I booted up WoW again, since I found out about Veteran account stuff. I had a boat load of old bad addons, so I went into my addon folder and deleted them all and got a new version of TukUI, and put that in there.
...but when I booted up again, I still had all my old addons in the list but greyed out, which is annoying and TukUI was giving me some LUA errors or something in game while setting it up, so I decided to start fresh. So I renamed my Cache, Interface and WTF folders, which rebuilds them and resets everything. Cool great, start from scratch, awesome.
but now I dont have an addon button, Ive googled it, and cant get it to come back. haha
edit: Nevermind I'm dumb! I had a folder in my base WoW folder named Addons where I used to store my addons, it was confusing me with the Addon folder with in the interface folder, haha. Whoops!