This might have been addressed, so sorry for asking.
Do I need to install my retail copy, or just add my key to start playing?
I can't imagine what the q is on my server right now
The about 90 minutes before the expac hits on Stormreaver US.
Is it best to be there for the start? I'm just chilling in stormwind right now.
This lag is messing with my fishing.
Community Manager
Khadgar has cast Mirror Image and some of you have probably already noticed a few additional versions of his NPC around Azeroth. He's there to help you get to Draenor once the expansion goes live!
We've had some time to evaluate the overwhelmingly positive response to Warlords of Draenor as it went live for European players, and realized getting you through the Dark Portal in an efficient manner is important. When the switch from Mists of Pandaria to Warlords takes place at 12:00 a.m. PST, you will automatically receive a quest titled "The Dark Portal" that will direct you to visit Khadgar in the Blasted Lands. However, now that we have four more Khadgars added to the world, you can go to one them as well!
Here are Khadgar's locations:
Stormwind - next to the Hero's Call Board in the Trade District
Orgrimmar - next to the Warchief's Command Board in the Valley of Strength
Shrine of Seven Stars (Alliance) - in front of the main entrance
Shrine of Two Moons (Horde) - in front of the main entrance
Note: if you happen to not receive the initial quest that leads you to Draenor, have no fear! Just find your closest Khadgar and he'll lead the way.
People all yelling that they got the quest, 2:45 EST. Naturally, right then, I get disconnected.
People all yelling that they got the quest, 2:45 EST. Naturally, right then, I get disconnected.
Got the quest, talked to Khadgar, triggered the cutscene. That's as far as I got, now stuck on the loading screen.
e: welp, crash and a queue. Guess I'm going to sleep.
One of the few times I wish we were lower
One of the few times I wish we were lower
I should go to OT5 and find some of those quotes about how this launch would go smoothly and that 6.0 was the only hurdle.
Nah it's not worth it. For the .0001% of the time that it's a pain, the rest of the time it's excellent.
I'm sure I would've made fun of anyone who said that. MoP started out alright, but after 10-20 minutes it went to hell.
We're just skipping that first 10-20 minute grace period this time, that's all.
This is infinitely worse than mop launch.
I am so sad.
I am on the same server as mop, Mal'Ganis, and I did 85-90 in one sitting with no lag or disconnects for mop.
I've just got my Halo matchmaking sitting there while Warlords retrieves character list. It's a race.