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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs


I mostly do. :(

I mostly do as well. Worst case scenario is they do what they always do and over react to the complaints of WoD which means we get an expansion that is the exact opposite of WoD. Then next worst case scenario is when people complain about that expansion xpac 7 is shit like WoD again.


I have faith in their ability to listen.

D3 and Hearthstone are the best examples of Blizzard listening and caring about what their community thinks and wants.


I'd rather explore a new interesting continent on Draenor rather than going back to azeroth tbh.
Especially since that would mean Draenor would be left forgotten as usual, and that they would have to come up with dumb excuse to add more terrain to azeroth.

Some stuff with islands, underwater zones or raised landmasses is the last thing I can accept with a straight face, even though it's already much to swallow to begin with.
Then again we got alternate dimension time travel.

At this point they could come up with an idea to fuse draenor and azeroth into a single planet and I wouldn't be surprised :lol:


I have faith in their ability to listen.

D3 and Hearthstone are the best examples of Blizzard listening and caring about what their community thinks and wants.
The turnaround from the disaster that was vanilla D3 to Reaper of Souls was amazing. I hope they can replicate that. I'm not sure I have faith at this point though.


Tokens hit their all time high in NA last night for some reason.

Unless I am mistaken or Wowtoken.info is unreliable.


"Blizzard has been listening to players experiences during Warlords of Draenor and thinks players will be excited by the announcement this week"

I want to see this be true.

Interesting this seems to imply that the announcement will be more than just the name and location of the next exp but maybe also some gameplay changes too? What else would "listening to players experiences" mean?


I think for me, the thing I enjoyed most about Wrath was the story. Both Alliance and Horde were focusing on the same objective: Working towards bringing down the Lich King. Every dungeon, every raid, every thing to do at max level, was all part of the fight against Arthas. It all had a theme and it all fit together perfectly.


Any idea when we're getting that information today? I can't wait until tomorrow.

We're getting the information in 27 hours. I really doubt there are any (real) leaks today.

I mean we've had hundreds of leaks so far, all different. In 27 hours you'll know the real deal and it will be either glorious or "Lol, Blizzard, Please"


I think for me, the thing I enjoyed most about Wrath was the story. Both Alliance and Horde were focusing on the same objective: Working towards bringing down the Lich King. Every dungeon, every raid, every thing to do at max level, was all part of the fight against Arthas. It all had a theme and it all fit together perfectly.

I also think for a lot of Warcraft 3 fans Arthas was the Warcraft villain, especially considering the ending for Frozen Throne. Once you finally killed Arthas and he was out of that world the story got a lot less compelling, imo.

Metzen is now just meandering around with the plot with no real direction in sight.


Btw, since there is only a day left, what are your wishes for the next xpac? I'm talking about purely subjective, unrealistic stuff, pandering to how you like to play.

Ideally for me, a big fortified continent like Northrend was. Big citadel with walls in many zones. Basically I want to see the siege of a whole continent and to truly feel like we're conquering it.
Allow only like two zones at release (cheaper xpac because nerd rage), bigger zones than what we're used to. Build the storyline around that so there is a great final, cooperative event opening the gates to a new zone, released let's say the following month. Something like Wrathgate event but for everyone, with some gates of ahnqiraj war effort maybe. Something where you have some shit to do.
Repeat for the new zone with another storyline.

Let's say the max level would be like 102 for the first month until the new zone opens with one or two levels unlocked. There would be a current max level dungeon and a small raid (like 1 or three bosses). Make it an actual raid, as in, we're raiding the supplies or weakening the defenses in an unreleased zone hoping to have an advantage when the time comes.
Could also be solo scenarios repeatable missions instead. Give me a ship and I'd raid some place and fire my cannons at stuff everyday ;(
Again, repeat for each new zone released.
Once at xpac max level, say 110, these can be either tuned for lvl 110 or made as heroic versions.

With this system, players and developpers alike would have some time to breathe and content drought would be hopefully smaller. I'd have always something to look forward to and not be bored the day after I hit max level. Would feel like a real war with our forces trying to gain land more and more until the final battle.

Now of course it's probably not feasible and people would just scream "gated content" every day. But still, better than consuming everything in a week and yell for 6 months.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The turnaround from the disaster that was vanilla D3 to Reaper of Souls was amazing. I hope they can replicate that. I'm not sure I have faith at this point though.

Yeah at this point I don't even know if I can really articulate what I want them to add in the next expansion that would really excite me. I can (and have, in this thread and others) pretty lucidly say what aspects of WoD are lacking/disappointing/shitty, but I've never really believed that "make things like the used to be!" is a terribly meaningful stance.

But let me try!

First, the easy stuff: New classes/races are always fun. I would love to see Demonhunter, or Shadowstalker, or Tinker, or whatever else. Ethereal, Arrakoa, whatever. The more the merrier. They won't make or break an expansion if the content is shitty, but they are among the biggest draws a new expansion can have and are the best way of adding a layer of "newness" to it.

Raids: Atmopshere! I know this is subjective, but although WoD raids were good mechanically, but they didn't feel fun to be in. I don't think I have ever grown tired of a raid faster than I did with BRF, and Highmaul didn't really wow me either. HFC almost feel like an effort to recapture Black Temple, but is still marred by the overall boring WoD aesthetic design. I want raids that feel epic, and have immersive ambient audio and environments that really pop. I don't even want to give specific examples because there really are a lot of them from the game's 10 year history.

Beyond that, I wish there was something Blizzard could do to just improve the Group Finder/PuG situation. There is so much potential there to cater to the huge amount of people who find LFR mindlessly boring but don't want to commit to a progression raid schedule, so they actually experience real raiding and a sense of progression and gear upgrades. However, there is very little incentive to use it that way, and the community has grown so toxic and impatient that you literally have to outgear a raid in order to expect an invite. It's a really shitty situation that I don't know how to fix, but I'm not a game developer. I guess this just ties into the overall social issues of the game at this point, and how rare it is to randomly encounter someone that you end up adding to your friends list and playing with more.

PvP: racial ability balance, obviously, but that might just be a band-aid on a severed head at this point. All things being equal, why would all the people who paid to transfer to alliance to PvP pay to transfer back? Especially with Mercenary mode, there is even less incentive to actually switch back since queue times will be alleviated. I am actually ok with how PvP itemization worked in WoD, so no big complaints there considering the next expansion obviously won't have Ashran shoehorned in.

Non-Raid endgame: Meaningful reputations that aren't just grinds. A reasonable amount of dailies that you can ignore if they don't interest you without feeling like you are gimping yourself. Hopefully they keep Mythic 5-mans as a competitive alternative/supplement to LFR, because more reasons to run 5-mans is always good. They were the bread and butter endgame for a lot of people in BC and Wrath, and the recent trend of having them be a minor stepping stone and then forgotten a month after an expansion releases is really a terrible waste.

Also related to 5-mans: Justice/valor were showing their age, but Apexis were a step backwards. Heroic (and Mythic) 5-mans should definitely contain some sort of currency to keep them at least somewhat relevant as a gearing path/catch-up mechanic.

Show me the goods tomorrow, Blizzard. "we are responding to feed back, plz b excite" is meaningless PR until you actually deliver.


Interesting raids please. I've run through all the content I've missed and all of the WoD content available through LFR, and nothing comes close to Karazhan, Nax and Ulduar (Icecrown is good too).

And as if this hasn't been mentioned enough, we need things to do at max level other than raiding. I've literally only been back on this game for three weeks and my routine now has already boiled down to farming crystals and LFR to get better gear. There's like...nothing to do. I don't want to raid as a progression player like I used to and there's practically zero casual content in WoD.


My current daily routine is to let Master Plan do its thing in my Garrison then head to Tanaan to get the 10 crystals for Awakened rep. On Wednesdays I can also add the LFR wings for tome grinding. And that's pretty much it.

And then I run random old stuff. Raids, dungeons, achievement chasing, whatever. Basically non-WoD content, which I shouldn't be having to do.


  • Talent System is back
  • Class Quests is back
  • Raid Attunement is back
  • LFG and LFR is removed
  • Badges of Justice is back
  • MP5 is back
  • Old World is back


  • Talent System is back
  • Class Quests is back
  • Raid Attunement is back
  • LFG and LFR is removed
  • Badges of Justice is back
  • MP5 is back
  • Old World is back

You couldn't come up with a worst list of "do this" than that

Go play on some random private vanilla server and be miserable with the 800 other people playing on it.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
  • Talent System is back
  • Class Quests is back
  • Raid Attunement is back
  • LFG and LFR is removed
  • Badges of Justice is back
  • MP5 is back
  • Old World is back

You couldn't come up with a worst list of "do this" than that

Go play on some random private vanilla server and be miserable with the 800 other people playing on it.

Yeah sorry strafer, but that's some serious nostalgia glasses.

Class quests are cool, though. The more of those the better.


Yeah "going back to Vanilla" isn't the direction WoW should go. Even most the people saying that would quit after a month.


  • Have to walk to dungeons
  • Most specs useless at endgame
  • Quests that send you to the furthest possible point in the land and then back again
  • Endless farming of mobs to make a bit of money for a mount
  • No paladins on Horde, no shamans on Alliance
Do it Blizz!


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
  • Have to walk to dungeons
  • Most specs useless at endgame
  • Quests that send you to the furthest possible point in the land and then back again
  • Endless farming of mobs to make a bit of money for a mount
  • No paladins on Horde, no shamans on Alliance
Do it Blizz!

Every quest in the game should be the shaman water totem quest from vanilla


I for one want to spam "LF1M tank PST!!!" in town again like the good old days!

Who wouldn'T want to sit on the top of the Orgrimmar bank yelling "LF1M 5 man Undead Strat"

Or "LF1M BRD Emperor run"

And having to redo the group 5 times because people left


Honestly I adore the LFR/LFG system. Yes, LFR needs to be more difficult and actually have some boss mechanics. I play a resto druid and honest to god I have like nothing to do in LFR because no one takes any damage. It's a fantastic way for the playerbase to see content. And using LFG isn't all 'silent people'; I made a group to kill the savage whale shark last night in tanaan via LFG and our raid chat was ablaze with cross-realm conversation.

LFR definitely does need improving. It should feel like a raid and not a gutted, neglected dungeon. That says a lot considering in Wrath I thought Blizz making every raid doable in 10 & 25 man configurations was 'too casual'.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Honestly I adore the LFR/LFG system. Yes, LFR needs to be more difficult and actually have some boss mechanics. I play a resto druid and honest to god I have like nothing to do in LFR because no one takes any damage. It's a fantastic way for the playerbase to see content. And using LFG isn't all 'silent people'; I made a group to kill the savage whale shark last night in tanaan via LFG and our raid chat was ablaze with cross-realm conversation.

LFR definitely does need improving. It should feel like a raid and not a gutted, neglected dungeon. That says a lot considering in Wrath I thought Blizz making every raid doable in 10 & 25 man configurations was 'too casual'.

Blizzard made LFR potatobrain easy because they hoped people who wanted to actually raid would do normals using the group finder. That didn't work because people are cunts. Great idea in theory though and I really wish there was a way to make it feasible.


Who wouldn'T want to sit on the top of the Orgrimmar bank yelling "LF1M 5 man Undead Strat"

Or "LF1M BRD Emperor run"

And having to redo the group 5 times because people left

And meeting hundreds of cool people on the way when playing as a team was key and communication wasn't seen as slowing down the groups endless farm for shit gear.

I resent LFG. We need to at least see an LFG on X realm only system. I'm sick of doing piss easy dungeons & heroics with people I'll never see again.


If Blizz removed LFG you'd see the playerbase drop another couple million within a month. Removing quality of life additions is not the way to push WoW forward.
For people who DO want raid attunements, the old world, all the old-school WoW-feeling stuff, did you try Wildstar? That's what they were trying to be.


Dungeon Finder for your current realm only would be okay. It's always nice when you enter the current DF and see someone from your realm there, so four others would be even betterer.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
And meeting hundreds of cool people on the way when playing as a team was key and communication wasn't seen as slowing down the groups endless farm for shit gear.

I resent LFG. We need to at least see an LFG on X realm only system. I'm sick of doing piss easy dungeons & heroics with people I'll never see again.

As I said, blizzard's answer to this is group finder for normal raids and mythic dungeons. Except the community has gotten to a place where people don't have the patience to become bros with new people while doing content at the intended item level, which may include a wipe or two as you learn/adapt. One wipe is an unforgivable offense and someone is a worthless shitter who needs to be removed if it happens.


For people who DO want raid attunements, the old world, all the old-school WoW-feeling stuff, did you try Wildstar? That's what they were trying to be.

Yup. It hurt my wrist so I had to stop, haha. Tempted to resub for a month and carry on leveling my toon.


As I said, blizzard's answer to this is group finder for normal raids and mythic dungeons. Except the community has gotten to a place where people don't have the patience to become bros with new people while doing content at the intended item level, which may include a wipe or two as you learn/adapt. One wipe is an unforgivable offense and someone is a worthless shitter who needs to be removed if it happens.

You can't totally blame the community here. Blizzard created mechanics which require players to repeat dungeons over and over and over and over again. Of course people are going to be impatient if their speed run is hobbled by a player not pulling their own weight. It's much easier to remove the bad player and wait for a new one to pop in so you can continue your speed run. Gotta get them tokens/badges/whatever!


Should also adopt FFXIV's Player Commendation feature in some form. Maybe make it more automated, so a DPS player who is able to beat a boss in LFR without dying and while dealing a decent amount of damage gets one, say. No awards for AFKers then.
Yup. It hurt my wrist so I had to stop, haha. Tempted to resub for a month and carry on leveling my toon.

Yeah, I've liked it so far; my old WoW arena buddy and I switched over to it a couple months ago, but we switched back again after the expansion hype started last week.


You can't totally blame the community here. Blizzard created mechanics which require players to repeat dungeons over and over and over and over again. Of course people are going to be impatient if their speed run is hobbled by a player not pulling their own weight. It's much easier to remove the bad player and wait for a new one to pop in so you can continue your speed run. Gotta get them tokens/badges/whatever!

Nah, the community is the biggest issue was back than is still now.

For people who DO want raid attunements, the old world, all the old-school WoW-feeling stuff, did you try Wildstar? That's what they were trying to be.

Isn't wildstar doing horribly right now, or are they making a comeback?
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