Didn't you QQ about Garrisons and how you hated them/they made you quit?
I'm surprised some people tend to remember unimportant posts from nobodies made months ago...
Yes i still think garrisons are crap, but they're the only thing keeping me from playing this game without paying 20$ a month. I would rather make that easy gold doing quests and dungeons only. If i skip garrisons and only focus on 25h Cataclysm raids, heroics & LFR gold rewards + Tanaan dailies + selling enchanting mats & worthless items, I doubt that will be enough.
I resubbed recently because i haven't played since the latest content released, so that give me something new to play, my girlfriend wanted to play again(with me of course), and well... Legion hype and everything.
Buy more than 1 month at a time. Right now is an amazing time to just farm a ton of gold and stock up on tokens if you really care about not paying real cash for your account. Buying just 1 token a week (which really isn't that hard to do) you can easily add a few years to your game time before Legion comes out.
Oh I know, I bought a bunch of WoW tokens back when they got introduced, enough to keep being subscribed until September 2016. Shouldn't have used them all at once though, considering I took a 6 months break. Oh well. At least, it was back when tokens were 20k gold. Hopefully that time will come back.