I'm about to hit 94 and I barley breached Gorgrond. How good/important is the zone? Should I hit up the bonus objectives only then go to Talador?
I liked it. (I'm assuming you're Horde)
It's a gorgeous zone and the faction you meet there is my favorite in the expansion.
Aren't you supposed to get the 680 ring from the legendary questline stuff after you turn in the quest from the heroic auchindoun quest?
Only quest I have now is the one with the apexis crystal which everyone is saying isn't needed for the 680 ring....
Aren't you supposed to get the 680 ring from the legendary questline stuff after you turn in the quest from the heroic auchindoun quest?
Only quest I have now is the one with the apexis crystal which everyone is saying isn't needed for the 680 ring....
What zone comes after Shadowmoon for alliance? Gorgrond?
Ah, alright thanks.Got hotfixed I think.
Yep. Gorgrond -> Talador -> Spires -> Nagrand.
I just found a helmet in Ashran that's 660/600. Says it's a downgrade from my regular helmet, which is 610. Is this helmet weaker once I leave Ashran?
I just got a quest to go to the Iron Siegeworks with Gazlowe and do a bunch of quests. Got 800 Apexis Crystals once I finished everything (including a bonus-objectives-type quest).
At random times while using either the Left-click or Right-click camera/player look functions the camera will jump to a random orientation on the screen.
Yep that's the weekly garrison story. get sent to one of many 100 areas.
Edit: New WoW Numbers are out. 7.4 million active subscriptions in September. For WOD they are back at 10 million active. 3.3 million WOD sold on first day. http://blizzard.gamespress.com/WORL...ES-10-MILLION-SUBSCRIBERS-AS-WARLORDS-OF-DRAE
Ah, alright thanks.
Thought I missed a breadcrumb quest somewhere, but I've actually had a quest to go there since I was 92 :lol oops. Oh well, got to 93 purely from Shadowmoon. Awesome zone!
Yeah, I got it long before I had finished Shadowmoon so I was a little confused. Ignored it at first since it was way out of the way, figured it was just a one off thing.I got stranded in Gorgrond at 94 because it wasn't clear what to do once I cleared technically 'half' the zone, so I went back to my garrison and there was a breadcrumb to Talador there as well as previously unavailable SMV quests. The flow was so alien to me 'what you mean I have to keep coming back to SMV?'
Turns out there was a bug where a quest that was supposed to appear in my Gorgond outpost wasn't showing up. It would not surprise me to learn of similar bugs for other players.
The massive appexis reward quest... was it a daily or weekly?
The massive appexis reward quest... was it a daily or weekly?
Trading post or lumber mill. Rares and treasure hunting is by far the fastest way to expand your garrison though.Related to Garrisons, I've tapped out every single quest on Draenor. I ended up spending like 800 resources on a couple of my T2 shops right before I got the quest to upgrade to level 3. Is there any other way to get resources other than the occasional mission and my little box that gives me some over time? Other than rares and treasure hunting, I mean.
Excellent shot!Stuck in Garrison so thought i'd upload a pic while waiting.
Beautiful expansion.
Trading post or lumber mill. Rares and treasure hunting is by far the fastest way to expand your garrison though.
Are you guys sending your follwers on missions? Resources for their XP isn't a good trade is it? :/
If you want legitimate returns off your followers you are going to need them leveled up and geared up. Running missions for XP still gives salvage returns. At a certain point you have a steady stream of resources and it's valuable to work towards strengthening your team.Are you guys sending your follwers on missions? Resources for their XP isn't a good trade is it? :/
Game go down for anyone else?
So, I tried restarting the battle.net desktop app to see if that fixes is. There is a 4 minutes queue.
A 4 minute queue. To log into the b.net app. LOL
So, I tried restarting the battle.net desktop app to see if that fixes is. There is a 4 minutes queue.
A 4 minute queue. To log into the b.net app. LOL
So, I tried restarting the battle.net desktop app to see if that fixes is. There is a 4 minutes queue.
A 4 minute queue. To log into the b.net app. LOL
I am running around an empty Arak right now. There's nothing there, enemies, NPCs, flight paths. My guild is gone, my hearth doesn't do anything. It's very 28 Days Later.
Wait wat. I didn't even know a Battle.net app queue was possible lolSo, I tried restarting the battle.net desktop app to see if that fixes is. There is a 4 minutes queue.
A 4 minute queue. To log into the b.net app. LOL
Lmao.I am running around an empty Arak right now. There's nothing there, enemies, NPCs, flight paths. My guild is gone, my hearth doesn't do anything. It's very 28 Days Later.