I'm having a hard time with this expansion. I'm playing since Vanilla, and I don't see why everyone is already claiming this is the best expansion ever. I still can't get over what I feel is a lack of content.
- Character models? Sure, cool, but my race (BE) hasn't been redone so I feel left out and I'm a little bitter about it. Also, this is not "content" for me.
- No new race, no new class. This is a first.
- An all time low number of new dungeons (7, remake of UBRS included). Most of them are pretty cool but come on.
- No new BG.
- No scenario outside of questing.
- After a week, I'm already a bit bored with my garrison.
- Those 800/1000 Apexis dailies are the most mindless boring grindy shitty crap I've done in all my time in WoW. I hate them, and I hate that I'm expected to do them often.
It's not all bad of course:
- Questing is amazing, I have to admit, even though the "hey remember this guy from BC?" effect got old pretty quick. But I'm afraid of what's going to happen when I'm done with it.
- Spires of Arak might be my favorire zone ever
- Treasures are my favorite new thing, I'm having a blast, but I'm almost done collecting them all already.
- I'm sure raiding will be fine from what I've seen so far.
It's a cool expansion, sure. But I can't help wondering if all the praise will stick more than a few months. I know they're promising faster expansions and I'm hope they're right, because I don't see myself in Draenor for two whole years.