I can honestly say with no hyperbole that this is the worst expansion of the game. Garrisons were a neat concept but, it really killed the game for me. I never leave mine unless I need to go to the AH.
Since I've stopped raiding, I haven't had a need to even leave my garrison. It's really disappointing.
This is what made me quit a few months ago. Garrisons effectively make most of what you do a single player, isolating experience. For as much as blizzard talked about trying to get people out into the world, the garrison mechanic kept you in one place. I remember discussing it with some people, might have been here, and no one said they felt the way I did. That's obviously changed. The fact that the garrisons are basically a chores list is very problematic. At least dailies got you out into the world.
I also am really turned off by the continue removal of things since SOO. I feel like they were trying to appeal to the hardcore complainers who chew through content and quit as they're the main ones who complain. And if you look at it, despite all these things that were added to keep them happy, people are still leaving.
For me, the best way to sum it up is that this expansion was wholy underwhelming. Once again blizzard's actions always go two steps too far. When people said they didn't want a shit ton of daily walls like we had in MOP, at first they removed the reputation walls so people could play how they wanted. That was great. But with this expansion they took it one step further and just got rid of dailies and had you sit in your own little castle thing. The community in this game can be shit sometimes, but I'm still playing a massively multiplayer online role playing game. Not a single player game where I sometimes run into people in the world. Actively trying to keep me out of the world with the garrison thing really killed it for me.
this is the same developers who said they got rid of flying to bring back the mmo feel
then made your main hub an instanced area for a single character
And shit like this is baffling. It's them just making choices arbitrarily and then fucking up the follow through. You can't talk about immersion when the main activity of your day to day is sitting in an instanced area. You never cross into other zones, you can't really explore unless you have flight paths. I was less immersed in this expansion than I have been when I've been able to fucking fly!
This expansion feels like cataclysm to me but obviously with a strained set of resources. I think if they didn't have the people from Titan come back this expansion STILL wouldn't be out. The stuff we were promised came in either altered, late or we still haven't seen it. Interesting ideas but poorly executed. I don't care at all about alternate Draenor or anything in it. I was really tired of fighting garrosh and orcs only to have a completely new expansion with garrosh, his pops and more fucking orcs. Leveling was fun but that's really been it.
Also, ironically, I was more hyped for this expansion than I have been since Lich King. The stuff blizz did before hand, things like the stories of the clans and everything was FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. Hell, the story telling while leveling was great. But combining that awesome stuff with shit like garrisons and making this expansion really unfriendly to alts, all while breaking professions and gathering (something I greatly enjoyed) just dragged me out of it. My wife raided hardcore for a bit and quit because the amount of other things to do just fell flat.
And Yanger, I don't know if you ever went blood but the changes they made to blood just pissed me off. I was curious if it was the same for you. It reminded me of the changes they made to warriors when BC hit. I had a blast on my warrior until BC. Death Knights have been my favorite class since they were introduced, and they really sucked all the fucking fun out of them for me.