Bummer, I used to use a macro that would cast ground mounts in non-flyable areas and flying in flyable ones. It even worked when they made all the new mounts worked on nonflyable areas, but it no longer works in Draenor. Just pulls out Galakras every time.
They need to phase the entire starting zone for launches like this.
Fuck the MMO experience, this is literally unplayable. I'd rather play a playable single player game than an unplayable massively multiplayer game.
That would be stupid for anything past the first week of the launch, maybe even the first day.
It's just not gonna work for the first few hours, there's nothing they can do about it nor should they.
Got DC'd on Sarg. And Hearthed lol. Can't get back to draenor.
2/6 trees.
One day, I'll live the dream.
That would be stupid for anything past the first week of the launch, maybe even the first day.
It's just not gonna work for the first few hours, there's nothing they can do about it nor should they.
Got DC'd on Sarg. And Hearthed lol. Can't get back to draenor.
I'm at two as well. You're on Stormreaver right? Maybe I'm in your group![]()
By the cata portals. I had to google it. I shit you not, that amateur hour piece of shit is how you get back haha
Considering that the intro stuff including the garrison quest is all about you establishing your presence on Draenor, just instancing the damn things would make sense.
Like why the fuck are these hundreds of other people on my land.
I figured it out right after I posted, you have to walk through it if youre going through the big one in blasted lands, you can't be flying/on a mount.
It wouldn't matter how far in they had it instanced, people would just move through that part and get to a roadblock all the same. They specifically said they wanted to get back to the MMO feel the game used to have at Blizzcon.
MMO feel wasn't hundreds of people spam clicking a flag for an hour trying to complete a quest, last I checked.
Don't be obtuse. Launch events are an outlier. Having the entire server in one spot will never happen after the first 24 hours of the expansion going live.
Got my garrison, AND finished my first WoD dungeon. I'm happy, and that's enough for this launch. Going to rest up and play tomorrow evening.
For everyone still playing... have fun y'all! May you get something awesome(Or hit server first or whatever!)
How are people enjoying the new expansion?
Whenever it's working, people are ecstatic.How are people enjoying the new expansion?
How are people enjoying the new expansion?
It's absolutley amazing that Blizzard can still get launches so wrong. That they still don't have a temporary fix for the first week that they can bandage at will.
How are people enjoying the new expansion?
Spending hours trying to complete a single level 91 quest is an integral part of the MMO experience. This is necessary for the health of the game.
Saying they should design their game around a single day of burst traffic is just forum QQ.
Anything they did to alleviate this would be absolutely pointless in 12-24 hours.
Saying they should design their game around a single day of burst traffic is just forum QQ.
Anything they did to alleviate this would be absolutely pointless in 12-24 hours.
Guess they wasted all that time phasing Tanaan Jungle for nothing then, eh?
Phasing trivial bottleneck quests hardly has the impact you're implying it does.
It's absolutley amazing that Blizzard can still get launches so wrong. That they still don't have a temporary fix for the first week that they can bandage at will.
I need that essential MMO experience when I'm leveling up my 5th alt in 3 months.
That's exactly why it is the way it is, so normal play wouldn't be impacted and have people seperated in different phases when it wouldn't be needed.
You realising thios is a networking issue and not that easy to fix right?![]()
Except when I'm leveling up my fifth alt in 3 months, there will barely be anyone doing the quests anyway. Phasing it changes nothing.
For all you know phasing Tanaan jungle for everyone to have their own personal zone is taking up server resources from the rest of the continent and making everyone else lag as it goes through those motions.