I had no idea that Gul'dan was voiced by Troy Baker :lol:
Dude is everywhere
Wait what? My man Troy does Gul'dan?!
I had no idea that Gul'dan was voiced by Troy Baker :lol:
Dude is everywhere
Hyjal is so buggy for me.
We were in the second area and the mobs bugged out. First we auto wiped, then mobs spawned out of nowhere, bringing our total count up to -14 or -15, then the first wave came.
Such a waste of my time. I have about 300 unique pets, but I want those achievements damnit.
I'm doing Hyjal because my Monk doesn't have the rep and I am a dirty completionist.
This is how I feel with my DK. He's only a few thousand away from Frostwolf exalted, which is probably going to be the quickest way for me to get an exalted rep for the level 3 Trading Post. Unfortunately, that's still hours' worth of farming mobs![]()
Wait what? My man Troy does Gul'dan?!
Haha. Thankfully I am already exalted with my rogue and have been for a long time so I didn't need to worry about gaining rep.
Sounds like you aren't that far away from exalted so it's probably too late now but in all honesty the Steamwheedle rep in Nagrand is pretty fast. It's the only Draenor rep that doesn't feel like it was completely phoned in. Bunch of rare spawns that drop items that give rep and there are treasure chests littered all over the level 100 side of Nagrand that have rep items in them.
Actually would go as far to say that I enjoyed that rep as I was doing it with my friend and we would 2 man the rare spawns then spend the rest of the time running around looking for treasure chests waiting on respawns.
Also, holy crap, learning to tank with a Brewmaster is stressful/hectic compared to my DK. I feel so squishy.
How long do you think it would take to go from ~halfway through Honored to Exalted?
For which rep? Frostwolf or Steamwheedle? Because if you are only a few thousand away from Frostwolf exalted I imagine that would only take an hour or two at the most. Would be faster than Steamwheedle for sure.
Steamwheedle. Guess I'll just wait to do that until I finish Frostwolf and get the Trading Post boost then.
Also when grinding out those reps don't forget you can get stuff like guild banners or darkmoon faire top hats. I did Exarch (alliance equivalent to Frostwolf) during the darkmoon faire for the extra push.
You also don't have to grind a single ounce of Arrakoa rep if you commit to doing follower missions on multiple alts, the mission that gives an Arrakoa rep token is BOA so you can just mail it to your main. I probably got around 10k or so Arrakoa rep that way. I would have just done it for the whole rep but you can grind their rep and trigger Botani invasions at the same time so I just did enough grinding each week to trigger a Botani invasion since I still need 2 more invasion mounts, I eventually got exalted with Arrakoa along the way.
Well shit.
Had no freaking idea it was him.
Only now I will only hear Troy when I listen to Gul'dan.
Well this was interesting
We had been receiving raid warnings about his stuff for a while and then BOOM.
Well this was interesting
We had been receiving raid warnings about his stuff for a while and then BOOM.
I had no idea that Gul'dan was voiced by Troy Baker :lol:
Dude is everywhere
Ran by this mount today. Not sure what it is or how to get it, but I want one!
It's from Mythic Blackhand.
LFR? We had a hunter pull it up to the three way stop before as well. They got kicked before the first boss so that was cool.
That means I am not getting one.
It's a Clefhoof, so you have to constantly manually dismount anyways so fuck it.
Mount looks neat, reskinned Poundfist
Trying to figure out what the hell I want to play. I'd like to get back into raiding, but I can't figure out how I want to approach it.
- I enjoyed, and was pretty OK at, tanking back in MoP days, but it seems like the complexity of the encounters has been amped up quite a bit plus I have no Mythic experience. I played Guardian/Feral back then and posted top 100 logs in both specs, but I'm tired of the playstyle as well as not seeing my gear.
- I don't do well playing ranged classes. I can handle the kinds of obstacles that Blizzard throws at melee pretty well, and I feel like being closer to the action helps me avoid the tunnel-vision syndrome I get at range. The only exception was Balance because the rotation is very easy, but the sparkle troll/turkeybeast thing is stupid.
- I'm not fond of extremely fast playstyles. The 1.0 GCD of Windwalker combined with the zillion button presses drives me crazy.
I feel like a melee DPS with solid mobility, survival tools and a relatively slower-paced playstyle would be the best thing for me. Fury? Assassination? Stick with Feral?
Check out Arms
Check out Arms/Ret/either DK DPS spec/Combat.
I found all those pretty chill to play. YMMV, of course. Assassination is parsing lower than the other two Rogue specs last I checked - people go Sub for single target and Combat for cleave/AOE.
I've been working on the same Orc Rogue since 2012, and she's level 73. It's just such a terrible leveling experience, that poor Rogue has spent most of its life being my bank alt. I had an even worse experience with Warrior, rerolling them over and over and getting disenchanted, then finally boosting one only to find I regretted rolling a Blood Elf female..
Maybe if I got a boost on Sargeras or some other server that wasn't Ghostlands, I would feel better about it. I do like how Arms plays, but the sims make me wary.
glorious legplates dropped on farm. i might not be able to get mounts to drop, but i can get that gold, boys.
Arms warrior. Hell, you can even do a Protection warrior and not do too bad for DPS. You're not as bouncy as a Fury guy, but you will still get the job done and you'll never have to worry about keeping alt-spec gear.I feel like a melee DPS with solid mobility, survival tools and a relatively slower-paced playstyle would be the best thing for me. Fury? Assassination? Stick with Feral?
Eh, sims aren't just 'patchwerk' those are just the numbers that get linked around the most. The sim itself is going to only be as good as whoever writes it for the class, but simcraft itself supports all sorts of shit like Helter Skelter movement/boss uptimes, specific timings, etc.
I feel like Prot Warrior is one of the most APM heavy specs in the game, and the decisions aren't typically very meaningful. If we're talking about Gladiator it's a dead spec for a reason, and nobody wants to play it.Arms warrior. Hell, you can even do a Protection warrior and not do too bad for DPS. You're not as bouncy as a Fury guy, but you will still get the job done and you'll never have to worry about keeping alt-spec gear.
I feel like Prot Warrior is one of the most APM heavy specs in the game, and the decisions aren't typically very meaningful. If we're talking about Gladiator it's a dead spec for a reason, and nobody wants to play it.
I still need to finish my ToT meta. I think the skyscreamer's a vastly underrated mount.
I still need to finish my ToT meta. I think the skyscreamer's a vastly underrated mount.
The skyscreamer is very cool. Has a neat jump as a ground mount too
I really want to do that one at some point. Stupid Hydra boss is a 3 week lock on finishing it though (well, 2 weeks if you've cleared it once before.)