BRF drops getting a hotfix buff.
Interesting. Still probably won't effect my guilds attendance problems.
BRF drops getting a hotfix buff.
I'm not sure if this is true for Outlands (I think it is), but from Wrath forward I've noticed since the squish that you can very easily just do a single zone from min level to max level for that expansion and not notice much of a decrease in average quest exp. I just leveled a Paladin 85-90 on Jade Forest alone and a Rogue 85-90 on Valley alone. The difference between Jade Forest and Frostfire is maybe 1-2 thousand?
This is harder to do with 1-60 as having 60 levels for the time spent is literally insane now. 1-60 needs to be squished to 1-10, or something of that nature.
The primary roadblock to any of the changes suggested on this page is that the solution now is "just buy a boost" and will continue to be. Why spend money to fix a problem whose current solution is printing money?
As for "just run dungeons": I can't anymore. I get that it's easy and none of it matters, but when you have DPS just running through, pulling everything in sight, leaving pets on taunt 24/7, etc. it's just a shit show. Make old dungeons scenario style without a trinity, it isn't required right now anyway.
Wow, you guys inspired me to try out MSV and it was pretty easily doable on my rogue (on 10 man normal). Guess that is a new thing to look forward to weekly.
My warrior can't get past the second boss.
Just got the Ji-kun mount!! Now I only have to solo to Horridon heh
Just got the Ji-kun mount!! Now I only have to solo to Horridon heh
Very nice. I should probably start gearing up my DK or something, don't see my rogue being able to do ToT.
Soloing with your Brewmaster?
To me the leveling from 1 to 90 even with heirloom items..i do not have the time for it pure and simple. When i lived at home during Vanilla/TBC/Wrath and cata era i had all the time in the world. I love leveling alts but well i did bought a bunch of level 90 boosts just because i can't do it anymore i do have a level 74 druid that is the only one i am willing to bring to level 90 with heirlooms all others i did with a boost. It's a option you don't have to but i love the leveling now in WoD also because of the treasures everywhere they give decent loot or rubbish but that is loads of gold worth for example with a additional xp boost a long with it.
My first character cleared them all, but on the character I want to try the challenge modes on I don't remember which heroics I did. I don't think I completed them all. Since the achievements are account wide that does not help me track what I may have not done since I did them on my first character.
Been reading up on challenge modes. I read I have to clear the regular heroic first. Is this account wide of character based?
My first character cleared them all, but on the character I want to try the challenge modes on I don't remember which heroics I did. I don't think I completed them all. Since the achievements are account wide that does not help me track what I may have not done since I did them on my first character.
Anyone else suffering 200+ World MS ion LFR/LFG since basically 6.1? It's not unplayable by any means, but it 's fucking shitty when it happens in EVERY lfr.
Stuff I read makes it sound like Australian servers bugged up everything for a ton of people, Oceanic or not.
I doubt most of WoWGAF around here watches WoW streamers (Be it PvE or PvP), but if you do, what are your favorites?
In both of my LFR runs today I was getting random latency spikes where everyone would be running in place. It went away as soon as I was out of the instance.
I doubt most of WoWGAF around here watches WoW streamers (Be it PvE or PvP), but if you do, what are your favorites?
Mine's Fatboss, Treckie, and Slootbag in terms of PvE.
But for PvP... well, PvP doesn't appeal me, so I don't have any favorites in that department.
Pretty sure there's some small things in ICC if you have Corrupted Ashbringer too.
kill stealing piece of shit
Others? Anything with the thori'dal, the fangs of the father, gorehowl, val'anyr or dragonwrath?
I don't actually know the answer to your question off the top of my head, but, if you want to check individual character achievements you can just scroll over the point value of an achievement and it will tell you if you have done it on that character or not. While technically all achievements are account wide now only the ones with a blue highlight across the top are truly account wide, the others can still be "earned" on a character even if you have them unlocked on the account. None of the heroic dungeon achievements have the blue highlight thing so you can check if that specific character has done them or not.
That was the case for MoP Heroics and CMs, but it isn't the case for WoD dungeons. You can waltz into a CM right when you hit 100 without doing any Heroics, you just probably won't be successful.
That being said you will definitely want to have done them all and be familiar with the mechanics because the CM versions are a lot harder. I would also recommend watching a video guide of each one.
oh yeah
kill stealing piece of shit
I wouldn't classify it as an easter egg but Wrathion in MoP has a bunch of custom dialogue if you have the legendary daggers (and you automatically skip to honored with his rep). I thought it was really awesome since it came up multiple times over the course of the MoP legendary quest chain instead of just a single throwaway line.
How many people have the Ashbringer? It must be pretty rare.
The stealth quests were hard and a blast, and I died when the gnome said "Maybe it's your gear..." after I failed the quest near Karazhan. Such a great troll lol.
Huh, my flight map has a dummy point. Horde side, I'm seeing the flight point for Exarch's Refuge (the Alliance landing point, that is), but the map reds out the icon. Funny.
That's a joke right? T7 was just easier versions of bosses most of them already did.
(edit: nvm dropping the subject and putting it in old reply)
Back on current topic, hopefully the item bump puts me in invite range for heroic Blackhand/Maiden/BF PuGs. I want to get some tries on them.
I'm hoping they get lazy and go for simple round numbers like 675 and 680The ilvl requirement for those are just going to go up too, sadly.![]()
Would you tip Ronald McDonald?Are PuGs with waitlists any better than standard PuGs?
Would you tip Ronald McDonald?
with the ilvl change we should "hopefully" be able to finally finish blackhand mythic this week.
sucks that its coming right now when so many guilds are close to a kill and the fight is nicely tuned.
Seems like a crazy fight without 3 Rogues. Crazy with them too.
A few strategy changes and Blast Furnace died really easily tonight. Happy we got it down before the "nerf".
No trinket though, still rocking that 645.![]()
Good to know I'm not the only one that can't get rid of a 645 trinket.
I feel your pain, friend. :/