i hate pre events
they take me out of the immersion
I can never tell if half the things you say is trolling.
Of course, shaman is still my one true love, so hopefully tonight's article sounds so fantastic that it makes me forget about everyone else forever.
I hope they bring back two handed for Shamans
they take me out of the immersion
Enha / ele got mana replaced by 'maelstrom' (works like focus, I figure, you gain it by using abilities, then you spend it by using other abilities, don't know whether it decays or regens naturally), if you didn't hear.
I mained resto from vanilla to MoP, but ele has really had my attention in WoD. I think those two specs are well made, and some attention to the broader class stuff would do a lot for shaman at this point.
I'm curious to see how Maelstrom works for Elemental.
Will it be like rage? energy/focus? Chi/Holy Power?
i.e. build Maelstrom with LB/CL and spend with Lava Burst. Although, seeing as how Class Fantasy was the most overused phrase when describing the reasoning for class changes I can see them changing up Lava Burst as our big 'nuke' for something that's a bit more all-elemental (i.e. Elemental Blast)
My class fantasy for elemental is just casting lightning. I want a fancier graphic for fulmination and a talented replacement for lava burst. Also fuck elemental blast.
We have three classes that specialize in fire already and just elemental Shaman who is like half lightning.
I like ele best when in TBC when I had my lightning capacitator.
I like ele best when in TBC when I had my lightning capacitator.
Speaking of class blogs, tomorrow we are also going to have the one for DKs. All runes become the same type (qq) and all that...
Gross. Lava Burst is the coolest part of being ele.
It was *the* king in MoP on arenas for 70s, btw.
People were getting glads that way (there was a bug where you could get glad by pumping rating in non-max-level brackets, then leveling to max-level - the rating stayed with you).
It's today I think. In 3 hours.
I hope they bring back two handed for Shamans
Immolate critical strikes have a 30% chance to generate a Soul Shard.
the nightmare is over
My frost dk
Need more info on Unholy. Sounds sorta interesting, but more complicated at the same time.
Still probably gonna play Frost. Not changing that much and it seems they're making it even more idiot proof with that Killing Machine change. That talent they listed though - meh. I hate, hate abilities with medium-short length CDs like that. It's another thing you have to keybind because you'll use it just often enough for it to be core, but not enough to be primary. Another thing you have to keep track of rotationally.
I need to figure out why every time I start up WoW it gives me a high piercing sound for a second. It's the only application on my PC that does this.
Those Ret Paladin cooldowns seem a little long. I hope there isn't a lot of downtime between abilities.
A word of caution on DPS shamans in general and ele in particular: don't do it if you ever want to PVP. Just don't. Stay resto. It's a new addon so every spec has a chance to be viable, but all things being equal, ele is terrible by design - the spec's strong point that has to offset its weaknesses is high burst and since they have been trying to make PVP less bursty for two addons now, that strong point was mostly erased so weaknesses are all ele has.
Gross. Lava Burst is the coolest part of being ele.
Lavaburst initally was cool in Wotlk (besides consuming flame shock), it began to feel too spammy with Panda and WoD. Whenever I play my elemental shaman it feels like I'm hitting with a wet noodle constantly.
What are you on about, late mop ele was ridiculously good in pvp.
I might actually have to make a demonology warlock
So I just tanked an instance using the Steam Controller and it was pretty good. I managed to get most of my buttons bound, a couple are still missing but I'm just messing around with the settings for now. It actually works really well, if there was a second set of buttons instead of that stick it would be absolutely perfect. I can still set commands to that stick so I'll try that out later.
Make left trigger blood boil and right trigger death strike.
What more could you possibly need?
Poor 2hand frost. The end is nigh.