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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


One way to maintain a reasonable value for Savage Blood while finally giving Alchemists a real transmute would be a 1/day xmute from Savage Blood -> Felblood.
First time posting in a WoW-related thread on GAF. Haven't played WoW since a few months after TBC released. I have a sort of general question here, but what's the overall opinion and consensus on private servers, especially those that are Vanilla WoW? I get the impression that they may be frowned upon since they're essentially infringing on Blizzard's IP as Blizzard makes no money from those servers, but I'm wondering if anyone here has ever tried one?

Hell, I'm not sure this discussion is even allowed as I think it falls in the realm of piracy - I guess what I'm thinking is, I'm interested in just playing around with Vanilla WoW, but the only way I see to do that is using a private server. It makes me think that if I sub to WoW and play on a Vanilla server, at least my conscience would be clear.


Really Really Exciting Member!
First time posting in a WoW-related thread on GAF. Haven't played WoW since a few months after TBC released. I have a sort of general question here, but what's the overall opinion and consensus on private servers, especially those that are Vanilla WoW? I get the impression that they may be frowned upon since they're essentially infringing on Blizzard's IP as Blizzard makes no money from those servers, but I'm wondering if anyone here has ever tried one?

Hell, I'm not sure this discussion is even allowed as I think it falls in the realm of piracy - I guess what I'm thinking is, I'm interested in just playing around with Vanilla WoW, but the only way I see to do that is using a private server. It makes me think that if I sub to WoW and play on a Vanilla server, at least my conscience would be clear.

Believe me, if you tried modern WoW then went to some private server still playing the 2004-2006 version, you'd hate it(not to mention how dead the servers probably are). Just play the current WoW.


First time posting in a WoW-related thread on GAF. Haven't played WoW since a few months after TBC released. I have a sort of general question here, but what's the overall opinion and consensus on private servers, especially those that are Vanilla WoW? I get the impression that they may be frowned upon since they're essentially infringing on Blizzard's IP as Blizzard makes no money from those servers, but I'm wondering if anyone here has ever tried one?

Hell, I'm not sure this discussion is even allowed as I think it falls in the realm of piracy - I guess what I'm thinking is, I'm interested in just playing around with Vanilla WoW, but the only way I see to do that is using a private server. It makes me think that if I sub to WoW and play on a Vanilla server, at least my conscience would be clear.

You def can't link to a place to do it or ask for links, but you can certainly talk about the idea of it and what we think.

My 2c, you'd quickly become bored and not enjoy the tedium. Vanilla WoW was magical because it was new, not because the mechanics were better. A lot of the stuff back that was total shit from a modern gaming PoV, but at the time it was par or better. Half the specs are literally trash and aren't very useful. Roll a Ret Paladin and try to kill stuff... you won't have much fun :p

Examples: Hearthstone on a 1 hour cooldown. Is that something you want to go back to? Does it make it more fun to take longer to get around or have to be out and about for more time at once?

Epic mount riding costing way way more gold than you'd earn naturally such that you have to farm for gold a long time to buy it. Sure you could "donate" to a private server and they'd give you gold in exchange, but then what are you accomplishing? :p

Basically, go for it if you want, and I don't think you're causing harm by doing so, but I don't think you'll have a lot of fun. Might be neat initially, but it'll get old fast. I assume so, anyway.


At this point I'm really scratching my head as to why exactly they needed to delay WoD for 6-7 months or whatever.
I'm guessing the manday cost of content creation and reiteration has gone up. I did notice a big uptick in production values and raid tuning. BRF especially seemed like a lot of work went into it.

The problem with "WTF is X developer doing??" complaints is none of us (?) have the development/pm experience to do manday estimation and hardware sizing on the work involved for content creation of this scale. Even drawing comparisons with other MMO (e.g. FFXIV) draws a lot of apple-orange scenarios from everything to toolchain to scale to tech.
Anybody else feel awkward when you give someone your Battle Tag, and they send you a friend request and when you accept it you see not their Battle Tag but their actual legit first and last name from their RealID?

Daniel R

Prices for the EU tokens still dropping and the timeframe changed again to "More than 12 hours" so it'll hopefully keep dropping. I say hopefully because I am one of the prospective tokens for gold hoarders. I expect it to level out at sub 30 k.


Hitting 32k now (it was night-time) but I expect it to rise fairly soon, due to it being daytime, week-end coming up and being below the initial price (35k).
Should stabilize around 28-29k in the end though, that's a good price.
I love the tokens! I spent $10 to get my wife a fresh copy of WoW and spent 50k on each of us for tokens. We are both subbed til August or something and Im the proud owner of a shiney new cindermane charger. Once I plat Bloodborne, Ill have to get back into raiding. I desperately want the cloth shoulders off the big rock dude on BRF.


Finally managed to kill Mythic Maidens on Tuesday, going to be trying to take out Mar'gok tonight and then on to Blast Furnace.

I just hope the tier lasts long enough for us to have a chance at getting Blackhand! Top guild on our server just got him last night, but they are 4 night and we're only 2.


No One Remembers
Finally managed to kill Mythic Maidens on Tuesday, going to be trying to take out Mar'gok tonight and then on to Blast Furnace.

I just hope the tier lasts long enough for us to have a chance at getting Blackhand! Top guild on our server just got him last night, but they are 4 night and we're only 2.


Karl Hawk

Finally got the 4-set for my pally, that was long overdue.

Now, if only those two trinkets from Iron Maidens/Flamebender drop, I'd be golden.


I wish you luck, I bet this pays off but I can't bring myself to do it. I hate trapping so much despite how easy it is nowadays after all the changes.

I am just putting my gold making time/effort into leveling more alts. I can potentially have up to 22 garrisons on my server if I want (though i doubt I will reach that) and for as time consuming as garrisons can be to manage doing exclusively follower missions is actually really fast so I don't mind it. Especially in comparison to other methods of making gold that are way more time consuming for less.

I'm with you on the alt leveling. Just got two other toons at 100 this week. All the others are at 98 with full rested. At this point I'm no longer making trinket upgrade stuff with bloods, just saving all the raw mats for 6.2. All I'm selling is 8 (or more with transmute procs ) living steel from mop. Even with only that, I'm talking in nearly 8k a day with the garrison missions and treasure hunters. It's crazy how much gold you get. My fiancee and I are already paid up till October with tokens.

Even my fresh level 100`s can join a group farming beasts and get a full set of traps in less than ten minutes.


It's crazy how much gold you get. My fiancee and I are already paid up till October with tokens.

Yeah it's pretty crazy, I extended my sub into next year and was thinking about extending it until 2017 because my gold was starting to get up there again but instead I decided to buy the tcg Rhino because I saw one on the AH for 150k which is the cheapest I've ever seen it on my server.


Guess I will have to wait like a week and a half to rebuild that gold again :p




Got Mythic Mar'gok in about an hour last night! Pretty easy when you vastly outgear the fight... the dps checks would have been super rough for us at 685 ilevel!

Started Blast Furnace progression and the fight is such a PITA to tank, ugh. We got into Phase 2 only a few times, but with lots of deaths. We were 3 tanking it, but with 2 tanks on one side, I wonder if the third tank should just be gathering up all the Security Guards. Going to look into it more.
So how long before Blizzard decides to have a market for paid addons?

DBM only $10!

*tinfoil hat*

Yes, I know that it's not happening based on previous precedent with oQueue and other stuff like the TOS, but still.


Modesty becomes a woman
We've already been down that rabbit hole with Carbonite back in the day. It's best left in the past.

They've already gotten around that. It's against the TOS to charge for an addon, so they will give you the addon for free, and charge you for the plugins that give you the useful information.
They've already gotten around that. It's against the TOS to charge for an addon, so they will give you the addon for free, and charge you for the plugins that give you the useful information.

I don't understand what information carbonite could have that gives them a competitive edge over the thousands of other free addons that provide similar or identical details.


They're artificially injecting so much money into the game with those tokens, people pay around 30k for them and they sell them for 41k, that's 11k gold per token, it's quite ridiculous.
Can't fathom why their prices fluctuate so wildly, they should've accounted for that...


They're artificially injecting some much money into the game with those tokens, people pay around 30k for them and they sell them for 41k, that's 11k gold per token, it's quite ridiculous.
Can't fathom why their prices fluctuate so wildly, they should've accounted for that...

Europe token market is blowing my mind and for once makes me thankful I am actually in the states.


I have 11 alts all trying to get the Raven Lord mount. Just got the bug to farm these things that I never got, even finished the rep grind for the gorgeous Cenarion War Hippogryph and working on Firelands dailies as well. I already managed to get Kaelthas' white Hawkstrider on try #4 but after a week no raven yet.


I have 11 alts all trying to get the Raven Lord mount. Just got the bug to farm these things that I never got, even finished the rep grind for the gorgeous Cenarion War Hippogryph and working on Firelands dailies as well. I already managed to get Kaelthas' white Hawkstrider on try #4 but after a week no raven yet.

Keep trying, you'll get it. :)


Considering coming back after x years, just wondering about few things that annoyed me, is some gear/mounts/achievements account bound now and can be shared with alts and is raid loot still totally random and not targeted to player?

Haven't been playing since cataclysm but I seriously have gotten woken up few times when dreaming about wow or with wow on my mind so yeah...


Outside of a few exceptions, mounts/cheevos/pets/toys are now all account bound. Raid loot is still random, but they added a new loot mode that deposits the loot directly to your bags if the system decides you "won" loot from that boss.


Classes I don't have at 80+: shaman (25), hunter (47), priest, druid, monk all low.. so gonna boost one of these. Would you guys recommend getting them to 60 first for profession boost too, I hope 1-60 now takes less time, less then I'd spend leveling up whichever profession?

Also any recommendation on which of these classes to boost, not too set on any, I guess I could just level monk as I have zero experience with it but others hm, hunter is top dps now from what I saw but I always liked priests.. plus I can heal.
Classes I don't have at 80+: shaman (25), hunter (47), priest, druid, monk all low.. so gonna boost one of these. Would you guys recommend getting them to 60 first for profession boost too, I hope 1-60 now takes less time, less then I'd spend leveling up whichever profession?

Also any recommendation on which of these classes to boost, not too set on any, I guess I could just level monk as I have zero experience with it but others hm, hunter is top dps now from what I saw but I always liked priests.. plus I can heal.

Buy heirloom gear. It makes leveling stupid fast and easy. Get to 60, pick your professions, enjoy the free boost, and 22 slot bags!


They can be bought with gold now, right? Hopefully I have few k lying around, should be a breeze then especially since I level fast anyway. And just checked the armory, I have 2 pieces of heirlooms on my shaman and hunter so I guess hunter it is, get from 47 to 60 in a day and boom. Level other(s) in spare time. Also gonna use that cave method to level ALL my alts after getting first char to 100 fast before they fix it, need to do it on 4-5 characters to be all up to speed.


Darkness no more
RAF makes leveling crazy fast. I got two characters to 60 in probably under 4 hours. I had one character following the other while spamming dungeons and I am surprised no one complained or noticed the one character not doing anything :p

Also leveling my 7th character through Draenor. The whole garrison thing got stale awhile ago.


They're artificially injecting so much money into the game with those tokens, people pay around 30k for them and they sell them for 41k, that's 11k gold per token, it's quite ridiculous.
Can't fathom why their prices fluctuate so wildly, they should've accounted for that...

How can it possibly be injecting gold into the market. There's no gold just created out of thin air here.


How can it possibly be injecting gold into the market. There's no gold just created out of thin air here.

Eh? It does create gold out of thin air though. You get the amount of gold you put the token up for, not how much it sells for. If you put the token up for 40k but it doesn't sell until prices drop down to 30k you still get 40k gold, 10k of that is created by Blizzard.

That said in this situation I don't think it is realistic that 11k gold is being made for most of these token sells, that is putting too much faith in people's ability to control themselves which I certainly don't have. There are probably plenty of stupid people putting up tokens when the price is fairly low and probably other stupid people that are buying the tokens when the price is high.
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