I'd say just keep focusing on questing and doing dungeons for now. You lvl so fast that crafting isn't worth the time, as you won't find enough mats during your lvling process to get much done. Once you're lvl 100, you can do that if you want.
You can have two professions; he should at least pick up two gathering professions (mining / herbalism / skinning), they will provide income + experience.
Furthermore, IMO, the crafting stuff is pretty fun and leveling is a little better if you have a variety of tasks. Some of them level too slow and you will have trouble keeping up, but Alchemy is very easy to level and the potions you make should be useful.
I finally got my last shipyard ring(Str), and I'm 10 missions away from 1000 on my main. I'll keep doing missions on her until she has the achiev for all rare missions complete(she needs the agi and str ring missions), but I'll be done with the shipyard.
You can have two professions; he should at least pick up two gathering professions (mining / herbalism / skinning), they will provide income + experience.
Furthermore, IMO, the crafting stuff is pretty fun and leveling is a little better if you have a variety of tasks. Some of them level too slow and you will have trouble keeping up, but Alchemy is very easy to level and the potions you make should be useful.
True about the free xp from gathering professions, but income? Ever since they changed the stacks from 20 to 200, I feel like selling those low lvl ores or herbs aren't really worth it. You have all kind of different stacks on the AH, and you have to calculate how much your 34 stack of Kingsblood is worth compared to a stack of 20 or 45 already on the AH... bleh. not much worth to waste time when they're worth so little in gold and you already have 100k+ on your main character.
True about the free xp from gathering professions, but income? Ever since they changed the stacks from 20 to 200, I feel like selling those low lvl ores or herbs aren't really worth it. You have all kind of different stacks on the AH, and you have to calculate how much your 34 stack of Kingsblood is worth compared to a stack of 20 or 45 already on the AH... bleh. not much worth to waste time when they're worth so little in gold and you already have 100k+ on your main character.
Picked up the expansion recently and just got my first character to 100.
I'm kind of surprised that people seem to ignore the boss mechanics in normal dungeons. Obviously there are certain cases where it will wipe a group almost instantly if it's ignored, Auchindoun 1st boss, but there are several cases where it leads to an eventual wipe or a slower kill. For example, Grimrail Depot where you have to collect items from the adds that spawn during the second bosses' cannon phase. Or deactivating the power conduits for the first boss in Upper Blackrock Spire.
I'm not some kind of WoW prodigy, I've made mistakes that have gotten me killed, but I'm able to pick up on most mechanics mid fight after quickly scanning the in game dungeon guide. Are groups typically only focused on the boss, or am I just unlucky?
Thanks for the additional replies guys. I've seen some mining points and skinnable corpses.
How do I pick up a profession?
Also, I have my old toon from 09 on Alleria. They messed up his name and I can't access him on the site or in armory or anything. He has 1341 gold on him. Is that enough that its worth trying to get access to him? Even though its been six years, if I connect to Alleria will I just be able to choose him, or will I have to pay Blizz money to restore him and stuff?
Edit - I read up, seems my names got released but I should be able to access the toons. Can I send gold/items across servers to my new toon?
edit 2 - bah sorry, I had the time to look into it myself, seems my best bet would be to spend the money on a desireable pet on my old account and I could send that to my new account and then crate it up and trade/sell it? Is 1341 worth all that trouble or should I just forget about it?
Go to any capital city (Orgrimmar is your best bet, as you should be near there anyway). Speak to any of the guards in the city, and ask them to direct you towards a profession trainer.
You can have a maximum of two primary professions, and any two out of Skinning/Mining/Herbalism are good starters. Just make sure that you keep everything you gather, because it'll be worth something on the Auction House! DO NOT VENDOR!
Thanks for the additional replies guys. I've seen some mining points and skinnable corpses.
How do I pick up a profession?
Also, I have my old toon from 09 on Alleria. They messed up his name and I can't access him on the site or in armory or anything. He has 1341 gold on him. Is that enough that its worth trying to get access to him? Even though its been six years, if I connect to Alleria will I just be able to choose him, or will I have to pay Blizz money to restore him and stuff?
Edit - I read up, seems my names got released but I should be able to access the toons. Can I send gold/items across servers to my new toon?
When you try to log in with the character it will ask you to enter the new name. The only items you can send across server are battle.net account bound items like heirlooms. You cannot send gold across realms.
I'm not some kind of WoW prodigy, I've made mistakes that have gotten me killed, but I'm able to pick up on most mechanics mid fight after quickly scanning the in game dungeon guide. Are groups typically only focused on the boss, or am I just unlucky?
Yes, because "someone else" will do the mechanics. Besides, no one with any iota of skill will be doing normal dungeons at this point of the expansion. You can get better loot than heroic dungeons from just traipsing around Tanaan.
When you try to log in with the character it will ask you to enter the new name. The only items you can send across server are battle.net account bound items like heirlooms. You cannot send gold across realms.
Well, you kinda can, but it's not something you should concern yourself with as a newbie.
You can buy Battle pets on one realm, use them, cage them on the other realm & sell them. You can also use the BoA guild tabards, although this involves a big gold loss.
I'm not some kind of WoW prodigy, I've made mistakes that have gotten me killed, but I'm able to pick up on most mechanics mid fight after quickly scanning the in game dungeon guide. Are groups typically only focused on the boss, or am I just unlucky?
Catch up mechanics make it easy for experienced players to bypass the "Normal" level content. As a result many people there fail to pick up the mechanics and try strong arm their way through the content. For "Heroic" and even "Mythic" dungeons to some extent people are able to vastly overgear for the content, and can push through it faster by choosing which mechanics they want to ignore.
Well, you kinda can, but it's not something you should concern yourself with as a newbie.
You can buy Battle pets on one realm, use them, cage them on the other realm & sell them. You can also use the BoA guild tabards, although this involves a big gold loss.
Doing more research I have found that 1300 is not that much gold to begin with so I'll prob just buy a pet or whatever.
Some other thoughts on the game through fresh eyes -
There is tons of stuff to do, and tons of people running around. It creates a feeling that few games can match. They have done a great job making the quests diverse, even if some of them are silly. I was not expecting so many vehicle based missions.
I'm playing on my rig which is getting kind of old. 2500K/Radeon 6970 Twin Frozr 2. I can play @ 1080 on Ultra @ 60fps with low MSAA. It makes perfect sense as to why, but the game is wildly inconsistent visually. Some areas look great, some areas are waaaay too cluttered and have too many garish, clashing, colors.
I am a Gob and I was terribly unimpressed with the starting area stuff. It is one of the worst looking zones I have ever seen, and it was waaaay to easy to get lost for someone first starting. Conversely, once you get to the Lost Island, it is the perfect beginner area, and the visuals, or at least the art direction, is 10000 times better.
1300g is plenty of gold to begin with. That covers more than the cost of everything except 280/310% flying, which is entirely optional. Jesus, I didn't have 1300g till I'd played for a year at least, haha.
1300g is plenty of gold to begin with. That covers more than the cost of everything except 280/310% flying, which is entirely optional. Jesus, I didn't have 1300g till I'd played for a year at least, haha.
I was comparing it to the amount of gold it takes to buy sub time lol.
Edit - I did play pretty heavily for about 6 months, but only solo stuff, never got to do dungeons or raids. Got my guy up to 74 or something and did a lot of fishing contests, then stopped playing.
Edit - @e90Mark, yeah I was toying with the idea of subbing because it would make my bud so happy, but I wasn't gonna do it if WoD was like 40 or 50 bucks. When I saw it was 12 I had no excuse, lol. Also, I never bought pandaria, I only had up to WoTLK, but somehow it was on my account already.
That's funny, I just resubbed last Friday because I was off work and bored. Been off of the game for about a year or so.
I started playing WoW back at the end of vanilla/start of BC and played on and off. I stopped right before WoD hit. (Preordered it too, lol.) Having fun though, there's a reason I keep coming back to this game.
I logged into some old characters, bought some BoAs, made new characters and started playing again.
A buddy joined me a day after and I wish we RAF'd, but he was hasty with the sale going on.
That's funny, I just resubbed last Friday because I was off work and bored. Been off of the game for about a year or so.
I started playing WoW back at the end of vanilla/start of BC and played on and off. I stopped right before WoD hit. (Preordered it too, lol.) Having fun though, there's a reason I keep coming back to this game.
I logged into some old characters, bought some BoAs, made new characters and started playing again.
A buddy joined me a day after and I wish we RAF'd, but he was hasty with the sale going on.
You can make 10k+ per week just clearing Cata raids when you're at cap. Should cover most (if EU) or all (if NA) of the gold if you do them every week.
Yeah gives me hope about the pre-expansion event. I always like it when stuff happens in old zones and that looks like a proper invasion, should be fun to just run around and fight off stuff.
Wonder how many zones it will end up taking place in.
Alright, I'll see Draenor through to completion with my main at least. Garrison, Shipyard, Tanaan and all. I'll need it to be a gold funnel for alts eventually anyways.
I figured I should at least try out the Pandaren starting area, so I made a monk last night. Gonna level it a bit and see how I like it.
There's only two days left on my trial, so I'm running out to time to figure out what I want to keep playing as once I subscribe. Tbh, I'm now considering playing a healer. That way I don't have to worry about one being there. I figure i'll get groups for whatever pretty easily as well.
I find playing as a DPS/Heals pretty optimal for leveling. You DPS in PVE, switch specs for the dungeon queue and get relatively fast queue times. 5 mins on average as a healer for low level content versus 15 minutes as a DPS. Sometimes it's insta-queue, but those moments are rarely good. Usually get dropped into an imploding party of randoms. Queue times hit upwards of an hour as a DPS last time I was trying to play Daenor dungeons, which is why I rolled a healer.
Yes, because "someone else" will do the mechanics. Besides, no one with any iota of skill will be doing normal dungeons at this point of the expansion. You can get better loot than heroic dungeons from just traipsing around Tanaan.
I discovered this too. Once I got up to 100 I thought that I'd run through the dungeons once and then move on to heroic. Turns out it was just easier to go to Tanaan and get the loot I needed to run heroics. Playing as a tank it's a blessing with competent dps and those are rare in normals. Competent dps aren't doing normals.
Alright, I'll see Draenor through to completion with my main at least. Garrison, Shipyard, Tanaan and all. I'll need it to be a gold funnel for alts eventually anyways.
I'd suggest something around 630-650 ilvl. That should get you enough power to solo comfortably until Legion is out. Check out a treasure/rare mob guide for Tanaan and you should be able to fill every slot reasonably quickly - you can loot the rares once a day, but they have 30%+ drop chance so it shouldn't take too long to get all their loots.
I find playing as a DPS/Heals pretty optimal for leveling. You DPS in PVE, switch specs for the dungeon queue and get relatively fast queue times. 5 mins on average as a healer for low level content versus 15 minutes as a DPS. Sometimes it's insta-queue, but those moments are rarely good. Usually get dropped into an imploding party of randoms. Queue times hit upwards of an hour as a DPS last time I was trying to play Daenor dungeons, which is why I rolled a healer.
Is it worth it at this point trying to get into a guild to do raids? I subbed last year and did the level 90 boost and was in a guild with some of my friends from mumblegaf but I never got into any raids because I had irl issues come up that forced me to stop playing. Finally resubbed not too long ago and hit 100, I've done some Tanaan stuff, ilvl is around 638. My guild is currently beyond dead lol.
You can make 10k+ per week just clearing Cata raids when you're at cap. Should cover most (if EU) or all (if NA) of the gold if you do them every week.
Is it worth it at this point trying to get into a guild to do raids? I subbed last year and did the level 90 boost and was in a guild with some of my friends from mumblegaf but I never got into any raids because I had irl issues come up that forced me to stop playing. Finally resubbed not too long ago and hit 100, I've done some Tanaan stuff, ilvl is around 638. My guild is currently beyond dead lol.
I would think it would be worth it to try, at least if you're wanting to raid in Legion too. Might as well get in now to build relationships and teamwork.
I'd suggest something around 630-650 ilvl. That should get you enough power to solo comfortably until Legion is out. Check out a treasure/rare mob guide for Tanaan and you should be able to fill every slot reasonably quickly - you can loot the rares once a day, but they have 30%+ drop chance so it shouldn't take too long to get all their loots.
I'll keep that in mind for when I get to Draenor. My Shaman is 83 but I've got bits of Outland and WotLK left fto wrap up and Cata and MoP to fully play through first.
Dunno about that. I've been making good money clearing them on HC25. You get the 125g from killing the boss, probably another that for vendoring the epics they drop, then there's the gold and greys from trash, if you have enchanting (probably can use the hut for this?) and tailoring on your characters you can make embersilk bags which will sell for a reasonable sum...
Dunno about that. I've been making good money clearing them on HC25. You get the 125g from killing the boss, probably another that for vendoring the epics they drop, then there's the gold and greys from trash, if you have enchanting (probably can use the hut for this?) and tailoring on your characters you can make embersilk bags which will sell for a reasonable sum...
Yup. No matter what, the bone is always showing through. Ribs, spine, elbows, and knees.
I like that dude in the Forsaken starting zone that wanted to start an undead faction with knee and elbow meats but you had to kill him before moving on.
Right but does it just auto-switch you to whatever spec? So if a 5-man needs a DPS, I'll load into the dungeon as a Ele Shaman and if it needs Heals I'll load in as Resto?
The only raids that got nerfed gold-wise were pre-cata raids and most of that was during MoP I think. That said, it's only 25H Cata that generates good gold, the other sizes/difficulties don't offer a lot. 10k solely from those raids is a bit of an overestimate for 1 character (it's closer to around 5-6k) but 10k a week is very easy when you include your garrison into that.
Right but does it just auto-switch you to whatever spec? So if a 5-man needs a DPS, I'll load into the dungeon as a Ele Shaman and if it needs Heals I'll load in as Resto?
I got about 2k from H25 Dragon Soul alone this week...and that's without picking everything up. Spread that across a few characters and the other raids and yeah, you can rake in raw gold if you feel like putting in some time. I don't do Firelands anymore solely cause I have both mounts and the mog I want from there. Suppose there's the druid toy, but eh.
Combat racials should be altered, but kept. Non-rated PvP should be faster paced, akin to vanilla/TBC (SL/SL & Druid combo aside). PvP needs to be fun again.
Got the agi ring mission on my hunter today, managed to get it to 100% chance with an undead crew. So once that and the int ring mission finish on my dk alt (assuming a 98% doesn't fail), I'll have everything from the shipyard. Whew.