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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs


While on the subject of wishes and fishes, I wish they would do a couple of things to Azeroth going forward. First would be update a lot of the assests in the 1-60 zones. Drag the game kicking and screaming out of Vanilla. Fix Stormwind and Silvermoon. Let the Gnomes re-take Gnomeregan already. Integrate the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones properly into the world. Second, if it turns out to be a good thing, would be to add the level scaling that's in Legion to Azeroth's 1-60 zones. Let people quest where ever they want rather than going through the same paths through the same zones over and over. Third would be to add public events that are thematically tied into the questing of the zone and unlock after you complete the questing and exploration achievements for that zone.

If the level scaling is there, you could be dropped down to the max level of that zone, sort of like Time Walking events, or Legion scaling could be applied so the challenge is appropriate to all players. These public events could provide valour points or some other currency that is a viable reward for players of all levels but maybe only used once you're max level for gear. Or it could be another avenue for leveling players to earn heirlooms,

For example, Bilgewater Bay is supposed to be the Goblin capitol that replaces Kezan, right now it's home to like 4 or 5 quests in the mid-point of questing through Azshara and that's it. You clear those quests and never go back. What if once you clear the Azshara questing and exploration achievements you unlock the public events, like defending Bilgewater from a Naga invasion. Or needing to defend the border from a Night Elf invasion. Each area could have two or three public events loosely based on the over-arching stories of each area. Contested zones public events could be world pvp, although I have no idea of how they would handle that.

I know that Blizzard's approach has been to speed people up through leveling fast and faster with heirlooms and level boosts. But with the 90/100 level boosts, there's a reward for getting your toon to 60 first. Public events would be another way to make the earlier questing zones viable to high level players and maybe feel like more of a living world for everyone. I know there's profession mat farming, archaeology and pets but none of those are group activities. They could tie valor points, some titles and achievements to it, maybe even a mount to completing public events. And they don't need to add it to ALL of the game, just Azeroth.

Sorry, I'm rambling.

There's no way they'll put significant effort again into the old world. They seem to already regret the resources that went into the remake for Cata as it is, and they've barely bothered to touch the old BC quests at all. Maybe you'd see some sort of universal scaling system put into place, but the idea of going back to old zones and being overpowered is such a long standing part of WoW that I don't know that they'd ever think that was worth the trouble. And it would have to be something they could just blanket add with minimal additional zone tweaking needed.


So I got kind of lucky today.

On Thursday my raid group did normal Archimonde and two vanq trinkets dropped. The only people who needed on it was me and a rogue, and he wound up winning the roll on both. He was going to trade one of them to me, but couldn't since it was soulbound and didn't have the 2-hour trade message (probably because we reformed the raid to do heroic and he got them through the mail), so he submitted a ticket to get it transferred to me. The GM gets it done today and they sent the heroic version instead of the normal one. To make it even better, it rolled with a socket

Since it seems like it isn't that hot for resto druids (no pun intended) due to the 15 yard splash range, are people just swapping it in for fights with a lot of stacking (Gorefiend etc), or is it good enough to run with all the time? It would be replacing an 830 spirit trinket


The scaling isn't already planned for the greater world? I figured that was the point as zones currently fall well out of range before you've even done 1/4th of them.

Personally I don't see any point in a face lift or anything to the old world, on paper it's always a great idea but at the rate Blizzard works and how little use the new world in Cataclysm saw...it's probably a waste of time. I really wish they would do something with leveling, though. Scaling in existing content would be a nice solution that could be used going forward but having all a new start and updated systems that age better with the game would be better.

Now would be a fun time to do that, get rid of Azeroth and it's links with Legion! Stuff it in some new iteration of Caverns of Time and make a new suite of content that's fresh, fun to repeat and as engaging as you want to make it. Of course, that'd go over pretty badly with some of the fanbase but there's always that special splinter of the WoW fanbase that likes to hold shit back so fuck 'em.

After Heart of Thorns I'm a little less cynical about MMO leveling again for the first time in a long time so I want to see some shit change. Make this stuff flow better, give me good exploration and gimme a damn hard mode.


Sylvanas is the ONLY woman who currently leads a faction.

Tyrande. I like Sylvanas, I hope they flesh out her character more. There is some speculation that she might have been the one to give you the inn quest related to Alleria, so it will be interesting to see how the story unfolds in Legion now that Alleria is supposed to return in some fashion.

edit: also, Moira is on the ruling council for dwarves and Aysa Cloudsinger for alliance pandaren.
How are Druids in Moonkin form with soloing old dungeons and raids as well as current content like Tanaan? I did a quick search and most feel it's easier as Feral or Guardian, but while I'm out doing stuff in Tanaan I see Moonkin players and they don't seem to be having any trouble, with and without a bodyguard. Just wanted to see what you all think.


How are Druids in Moonkin form with soloing old dungeons and raids as well as current content like Tanaan? I did a quick search and most feel it's easier as Feral or Guardian, but while I'm out doing stuff in Tanaan I see Moonkin players and they don't seem to be having any trouble, with and without a bodyguard. Just wanted to see what you all think.

If you've got decent gear you can solo pretty much anything from Cata or earlier.

MOP stuff is more difficult. As Blood, I can solo Nalak, MSV for the mount, and I could solo Sha in Kun'lai if I didn't get MCed :p
If you've got decent gear you can solo pretty much anything from Cata or earlier.

MOP stuff is more difficult. As Blood, I can solo Nalak, MSV for the mount, and I could solo Sha in Kun'lai if I didn't get MCed :p

I figured that but wanted to double check. I guess my main concern is running around Tanaan and completing things with little to no trouble.


Tyrande. I like Sylvanas, I hope they flesh out her character more. There is some speculation that she might have been the one to give you the inn quest related to Alleria, so it will be interesting to see how the story unfolds in Legion now that Alleria is supposed to return in some fashion.

edit: also, Moira is on the ruling council for dwarves and Aysa Cloudsinger for alliance pandaren.

Jaina as well. According to the books, she's still counting herself as the leader of Theramore and is currently leading the Kirin Tor.
So I just resubbed to WoW again after the BlizzCon stuff got to me. Rolling a Druid on Stormrage and I'm wondering what spec I would have the easiest time with at 100. Always wanted a Balance Druid but they seem like a pain in the ass.


How are Druids in Moonkin form with soloing old dungeons and raids as well as current content like Tanaan? I did a quick search and most feel it's easier as Feral or Guardian, but while I'm out doing stuff in Tanaan I see Moonkin players and they don't seem to be having any trouble, with and without a bodyguard. Just wanted to see what you all think.

I have soloed everything up to Dragon Soul as a laser turkey, not on 25H though. Highest ilvl has been around 670. Never felt the need to go back to bear in this xpac. Balance is very strong.


No One Remembers
So I just resubbed to WoW again after the BlizzCon stuff got to me. Rolling a Druid on Stormrage and I'm wondering what spec I would have the easiest time with at 100. Always wanted a Balance Druid but they seem like a pain in the ass.

If you're planning to play it in Legion, their mechanics are changing greatly where that balance bar crap is gone.
If you're planning to play it in Legion, their mechanics are changing greatly where that balance bar crap is gone.
Yeah I'll probably just end up going Feral until Legion is out. Either that or try to learn Balance as it is now. The balance bar is the reason why I'm hesitant to even try.


Yeah I'll probably just end up going Feral until Legion is out. Either that or try to learn Balance as it is now. The balance bar is the reason why I'm hesitant to even try.

The Euphoria talent is hugely helpful since it speeds up the bar, and makes it easier to keep up your dots. That and Incarnation for beefing up your opener (which is the one truly essential thing to get down pat as a Moonkin).


Holy shit finally got my last pristine. Took 976 solves and 600 of those being Draenor Clans

I don't know why I did it

Man, I've been doing Draenor archaology and it's such a pain. Most dig sites seem to pop up in Nagrand, where I'll usually have to fight mobs too (especially in the case of Throne, where I get in combat when nothing is attacking me). And it must be 1 in 10 things comes out Pristine. Such bullshit.
I just leveled my druid as balance. It's easier as feral until you get star fall, then I think balance is way better, then it evens out in WoD and kind of sucks until you get instant starsurge and the instant casts from being hit.

Gameplay wise balance isn't hard at all, it's actually a bit too simple.


I always thought it was a bit dumb that, at least as of now, the classes that have a melee and a caster DPS spec can generally heal better and survive better in the melee spec vs caster (mostly talking from challenging solo content, like tanaan 100+ garrison resource rares). As Feral, I can keep myself healed and solo hard Tanaan rares fairly easily, but as balance I have more trouble. Healing and surviving tough solo content is cake as Enhance, but as Elemental even some easier rares can be tough. Mostly comes down to the fact that the melee specs get more instant heal procs and have a better stun/control toolkit these days, whereas the benefit of being ranged (not being near the thing) is lost as soon as the mob gets to you at 90% HP, and kiting doesn't really exist anymore.

Just always seemed wrong to me that my caster spec with tons of spell power heals for less than my agility equipped melee spec, plus I have to spend time casting heals as a caster vs. instant for melee. Personally prefer Ele to Enh, but for any solo content at all I honestly have more success with my 670 PvP blue geared Enh than my 700+ raid geared Ele set.


No Scrubs
I always thought it was a bit dumb that, at least as of now, the classes that have a melee and a caster DPS spec can generally heal better and survive better in the melee spec vs caster (mostly talking from challenging solo content, like tanaan 100+ garrison resource rares). As Feral, I can keep myself healed and solo hard Tanaan rares fairly easily, but as balance I have more trouble. Healing and surviving tough solo content is cake as Enhance, but as Elemental even some easier rares can be tough. Mostly comes down to the fact that the melee specs get more instant heal procs and have a better stun/control toolkit these days, whereas the benefit of being ranged (not being near the thing) is lost as soon as the mob gets to you at 90% HP, and kiting doesn't really exist anymore.

Just always seemed wrong to me that my caster spec with tons of spell power heals for less than my agility equipped melee spec, plus I have to spend time casting heals as a caster vs. instant for melee. Personally prefer Ele to Enh, but for any solo content at all I honestly have more success with my 670 PvP blue geared Enh than my 700+ raid geared Ele set.

That problem is basically due to PvP balance. If ranged had the same kind of toolset as melee then they would be invincible. So you guys get kinda screwed over in solo PvE.


you can't put a price on sparks
How does the price of WoW tokens work? Does it go up or down the more people buy them?

its supply/demand.



Holy shit finally got my last pristine. Took 976 solves and 600 of those being Draenor Clans

I don't know why I did it

Word, just finished the MoP one last week. ~1000 solves, at least that one came with a title though.

edit: 14255 achievement points, never really been too into achievement hunting. there are a ton of easy ones i have not bothered to get, e.g. the one for getting your hair cut


20130 here! My big gap is pvp where I only have around 30% of the achievements since I can never find a spec I like pvping on much. Hopefully that will change soon since I have plenty of time right now to find something fun to play before the next expansion comes and shakes everything up per usual (though the shake up this time will be even bigger I guess).


It's at 46k right now...
I may be going back to paying real money for my sub.

This is one of the reasons I decided to just bite the bullet and buy a couple years worth when they were down at 18-19k. Was afraid of the price going way up for a variety of reasons (one of the big ones being subs were clearly going to tank hard). I mean wild speculation obviously but the kind of people who were interested in paying real cash for gold probably overlaps with the people who weren't going to stick around an expansion that had no meaningful casual content and then went nearly 8 months without getting a content patch (not to mention that patch not being that amazing.)

Also makes me assume we will see a pretty decent price drop at the end of the expansion when people are coming back to the game and preparing for Legion.
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