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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth

Agree with that too. Whilst the feature itself is pretty cool and i enjoyed initially developing it and recruiting my followers - i barely ever set foot outside it now as there is no meaningful content to do in the world. Thanks to Aviana's Feather you can even get to both Raid Zones barely touching the floor too.

Having said that, the restricted flying helped loads in making the world feel more alive in the beginning of the expansion. If they can deliver enough content to keep people in Tanaan and not their Garrison then it could start to feel alive again.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I can honestly say with no hyperbole that this is the worst expansion of the game. Garrisons were a neat concept but, it really killed the game for me. I never leave mine unless I need to go to the AH.

Since I've stopped raiding, I haven't had a need to even leave my garrison. It's really disappointing.

I don't know if I would say it's the worst, but it might be the most disappointing as I was really looking forward to it and ended up pretty underwhelmed.

From my posts today on another forum:

I actually ended up kind of souring on this expansion pretty quickly after looking forward to it more than any of them except for maybe Wrath. Raiding became unfun extremely quick, and neutered tradeskills and garrison maintenance made having a gaggle of alts less appealing, which is generally what increases the longevity of my interest during mid-xpac cycles. Another knock against alt viability is how the community is still generally shit, so gearing in pug raids is problematic due to the ilvl requirements always being outrageous (have better gear than the gear that actually drops from this raid or gtfo.) I've never been much into PvP, but Ashran looked like it would be a lot of fun. It ended up being a pretty huge dud with regard to promise/intent vs actual function, so that took some of the wind from my sails as well. Overall pretty much everything that Warlords promised didn't live up to my hopes (and I do not think they were unreasonable), other than overall thematic/environmental stuff (amazing music, cool zones, stuff like that.)

All that being said, I am looking forward to how 6.2 plays out. The new raid looks bonkers, a proper huge burning legion-themed experience that folks have been hoping to see for years. At the very least I will LFR it a few times. I have to decide if I am willing to LFR blackrock enough times to finish the current tier of the legendary ring so I can actually finish it in 6.2 though.

I don't hate it, really, it's more disappointment. I expected that I would like it a lot more, that it would suck me into full-blown wowmode for months and it just didn't. Part of that is just the impossibility of anything recapturing those, quote "old feels" from like BC and Wrath, I know. I don't even think any particular part of the expansion is *bad*, just many of the component parts left me underwhelmed.

Ashran was billed as persistent AV meets Timeless isle, and it doesn't really feel like either of those things (not to mention outrageous queues for the first like 2+ months), 5-man dungeons were all actually pretty cool but inevitably meaningless past the first couple of weeks of launch, and the raids do have some cool encounters but my raiding experience has just been crappy this go around due to all the usual reasons of relying on other shitty idiots and all that drama. And Garrisons were cool at first but became a chore far too quickly, and their forced integration into tradeskills made professions (and material farming) feel totally crappy.


Ashran being instanced is what killed it. Why even put it on the map, it's just another battleground not world PvP like Winterspring.

I quit after Wrath and played a little during Cata, and I came back because of the promise of WoD and the huge hype.

Ultimately it failed in the most basic element of an MMO, immersion. End game is reduced to chores in your garrison, which was a flop of a feature. I actually prefer the daily quest grinds of past expansions. The Isle of Quel'Danas was the same quests everyday but in a social world where you'd actually interact with other players.

It just doesn't feel like a "massive" multi-player game anymore.

Not to mention Draenor zones just feel like different maps you load into from the hub of your garrison. I don't think you ever actually walk into a new zone and experience the transition. Every single time you went to a new zone you just got flown there from your garrison.
I think garrisons really ended up being half-baked compared to what was promised or what could have been.

And Ashran was a total debacle.

I'm still most salty about what they did to professions. The catchup mechanics, cool, fine. The daily gating of EVERYTHING, not so good. Sure it "equalized" the playing field for the little guy, but in the long run it's not healthy for the economy and took away an interesting avenue of gameplay for many players. I sincerely hope they don't go with the same design for the next expac. Either stick with the tried-and-true formula that worked from vanilla to mists, or iterate something new that doesn't suck.


Unrelated to that, lol@ the legendary ring procs. RIP meaningful rankings. Clever idea for an effect if it does stay as that though.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yeah, I think the overall design/philosophy of professions in WoD was a huge misstep. I'd be surprised to see it continued in 7.0
Wintergrasp was actually all right from my experiences with it. But I also think the servers during Wrath tended to be much more balanced faction-wise with higher populations overall.

Tol Barad wasn't that great though, I agree. Though I probably rate it higher than Ashran.

Strand of the Ancients - still terrible.


Wintergrasp was great. And of course they can't be balanced, which I always thought was part of the point. You rallied as much of your faction as you could to go to overpower the other.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Judging from things Gul'dan might be the Mythic hidden phase of Archimonde fight?

That would be a huge slap on the face for people who don't do Mythic though. Can you imagine the outcry if the Lich King in WOTLK would have been hidden behind 25 man heroic mode only?


Wintergrasp was actually all right from my experiences with it. But I also think the servers during Wrath tended to be much more balanced faction-wise with higher populations overall.

Tol Barad wasn't that great though, I agree. Though I probably rate it higher than Ashran.

Strand of the Ancients - still terrible.

Wintergrasp was my favorite.

Actually the only PvP oriented place I ever did.


My leveling pace has slowed down dramatically since getting to Outland. Averaging a level about once an hour. It's always a struggle until I get to WOTLK content which imo is 10 times more interesting and visually appealing.

Karl Hawk

Ehh, Patch 6.2 sounds somewhat interesting to me, hell the raid itself sounds cool as hell as me (Burning Legion-inspired raid? Yes please!).

I can understand how some people are disappointed with the expansion as a whole (the end-game content other than the raids is disappointing as fuck along with stupid as hell design decisions like Ashran and Apexis)

I'm still on the fence on other stuff in the patch, but I'll wait and see


My leveling pace has slowed down dramatically since getting to Outland. Averaging a level about once an hour. It's always a struggle until I get to WOTLK content which imo is 10 times more interesting and visually appealing.

Yep, I'm dreading Outland everytime.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm downloading the PTR client at the moment, will share if I can find anything juicy regarding variables and whatnot.


As was Halaa and all those BC zones, Wintergrasp, and Tol Bard. When will they ever learn that's its just impossible to balance?

All of those things were better than Ashran.

Balance is a problem but it is the least of Ashran's problems really. The fact that they made a battleground where no one does the main battle because it doesn't offer any rewards is what I'd argue to be the biggest flaw. Half the time when I go into Ashran people have to beg and plead to get anyone interested in doing the main battle! That is crazy. Why do random side events offer better rewards than the main battle and they occur more frequently. It's so confusing especially when imo they could easily change multiple minor things and it would instantly be better.

I don't know if I would say it's the worst, but it might be the most disappointing as I was really looking forward to it and ended up pretty underwhelmed.

Agreed, I don't think Warlords is bad but it is heavily disappointing. I like it more than Cata but only barely (didn't think Cata was bad either, just disappointing like this). There are a lot of problems and even if they don't effect me that much personally (like the pointlessness of 5 mans) I can certainly sympathize with people they do effect. For me personally the biggest disappointment has been the lack of level 100 story content. No dailies specifically tied to factions means there is no story with any of those factions. Draenor just feels like a lifeless husk to me. Garrison campaign didn't help with that at all as it was like a half hour of quests one single time per week and none of the quests were connected until the very end. The most interesting storyline has been the legendary quest chain but that is like 1 quest every couple of months.

I am actually really optimistic for 6.2 gameplay wise but I am not really sure of the story, need more info about how Tanaan will be handled since the patch notes were vague and obvious.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Probably jinx myself, but I'm getting really lucky with garrison missions at a low % being successful.


Draenor has no replay value with the way the quests are all linear story lines, and there really isn't much content. Add that Blizzard is gating Tanaan off to the fairly hardcore when the game desperately needs content and I think it's safe to say they've completely botched endgame.

WoW no longer feelers like a massive world. I hang out by myself doing garrison chores then queue for something and get teleported there. Ashran is no fun as an instance and PvP gear just doesn't seem worth the grind.

To be honest, I kinda thought the same when beta started

There are so many things about WoD that remind me of Cata it's not even funny at this point.

Though I'm kinda mixed if it's more WotLK or Cata. Cata didn't really have that good of leveling experience, while WotLK was a revelation on it's release. We did get Ulduar, but outside of Ulduar once you leveled up to 80 it was a disaster with two dreadful tiers and one boring/disappointing one. Based largely around pre-existing villains (unlike my two fav expansions, TBC and MoP).'Going back to what Warcraft really is about'. And so on. Wrath wasn't that disappointing though, while I expected a lot of Cata and it fell short in nearly every area, like WoD now.


I think Warlords is quite good based on what I've played, but I'm not a fan of Garrisons or all of the follower stuff. Got old quick for me.


Naval missions aren't going to be anything special, I'm sure ships will be like followers. I guess expecting to actually control ships is probably asking to much. And wtf at unlocking a zone by garrisons.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm already at the, 'I'll just wait for the next expansion to start again' phase of WoW. Got there much quicker in WoD than I usually do.


Neptulon's story bros :(

RIP Abyssal Maw raid.

Just think how awesome thematically it would have been to deliver on fire AND water elemental plane raids.

Yeah I am sad they chose to focus solely on Firelands. Not because I dislike the raid or anything (actually liked Firelands a lot despite a few things like how they didn't bother balancing 10 man heroic) but when they cut it they didn't bother to pad out Firelands with some easy bosses or anything so it was a really small and hard tier.

I hope someday when we get our inevitable Azshara expansion they will add it to the game, the entrance for the raid portal is still in the game lol, just empty and sitting there leading to no where.
*looks at Monk T18*

Why do these people keep making things that cover my mouth and face? The symbol on top is cool, but I don't want my mouth or face covered. I'm not a bandit or a ninja, FFS.

On the plus side, I dig monk robes, so that's cool. I wish the actual chest part of the robe was more visually striking. It seems empty, but outside of those two gripes it doesn't look terrible.


So apparently someone was able to access my account and reset my password even though I have an authenticator. Thought it required you to enter a code if you logged in even through the website on a different computer.


I'm already at the, 'I'll just wait for the next expansion to start again' phase of WoW. Got there much quicker in WoD than I usually do.

This. Seeing some of the upcoming achievements, I might poke around for missing this and that in my collections, but I'm pretty much done until 6.2 drops.

So apparently someone was able to access my account and reset my password even though I have an authenticator. Thought it required you to enter a code if you logged in even through the website on a different computer.

Authenicator codes can be hacked, it's just harder.
Naval missions aren't going to be anything special, I'm sure ships will be like followers. I guess expecting to actually control ships is probably asking to much. And wtf at unlocking a zone by garrisons.

They remove flying.
They never once ask you to cross zone boundaries by land for an entire expansion.



They remove flying.
They never once ask you to cross zone boundaries by land for an entire expansion.


That really baffles me. Yes flying broke immersion but they completely backtracked with flight points everywhere and no need to cross boundaries. Flying is just a loading screen from your garrison now.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
this is the same developers who said they got rid of flying to bring back the mmo feel
then made your main hub an instanced area for a single character
Yeah the whole "hearth back to your garrison and we'll give you a flight point to the next zone hurr hurr" for leveling was kind of dumb when you examine it closely.

Speaking of, one other thing that sucks is Waspear as a city. I'm not sure exactly how bad Stormshield is since I don't have anywhere near a max level Alliance character but yeah. Shrines were servicable. Revamped Org/Stormwind for Cata were both pretty good. Dalaran was actually pretty awesome besides being a lag-fest. And Shattrath, though I never experienced it when BC was current, is still pretty cool. Pre-Cata Org was alright.

Other cities - I don't want to get into rankings right now - the main point is that Warspear is kinda ass.

this is the same developers who said they got rid of flying to bring back the mmo feel
then made your main hub an instanced area for a single character

Top kek.


the main point is that Warspear is kinda ass.

A result of them having to kill off Bladespire and Karabor at the last second and then creating towns with garrison art assets.

I don't really hate Stormshield or anything but it's not amazing. I'd say I probably like it as much as Shrine in MoP. The Alliance garrison buildings actually looking different from one another automatically makes me like it more than Warspear.
Yeah the whole "hearth back to your garrison and we'll give you a flight point to the next zone hurr hurr" for leveling was kind of dumb when you examine it closely.

Speaking of, one other thing that sucks is Waspear as a city. I'm not sure exactly how bad Stormshield is since I don't have anywhere near a max level Alliance character but yeah. Shrines were servicable. Revamped Org/Stormwind for Cata were both pretty good. Dalaran was actually pretty awesome besides being a lag-fest. And Shattrath, though I never experienced it when BC was current, is still pretty cool. Pre-Cata Org was alright.

Stormshield is functional as a city but nobody hangs out there. It's like an airport terminal, people are only there on their way somewhere else. Stormwind remains the main hub of (in)activity alliance-side.


Timewalking blog post went up. Pretty interesting stuff, apparently. Seems like old gear will scale up to a WoD item level when you get it (but they didn't go into specifics). I imagine it won't be competitive with raid gear or anything but that is really cool.

Bunch more info in the blog post, with lots of weird stuff like weekend events that is not explained.


No One Remembers
Timewalking blog post went up. Pretty interesting stuff, apparently. Seems like old gear will scale up to a WoD item level when you get it (but they didn't go into specifics). I imagine it won't be competitive with raid gear or anything but that is really cool.

Bunch more info in the blog post, with lots of weird stuff like weekend events that is not explained.

That's kind of baller.


What reason did you have to leave the main city when not raiding in previous expansions? That criticism is kind of silly to me. There's just as much reason if not more to go out and explore and run around.

Unless we are talking early BC when you had to travel to dungeons yourself. What are people so upset about? Not having to leave your "home" to use your gathering profession? I'm confused. Don't get me wrong, thats valid but I'm not about to deny garrisons are one of the best additions to WoW in a long time.

All that being said I got bored very quickly this time around but thats just general WoW fatigue. They could release another amazing expansion tomorrow, I'd play it for a month and be bored to tears again. Im sure a lot of other people that played since vanilla like me are in the same boat.


Darkness no more
Why don't they just make time walking all week long instead of restricting it to weekends? What purpose does the restriction serve?


Why don't they just make time walking all week long instead of restricting it to weekends? What purpose does the restriction serve?

It's weird because it's even more restricted. According to the blog post there will be a rotating weekend event, 7 different ones, but timewalking is only 2 of the events. That presumably means sometimes we will go an entire month without being able to timewalk I guess? Plus we have no idea what those other events are.
Some easy ones in there, but also some pretty tough dungeons as well if they scale you down enough.

Being a special weekend thing doesn't necessarily bother me. WoW could stand to have more "events" that aren't just oh, BG holiday that's always on anyway. And the actual holiday events I've outgrown since finishing What A Long Strange Trip. They could use a revamp, but that's another story.


Being a special weekend thing doesn't necessarily bother me. WoW could stand to have more "events" that aren't just oh, BG holiday that's always on anyway. And the actual holiday events I've outgrown since finishing What A Long Strange Trip. They could use a revamp, but that's another story.

Yeah, I actually like the idea of weekend events, works nice in other games to keep things fresh and with some variety. Mostly just curious what those other weekend events are.


Arcatraz D:

Shattered Halls D:

I'm guessing these will be severely nerfed, these heroics took way over an hour with a pug and more often broke apart than not.


Arcatraz D:

Shattered Halls D:

I'm guessing these will be severely nerfed, these heroics took way over an hour with a pug and more often broke apart than not.

I wonder how it will be set up, the blog post doesn't mention if it will be heroic versions of the instance, normal, or some sort of tweaked difficulty. I would actually like them to tweak the dungeons some because I really never cared for TBC dungeons at all. Trash packs were more annoying than they were challenging with their constant fears, disarms, silences, and other annoying skills plus some of those dungeons (like Shattered Halls) just had too much damn trash. Most of the bosses didn't really have mechanics either but I don't think that will be much of an issue if this is just meant to be a fun little casual thing.
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