I've had a day or two to process this ilvl change in BRF and now I've got a paranoid fear that it's papering over a much deeper change further down the line, like cut content that would have represented the designed ilvl ceiling for this expansion and now that it's gone, we need existing content to get players there, instead. I fear this means we're only getting one more raid tier (split over as many instances as they want, gated or not the way the launch tier was) and that's it.
Oh shit, grats man! See you're still gettin' them mounts.Just got the Ji-kun mount!! Now I only have to solo to Horridon heh
I haven't been watching Twitch much lately since I haven't been playing, but I like watching Woundman, Yoni, Ziqo, Xaryu and Venruki.I doubt most of WoWGAF around here watches WoW streamers (Be it PvE or PvP), but if you do, what are your favorites?
Mine's Fatboss, Treckie, and Slootbag in terms of PvE.
But for PvP... well, PvP doesn't appeal me, so I don't have any favorites in that department.
What do you think the game time tokens will go for one the system goes live?
I'm currently expecting 30-40k, which would mean a well-oiled Garrison with at least one alt can more than contribute that over the course of a month, and so WoW subs may become self-sustaining. Any higher seems ridiculous, and any lower would be incredible.
They might be like, 25k, maybe a little higher when they first go live. Possibly 30k. Not much more than that though based on current gold-sellers prices. Might even be as low as 20k or so (checked some gold-selling sites just now and it was on the more expensive side.)
20k a month and I'd pretty much be in for life, lol. I could do 25k indefinitely too. More than 30k or so and it gets uncomfortable enough that I'd only do it if I really couldn't spare the sub money that month. This is coming from someone with 1mil+ gold.
There's easily enough gold from Garrison missions through the Inn just sustain a permanent 20-25k monthly sub. At that price, my Garrison would indefinitely pay for my WoW sub without breaking a sweat.
I always assumed legitimate avenues of buying in-game currency would cost slightly more than black market options if just because of the risks involved.
How fast can you get the Darkmoon Faire currency? I want to get heirloom items for my monk but never really messed with that event
Can't you just buy them with gold now in IF or UC since 6.1? Why waste time doing Darkmoon quests & dailies? Imo, they're only good for the mounts and pets.
Can't you just buy them with gold now in IF or UC since 6.1? Why waste time doing Darkmoon quests & dailies? Imo, they're only good for the mounts and pets.
Still worth it if you want to save gold since all the heirloom stuff is pretty expensive if you are starting from scratch. When you buy an heirloom now it's level 60 which means you need a level 90 and 100 upgrade token for every single piece. Basically 3500g for each piece of armor and even more for a weapon.
Anyway, you can build up a few hundred per month if you do every single one of the one time monthly quests. The only real catch is that most of those monthly quests come from items that are random drops from around the world which means you need to go out and farm each of them individually or buy them from the AH. But if you are just going to buy them on the AH you're better off just trashing the entire idea and paying gold for your heirlooms.
They might be like, 25k, maybe a little higher when they first go live. Possibly 30k. Not much more than that though based on current gold-sellers prices. Might even be as low as 20k or so (checked some gold-selling sites just now and it was on the more expensive side.)
20k a month and I'd pretty much be in for life, lol. I could do 25k indefinitely too. More than 30k or so and it gets uncomfortable enough that I'd only do it if I really couldn't spare the sub money that month. This is coming from someone with 1mil+ gold.
I agree, but gold sellers are selling game time for 15k on my server. It might be way high at the beginning but it'll even out to about 20k IMO. People with a million gold may as well be set for life, though.
I think it would be really funny to buy decades worth of game time just to hover over the subscription box on the battle.net app and see it say "Your subscription expires on x, x, 2044."
Actually makes me wonder if there is a cap how much game time you can buy.
Yeah I don't think non-tanks can solo Council yet. Frost DoTs, Quicksand, Stun unless you dodge/parry... it is still challenging for me to do after many weeks
So Nihilum is the 21st guild that downed Blackhand, without the BRF ilvl buff and Kungen.
So Nihilum is the 21st guild that downed Blackhand, without the BRF ilvl buff and Kungen.
I'm hoping they get lazy and go for simple round numbers like 675 and 680![]()
I hear you now need to have 1.1k item level and need to link [Ahead of the Curve: Sargeras]
God must hate me because the pets in Hyjal Summit refuse to drop, so I have to endure this horrible, horrible place every week.
I hate this raid.
Any advice for 2 manning Council? Friend I run MSV with and I will likely be looking at two manning ToT for the mounts(Once we run out of Cata/WOTLK mounts to farm). Maybe save a lockout after Council.
I had no idea that Gul'dan was voiced by Troy Baker :lol:
Dude is everywhere
Did they increase the drop rates for some legendaries?
After farming Black Temple since Cataclysm, in the past two weeks I've had 3 Warglaives drop.
I'm doing Hyjal because my Monk doesn't have the rep and I am a dirty completionist.
It bums me out that my former main, Shaman, has a bunch of difficult reps and I get shoehorned into playing him to get "## exalted reps" achievements. Trying to get my Monk's total up so that if they add a 70 reps achievement I can just use my Monk.