One thing that bothers me about WoD is that Draenor doesn't feel like a full planet. I always feel like we're on a continent of Draenor (i.e. Kalimdor, Northrend, or Eastern Kingdoms). It just feels like there should be a whole other part of Draenor to explore with its own dungeons, races, threats, story, etc.
Outlands I can put a pass on because the world had 'blown apart' and we were only on that part of the worlds.
You can see a continent to the south, the ogre-continent apparently.
This is why I'm betting the next expac will be a new continent on Draenor. Maybe fighting the burning legion that now has a presence there or something. Maybe they decimate draenor or something ala-cataclysm, I don't know.
I just don't know where else they could stick a continent.
Its fun to see how different the game is from concept to completion just by the little clues they give and trying to extrapolate from that. (Yeah why is GORgrond an orc territory? This map makes much more sense, the ogres control a place called GORgrond, and the orcs have the volcanic desert Ashrand)
Looks like originally you didn't even get there through the portal, you got there through the Chronal Spire, and Shattrath was a raid. I wonder how far into design the Shatt raid got. As of now I don't even know why Shatt is in the game, it would've been a lot better if it was actually destroyed by the Iron Horde and Auchindoun was the only thing left or something.