the years, but have not won the roll.
Ah okay.They have the PCs going until they shut down completely at 10.
I got a duplicate Experiment 12-B.
What diff were you on? Wowhead shows it only drops on 10 man, but ive been doing 25 man rake in the gold.
What diff were you on? Wowhead shows it only drops on 10 man, but ive been doing 25 man rake in the gold.